Scorecard News...
New Mercury Rules Questioned
Last month, EPA proposed rules for limiting mercury emissions from coal-fired power plants that don't require specific mercury-controlling technology until 2018. Yet the agency's own respected child health advisors have warned that the mercury proposal does not adequately consider the "unique vulnerabilities of infants, children and women of child-bearing age." At the same time, a new EPA analysis recently doubled the numbers of newborns who are at risk of harm from mercury exposure each year, to more than half a million.
There's still time to make your voice heard on this critical issue. Take Action!
Protect children and families from dangers of mercury pollution.
Get Scorecard data on mercury emissions from power plants.
Find out more about the dangers of mercury pollution.
Read about the letter sent to EPA administrator Michael Leavitt from the Children's Health Protection Advisory Committee.
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Pollution Rankings
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the country, or in its own state, and spotlights the companies responsible. |
Environmental Justice
Scorecard shows different degrees of environmental burden felt by different
racial/ethnic and income groups in each county in the U.S. Environmental justice
analyses are also available in spanish.
About the Chemicals
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how harmful it may be for you and the environment. |
Health Effects
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or suspected causes. |
Regulatory Controls
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programs that govern chemicals. |
Setting Priorities
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community are? Scorecard lists the top ranking issues in your area, based
on comparative risk projects. |
Take Action
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pollution problems in your community, agricultural pollution, chemicals in consumer
products, or the health effects of chemicals.
Scorecard links you to volunteer opportunities and directories of environmental organizations in your area, so you can join with others to work on local toxic chemical problems.
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