April 4, 2004

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Global economy strains loyalty in company town
As Cummins Inc., the biggest employer in Columbus, Ind., idles thousands of employees and shifts work to Mexico, China and India, townspeople are discovering that embracing progress can be a messy business.

Spain blast kills 3 terror suspects
Three suspects in the commuter train bombings in Madrid blew themselves up inside an apartment as the police prepared to assault the building Saturday night, officials said. The blast also killed one officer and wounded at least 15 others.

Rich, poor feel bite of house taxes

Nader still a gadfly in place he calls home

Race still divides firehouses

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EPA's plan may kill off Illinois coal
The Bush administration is promising the nation's first limits on mercury pollution from coal-fired power plants, but Illinois officials fear the proposals could end up boosting emissions of the toxic metal within the state.

Lawyers clash on death penalty reforms
The 1993 slayings of seven workers inside a Brown's Chicken restaurant in Palatine has always been a landmark case for its brutality and the time and resources it took to solve it. Now, it's also an indicator of how recent changes to the Illinois death penalty system are being hashed out in the courtroom.

Fresh Marines take on tricky mission

Rice in spotlight as Bush goes to Texas

Student health in new hands

Insanity verdict spares mom

Progress at the OK Corral

Brookfield a breed apart in little monkey business

Spring forward

Daylight saving returns

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Trumps NY destinations
Transition to 'real life'


Amy Dickinson

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Sizing up emotions


Jim Kirk

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Can Arie Crown revive as downtown thrives?
"Arie Crown? I remember that place."

Nugget of hope slipping away
Ever since the Mesabi Nugget pilot plant first rumbled into production here last summer, people in this isolated Lake Superior town have been keeping their fingers crossed.

Strong '03 a tough act to follow

Firms out front in picking directors

Web hosting deals make a pro out of your average Joe (or Jim)


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Top local sports:

Cubs' storybook year is upon us ... or not

New season of promise, for better or worse

Chicagoan Bynum sinks winner for Tech

Peoria's Livingston crowned Mr. Basketball

Okafor key as Huskies stun Blue Devils

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Top national/world sports:

UConn to Play Georgia Tech in NCAA Final

Leiter Recovering From Line-Drive Shot

Padres' Szuminski First MIT Major Leaguer

Georgia Tech Tops OSU to Make NCAA Final

Silver Basketball

Wisconsin's Devin Harris and Penn State's Kelly Mazzante were named the best players in the Big Ten by the Tribune.

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In Arts & Entertainment:

Exorcising her demons

In history of violent images, where will Fallujah fit in?

Travel latest:

The Baltic at see level

Cruising Europe can ease shock of exchange rate

In Jobs:

It's no lie: The truth can be told

Requiring workers to choose cuts health costs

In Real Estate:

Free credit report isn't available yet, but FTC is working on the details

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