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Below is user information for Kittyboy Voy. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:voychael (770859) voychael
Name:Kittyboy Voy
Website:Profile of a kittyboy!
Location:Huntington Beach, California, United States
AOL IM:AIM status Voychael MZDM (Add Buddy, Send Message)
ICQ UIN:ICQ status 299013429 (Add User, Send Message)
Yahoo! ID:Yahoo status Kittyboyvoy (Add User, Send Message)
Bio:Meow-meow! I don't feel like typing much (which is odd), so I'll just use one word descriptions! ^^

I am:

Abstract, Compassionate, Creative, Energetic!, Intelligent, Indecisive(?), Optimistic, WeIrDnEsSiTy, Introverted, Innocent, Open-Minded, Tolerant, Patient, Clever, Gentle, Confident, Calm, Shy, Strong, Meow!

My Furry Code

FF3acdmsw A+ C++ Dm+++ H+++ M P++ R++ T+++ W Z Sm++ RLA/C/LW/AT a c++ d+ e+>++ f+++ h++ i+ j+ p* sm+

Oh! If you're into RPing, come to the Napping Cat's Dream. It's an amazing place. =3

By the way... *looks around* real name is Dale, if you were wondering. I immensely dislike it though~ ^^;

Murrreow, I also consider myself a decent artists, even though that might be somewhat of a fallacy... I dunno! You decide! XP

...And don't forget to feed the kitty! ;)

Furries Against Hunting

If it's not for food, not for survival, it's not worth it.
Memories:2 entries
Interests:52: angels, anime, anthros, astral projection, bel canto, cats, christian, compassion, cuteness, darkness, dreams, emerald, enchantment, faeries, final fantasy, fur, furry, fursuit, game programming, gay, geology, gothic, green, japanese, kitties, learning, love, martial arts, master zen dao meow, meditation, mzdm, neko, night, opera, physics, plushies, psychology, rain, remembering, rpgs, shamanism, singing, sleeping, spirits, spring, theology, vampyres, violins, wicca, writing, yiff, zen. [Modify yours]
People243:2_gryphon, 4eyedkurisu, _patches_, a_husky, ai_dragon, akhetnu, akseawolf, albear, alizara, alohawolf, alshe_wolf, angelicmephisto, angeltabris, aoi_the_kitsune, appropriate, arcnova, ari_foxy, axlefurret, bar_gamer, barasama, ben_raccoon, bennetfox, benor, blackdragonfly, blackpaw, blaze_heartfire, blue_snowangel, bluebear72, blujaguar, bouncymischa, brahma_minotaur, brown_wolf, caesarsalad77, candylegs, captivesongbird, carlfox, carol_kitty, catmau, catmeko, chatdupianonoir, chi_aisling, claedarius, cmot_dribbler, confuzzledmog, cprime, crassus, cubstatik, czar_wolfhound, dalmatian_fever, darkpaw, databank, degaetus, demontec, dennisthetiger, devidarkwolf, dexter_fox, deyna_otter, dingo_, dingybatty, dj_fuzzy, doktor_kerensky, donevanblake, dustmeat, elevenbane, emberage, eoli, eskermikey, eveofmorrow, fantasyforever, fearthetails, fennelotbob, ferrel, ferruswolfe, flycat_noisette, flyingfox, forestkitsune, freakylynx, furbo, furociousgenom, furrymouse, fuzzylogix, galish, galvan_joisner, gmork7, gore_wuff, grauwolf, graveyardgreg, gumbamasta, gypsy_rabbit, happywulf, hrcquirk, hunterkitty, icefoxen, ikariotter, infamouzgrl86, ironbadger, jade_darkness, jarhyn, jarrellwoods, joey_leaf_runne, jooki, junkvist, jwoulf, kabbalist_mzdm, kaiserneko, karolluis, katayamma, kaysho, keimei, keirancoon, kelvinwuff, kensan_oni, kimarin, kishorwolf, kitsuneglyph, kitsunetorn, kontetsuken, koshaw, kosui, kyn1000, lecoto, leifevergreen, littlespazz, lokifox, lordstone, lowen_kind, luphinus, luthorne, maiku_arevir, masterflare421, maychan, mazokuoni, mermaidami, merryjest, merryrant, messiah_grahnje, michichael, midnight_foxx, montecito, mooglepower, morathi_mzdm, morygryn, mystee, nachahmer, navichan, neebu, negasus, nekox2paradise, noellelakewood, nonamecub, opiemasa, orangefoodie, overzen, ozythestrange, pallasathene87, patrickschaefer, percival_brock, pingu_the_great, portermzdm, prokhorfox, purplewaterfary, quetzy, quinch, raptonx, raspberryroo, raydofox, redingo, reinsharper, rexfenris, rhanlav, roland_scythe, rope05, rummyhunny, sabotlours, sagemonc, sashapup, savrin, scourgling, scruff_e_coyote, sebychu, segremores, sesah, seso, shadowolf, siku, silverfoxmzdm, silverstarwings, skunkpuppy, socalwhitetiger, soulphox, spacefurry, spikethevamp, spiral_cougar, spittydragon, stalkingcat, starlights, starsplasher, stevefoxx, strredwolf, suigin, sulinpanda, sysable, t_h_squirrel, tac_wolf, taipe, talesin, tenax, tesstheredpony, the_cyber_bear, theassassinnox, theriomancer, thrashbear, threnody_mzdm, tigerboyjayce, tigerman, tigrekat, timduru, timmyboy, timothypine, tygercowboy, vedasisme, vege_chan, verix, vicktor, vircoo, walks_far, wanderingwinds, whitekiara, windwraith, wolfchan, wolfwings, wolphstrykes, wolvenancestor, xaotl, yakeo, yama_inu, yangpuppy, yaochi, zachunicorn, zell_unit01, zenl33t, zeuslion, zotcoon
Communities23:astral_travel, astralsociety, califur, culturedfurs, furcon, furrtive, furry_connect, furrychristians, fursthatcook, fursuit, gayfurries, gothic_furries, kitty_ears, lifestylers, mzdm, news, openpaws, rainbow_ark, smart_furs, socalfurs, theteajournals, westcoastfurs, yiff
Account type:Free Account

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