Failure Is Impossible |
"Failure is impossible." With these final words to the National American Woman Suffrage Association, Susan B. Anthony exhorted her fellow suffragists to continue fighting for the goal to which she had dedicated her life. An ardent abolitionist as well as suffragist, she was world-famous for her crusade to extend freedom and legal rights, particularly voting rights, to all United States citizens.
As my contribution to defending voters' rights, which were so widely assaulted during the 2000 Presidential election, this site is dedicated to
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Contrast George Bush's "Top Gun Fantasy Flight" to the USS Abraham Lincoln with his shameful record in the Texas Air National Guard: he lost his flying privileges after disobeying an order to get a mandatory medical exam, and then completely stopped showing up for duty.
Ron Suskind, author of The Price of Loyalty, has made public the Bush Regime documents he obtained from former Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill.
Will your vote be counted? Don't trust voting machines that can't be audited. Read all about it, then take action to stop unverifiable voting.
"A daily chronicle of Bush Administration distortion", a service of (external site)
Bush's case for invading and occupying Iraq was built not on facts but on Bush's fantasy of recreating the world in his own image. The list of revealed lies grows longer every day.
From newspapers all over the country, evidence that people aren't fooled by the pro-Bush propaganda deluge.
Listen, download, share with everyone you know.
John O'Neill, FBI counterterror chief, was one of the few people who took the threat of Osama bin Laden seriously. Frustrated by the politicization and ineptitude of the U.S. intelligence agencies, he resigned in the late summer of 2001 to take a job at the World Trade Center. He died while working to save others after the attack on September 11. This song is the story of his life, and his death.
"Lie" isn't an adequate word for what Republicans say. We need a new term; I propose anti-truth, as in, "There are lies, damned lies, and Republican anti-truths." Like matter and anti-matter, Republicans and the truth just can't occupy the same space. What they say goes all the way through and past "untrue" into the realm of turning reality inside out, tying a knot in it, and yanking hard.
Copyright © 2001–2003 by M. E. Cowan. All rights reserved. Permission is granted to link to this page or to reproduce the contents if (and only if) proper credit is given to the author. Failure Is Impossible is a noncommercial site and is not responsible for content in linked external sites. Links and other information are provided for educational purposes consistent with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107. All rights to content remain as specified in the linked sites. |