L.A. Labor News
www.LALabor.org PEACE, not War
FREEDOM, not Racism & Repression

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"In Germany they came first for the Communists and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a communist.

Then they came for the Jews and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew.

Then they came for the trade unionists and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Catholics and I didn't speak up because I was a Protestant.

Then they came for me -- and by that time, no was left to speak up."

-Pastor Martin Niemoller


In the US they came first for the Muslims and Arabs and I didn't speak up

Then they came for the immigrants....

A Labor Left website
Latest News:
Sept. 8 New Labor Fightback Conference - S.F., Sept. 21
Sept. 7 Immigrants March to D.C. for Rights - Sendoff on Sept. 20
March 18 Workers' Party qualifies for California ballot
Dec. 23 Join the big anti-war march in downtown L.A. on Jan. 11 (pdf)
Aug. 9 Link to Longshore contract battle
May 24 Rank and File labor conference, June 22, in Los Angeles
May 16 AFL-CIO Leaders Don't Speak for Me in Their Support of Israeli Actions in Palestine.
May 11 The Corporization of Unions - by Jim Smith
May 10 May Day in Cuba - by Jon Hillson
Apr. 5 Southwest Labor Studies Conference, May 9-11 at Cal State L.A.
Mar. 28 Hundreds march at LAX in opposition to INS raids
Feb. 28 "John Q" and Single Payer Healthcare
Seattle to Los Angeles - the battle against Neoliberal Globalism
Daily Converage of the Democratic Convention Protests, Aug. 2000
The China Syndrome - or, how to meltdown a movement
After Seattle - Where do we go from here?
Labor eyewitness to the Battle of Seattle
Photos of Nov. 30, 1999 labor rally and march in Seattle
Seattle/WTO links

SEARCH L.A. Labor News
Election News

Where do we go from here?
A mass socialist party in one year!

Millions take the Coke-Pepsi taste test

Why Unions - and their members - should support Ralph Nader in 2000.

We live in an apartheid society - Ralph Nader's speech to the NAACP convention, July 11, 2000 (text)

Nader website

Labor Features -

Stories about people in struggle, the AFL-CIO and interviews.

Exclusive Interview with European Democratic Socialists

In October 1999, L.A. Labor News Editor Jim Smith conducted interviews in Europe with some of the leading democratic socialist leaders. The topics included: the current situation in their countries; impact of the NATO bombing in Yugoslavia on public opinion; why the Soviet Union and East Bloc fell; and prospects for the left around the world.

Labor Strategy and Tactics

Organizing Committee Handbook

Organizing model versus service model

Were CIO unions different from today's unions?

Real Organizing

Bargaining tactics that work!

International meetings and solidarity (It's a small world after all!)

Democracy/Union Democracy

Lack of democracy is a major problem in our union movement today.

It has also been a fatal missing ingredient in past efforts to build a just and humane socialist society.

See inside for details.

Links to labor, social justice and socialist sites

L.A. Labor News newsletter archives
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(Labor donated)