MaxSpeak.Orgexcept for money." -- Samuel Johnson Guide to the Economically Incorrect: Unconventional Wisdom in Economics My Own Private Political Party Copyright ©2001, Max B. Sawicky.
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MaxSpeak.Org Is Open for Business Parts of this site are unfinished, but I wanted to get it rolling. So far it consists primarily of my Weblog and some published columns from assorted fine newspapers around the nation. I'll be adding more of my backlog, plus trying to keep up a steady blogstream. I'm a novice in the mechanics of this, so try and indulge my newbie errors for the sake of my profound insights. Feel free to look around. See the Introduction for a basic overview. Leave your comments in our guestbook below. Leave your email address to receive occasional announcements pertaining to the list. Acknowledgements My thanks to Thinkbank, Inc. for providing pro bono hosting and other services. Why do the graphics on this site suck? Because I don't have the patience to learn that stuff. I'm an economist, not a code guy. If you would like to help, drop me a note. I can't pay you anything, but I'll let you place an ad with a link on this page. |