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Caveat lector
STILL ASKING! Josh Marshall wrote on the press after all. But we still ask incomparable questions:
STILL ASKING: Here at THE HOWLER, we said wed be happy to link to Josh Marshalls work about that ol debbil press corps. We thought wed scanned through all the work, but Joshua managed to fool us blue with these mots from the 2000 Dem Convention. (Theyre on Nexis, but we somehow didnt see them.) We agree with much of what Josh said in this piece, although we think he understated the situation. But we report, and you decide. You know what to do. Just click here.
But well tell you what weve already told Josh (who is obviously a very intelligent writer). We think a jealous citizen will naturally ask why he wasnt told much more, much sooner. Josh was quite right on this weekends Reliable Sources; the press corps contempt for Candidate Gore was plain eighteen months before the election (see THE DAILY HOWLER, 8/12/02). In fact, Josh does slightly miscalculate there; the corps blatant hoaxing began in March 1999, and continued for twenty months after that. This was, simply put, a journalistic fraudand given the way the election was decided, we think its clear that the press corps, through its startling conduct, decided Election 2000. Joshs piece made many good points. But it was published in September 2000. By Joshs own reckoning, contemptuous conduct by the press was underway sixteen months before that.
As such, our questions remain. Why was so little said about the press corps trashing of Gore in Campaign 2000? Obviously, Josh Marshalls work is not the problem; the problem extended all through the major establishment press. Next week, well walk back through an early episode; well look again at the farm chores flap, a ludicrous episode which started in March 1999 and continued for three months after that. Not to put too fine a point on the matter, but the entire establishment Washington press corps knew that Gore was being slandered in this. But we know of no one who stood up and said so. Our question is simple: Why is that?
We hope youll look at Joshs piece; Josh Marshall is a very intelligent writer. But let us slightly amend one statement from yesterday; it seems to us that, like the rest of the good guy press, Josh had very little to say about the twenty-month war against Gore. Democrats need to understand how their party lost the White House. And in the interest of defending our American system, Dems need to ask the good guy press why so little effort was made to challenge the borking of Gore.
RULE OF THREE: The sheer dysfunction of our press elite is almost impossible to fathom. Luckily, the New York Times Bill Keller gave a nice object lesson with his Gore-bashing column last Saturday. Just how daft is the press elite with which our democracy now is tormented? Unless somebody monkeyed with our New York Times, Bill Kellerwere not kiddingtyped this:
KELLER: The reason more people didnt vote for Al Gore is that they didnt like him. Mr. Gore can be an engaging man in a conversation, but he seems incapable of making an audience want to listen to him. One big reason 50 million voters went instead for an apparent lightweight they didnt entirely trust was that they didnt want to have Al Gore in their living rooms for four years. During the 2000 campaign, even my 3-year-old daughter, channeler of the zeitgeist, went around chanting the refrain: Al Gore is a snore.
Where does the New York Times find them? Keller gets access to our most valuable real estate to discuss an important political topic. And, unless someone goofed with our New York Times, he quoted his three-year-old daughter! By the way, how impressed is our press elite with the genius of their own brilliant class? To all appearances, Keller believes that his three-year-old kid was channeling the zeitgeist when she chanted her rhyme. Did any reader fail to know that she was merely repeating the things Daddy said? Repeatedly, things which every human knows dont occur to our establishment press corps.
But Kellers column serves a valuable purpose. Keller offers the three hundredth recitation of a Standard Press Talehapless Gore blew a sure-thing election. Speaking of snores, struggle to keep your chin off your chest as you read the Sacred Text one more time:
KELLER: Mr. Gore took a gilt-edged legacy and frittered it away in a clumsy, focus-grouped campaign. He abandoned the New Democrat center for an insincere-sounding populism. He couldnt figure out how to separate Mr. Clinton the romancer of voters from Mr. Clinton the romancer of interns, so he ducked him altogether. He soft-pedaled his views on free trade and gun control and the environment for fear of offending one voter bloc or another. Its true you have to win to realize your ideas, but for Mr. Gore it became more about the winning than the ideas. The net effect of all his calculated repositioning was that voters liked him less; they decided he was an opportunist, a phony. In short, he ran a bone-headed campaign.
Whereexcept among three-year-old kidsdo we find such rote recitations? Gore took a gilt-edged legacy and frittered it away? Keller fails to note that the gilt-edged legacy included Mr. Clintons impeachment. Gore abandoned the New Democrat center? Keller fails to mention Ralph Nader. Gore employed an insincere-sounding populism? He fails to note that Gore soared in the polls after doing this at the convention. And more than anything else, of course, Keller fails to mention his own troubled cohort. The press trashed Gore from March 1999 on. This fact is missing from their Standard Account, which is designed for one key reasonto airbrush their conduct from memory.
The reason more people didnt vote for Al Gore is that they didnt like him, Keller says. But why, oh why didnt people like Gore? In large part, because Keller and his puzzling cohort wrote columns like this one for two solid yearsoften inventing bogus facts to drive their Gore-hatred forward. For example, it was Katharine Seelye of Kellers own paper who invented the damaging Love Canal quoteand the Times refused to correct its quotation until nine full days had passed! The Financial Times limned Seelye well; she was hostile to the [Gore] campaign, doing little to hide [her] contempt for the candidate. But Kellers daughter has no rhymes on that. Her dad doesnt mention that story.
As weve said for the past few weeks, the press corps is peddling a Standard Account. In it, their own misconduct has been whisked away. We think that Democrats need to know what actually happened in Campaign 2000. And one key point is perfectly cleartheir press corps has no plan to tell them.
THE MOST BRILLIANT OF ALL EARTHLY COHORTS: For the record, Kellers cohort is smarter than everyone else! He isnt content with dumb putdowns of Gore. He puts down the other dopes too:
KELLER: [W]hats the alternative? John Kerry, the ersatz J.F.K., who fancies himself a global strategist because 30 years ago he faced down a Vietcong ambush? (And, by the way, with all due respect for his exploit, how utterly weird is it that he then took out his handy 8-millimeter camera and re-enacted his heroism on film?) Surely not Joe Lieberman, Al Gores sad-eyed second banana, who got out-debated by Dick Cheney? Dick Gephardt is too partisan, too Old Democrat, to win moderates and independents. And John Edwards, the newbie heartthrob, is untested in a year when untested will be a very, very hard sell.
Contempt wont be reserved for Gore when Bill Keller gets it all going. Kerry? Hes utterly weird and an ersatz JFK. He fancies himself a global strategist because he served in Vietnam. (Note the way the scribe expresses all due respect for his service.) Lieberman? A sad-eyed second banana. Has any crew in human history ever been so empty and so self-impressed? This conduct would just be amusing, of course, if we didnt have to deal with its consequences.
THAT FANCY HOTEL JUST GOT FANCIER: It began as the Fairfax Apartment Hotel. Then the apartment turned into a suite. That suite has now become even nicer. In Mondays San Francisco Chronicle, Carolyn Lochhead spun up the facts
LOCHHEAD: Gore defiantly defended his populist strategy in a New York Times op-ed prominently, and rather oddly, datelined Nashville. The nation is engaged in a monumental debate, Gore declared, between those who believed they were entitled to govern because of their station in life, and those who believed the people were sovereign.
This from a man who was raised in a Washington hotel penthouse by Sen. Al Gore Sr.
Lochhead begins with Gores troubling beard. She closes with Gore-is-much-like-Richard-Nixon. How the gods on Olympus must roar! But where does the press go to find them?