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-last set of candids :(

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-third and final gallery

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-all thanks to an anonymous submitter

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-probably one of the best submissions wgo has gotten in a LONG time -- i love this one.

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-great pics in this last gallery

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-part 2 of the series

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-pics of our submitter's girlfriend. shes hot! trust me.

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-some candid pics here


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-good quality pics, hot girl

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-good pics from our asian friend in NYC

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-bam! number 2 of this nonnude set

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-cheerleader here

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-and more from bc's best! good shit here too

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-this guy knows whats up -- REAL nonnude pics

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-various pics of a hottie. a few cam pics, maybe a college party and a few other randoms. good submission here!

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-even more pics of her and her email addy so u can express your deep love

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-BAM the second set -- from a different cam session though

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-all from brink1822, this girl is a cute camgirl typin it up @ the keyboard

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-some girls he has gone out with

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-fuckering hot as hell



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-old pics archives-
(TONS OF PICS in chronological order)

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-nn directories-



the nonnude gallery posted today is a very good one. enjoy it!

i hope everyone is having a good day so far! if u have time download bt - godspeed awesome song there!

well some might be wondering why there wasnt an update for a few days and thats because my computer has been messed up due to a lightening storm for a SECOND TIME. power surge protectors dont do anything. =/ anyways sometimes the computer will turn on and sometimes it wont -- its real nice. im gonna be trying to get updates on the site in a more timely fashion but until i get this problem solved its gonna be a real BITCH.

what the FUCK! today's update is straight up CRAZY! it seems like submissions are getting so frequent that i have to make an archive page like every couple weeks! wtf thats awesome! =) we have now hit more than 400 galleries... thats right -- 400 fucking galleries, at an average of say -- 10 pics per submission thats 4,000 mother bitching pictures for you to enjoy. anyways -- like i always say, thank YOU for making the site possible... all submissions are sent in by u guys and it would be complete utter sheit w/o you all.

whats up eveyone! awesome update today from an anonymous submitter who came through !!!

what the fuck am i doing awake? its 6am on sunday. weak! if u have some fan signs for me send those in!!! im making a small collection of fan signs to add to soon.

have a good day!

as you can see... i added a new archive of pics. the reason for this is because this freaking page was just WAY to damn big, so i chopped it and added the other galleries into the archives. if you want to check them out just click the link for archive7. enjoy!

today's update menu: McFatty with Fries

check back tomorrow for a fatty update of pics i havnt had time to put up yet...ive been sick and just straight up lethargic but thats coming to an end. BTW THANK YOU TO ALL SUBMITTERS.... im behind by like 3 days... and my mail box is full but tomorrow the sheit will be up and things will be back on track.

son of a bitch! its almost time to start another archive page. this is Crazy!

just wanted to say good shit on the great subissions that went up today. some great pics in there and they only help to make this site stronger.

we are 7 days into the new year and im feeling good. had a crazy ass past 2 weeks (the reason why i havnt updated in a while) but its over now and time to get back to work. i dunno if anyone was in san francisco for new years, but that shit was pretty crowded. the fireworks were nice and the major ass was a good sight too. so anyways, now that all the holidays are over i realized that i hadnt done anything about my email box being STACKED with submissions...12 galleries later and now has over 350 webcam girl lovin, amateur busting, big booty shaking galleries for YOU to enjoy. so do that -- enjoy and thank you very much to the submitters and girls who keep this site alive. to conclude this little paragraph -- if there are any cam girls out there who like to do fan signs Please hook it up!! loves that. <3

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