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Green Party News

2021 Articles

Dean Zimmermann
Your own personal monorail?
Minneapolis Green City Councilmember proposes revolutionary personal public transit system
Thu 04/01/04Christian Science Monitor


by Tim King

Matt Gonzalez
Matt's faithful at sea: Gonzalez quitting: Now what, they ask
San Francisco Green County Supervisor will step down after one term in December
Wed 03/31/04San Francisco Chronicle


by Joe Garofoli

Drain Commissioner retains attorney, seeks more than $1 a year
Michigan Green Drain Commissioner Jo Anne Beemon fights for her rights in her job
Tue 03/30/04Traverse City Record Eagle


by Keith Matheny

Matt Gonzalez
Gonzalez's district up for grabs
San Francisco Green Supervisor Matt Gonzalez to step down in November
Tue 03/30/04San Francisco Examiner


by Adriel Hampton

Antonioni getting a challenge?
FITCHBURG -- Richard Zitola of Clinton submitted nomination papers to the city clerk's office Thursday, signaling a possible challenge to state Sen. Robert A. Antonioni
Fri 03/26/04Fitchburg Sentinel and Enterprise


Officials unsure of voter registry
Eventually, all 67 counties in Pennsylvania will be part of the Statewide Uniform Registry of Electors. The Help America Vote Act of 2002 requires all states to implement a central voter registry by Jan. 1, 2006
Tue 03/23/04Daily Local News website


by Betsy Gilliland

300 join anti-war protests
About 300 protesters gathered Saturday at the State Capitol in Harrisburg on the first anniversary of the war in Iraq.
Sun 03/21/04Carlisle Sentinel


by Richard Blandy

Opponents to war in Iraq stage a rally for peace
Michael Morrill, 2002 Green Party candidate for governor, kept repeating the message that "peace is patriotic" at yesterday's Global Day of Peace Action rally in Harrisburg.
Sun 03/21/04The Patriot-News



Council Seats Questioned
A state court has decided voters in Wilkes Barre count. The city council should be smaller. The court ruling has created a lot of confusion in the city, as well as some council questions.
Fri 03/19/04WNEP TV website


by Jon Meyer

Candidate says Green Party's agenda includes more than environmental issues
At a nominating convention in Reading on Dec. 31 and Jan. 1, members of the Green Party of Pennsylvania chose Rogers to be their candidate for Pennsyl- vania attorney general.
Fri 03/19/04York Daily Record



Green Party announces row-office candidates
At a Capitol news conference, party officials introduced Marakay Rogers, a York attorney running for attorney general; Paul Teese, the party treasurer who wants to be state treasurer; and Ben Price, the elected auditor of North Middleton Township, Cumberland County, who is running for auditor general.
Fri 03/19/04Patriot News



Waynesboro native running for state attorney general
Waynesboro native running for Pennsylvania attorney general Marakay Rogers
Fri 03/19/04The Record Herald


by Nancy Mace

Green Party Announces Candidates
PA Green Party Announces Candidates
Fri 03/19/04WGAL News website


by WGAL News Website

Los Verdes españoles obtienen por primera vez un diputado en el Congreso
Gracias al acuerdo "por la modernización ecológica de España" firmado por Los Verdes y el PSOE en enero
Thu 03/18/04Web de Los Verdes de Andalucía


by Los Verdes de Andalucía

Los Verdes europeos aseguran que el triunfo de Zapatero es "un voto contra la manipulación"
Los líderes europeos del grupo ecologista se mostraron satisfechos por la elección del diputado de Los Verdes por Sevilla, Francisco Garrido, ya que es la primera vez que un representante de esta formación obtiene un escaño en el Congreso
Thu 03/18/04Web de Los Verdes de Andalucía


by Los Verdes europeos

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