The Observer - Britain's Premier Sunday Newspaper - Guardian Media Group
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BBC TV: Iraq: Palast & Gen. Garner
BBC TV: Bush blocked Bin Laden probes
BBC TV: Theft of the Presidency
BBC TV: Bush Energy Plan: Policy or Payback?
BBC TV: Warning to Venezuelan Leader
Democracy Now! Interview 4/03
Live on KSFR Santa Fe
CounterSpin Interview
Democracy Now! Interview 2/02
Democracy Now! Special
At St Joseph of the Worker
Live In Paris

Information for Whistleblowers
Democracy & Regulation by Greg Palast, Jerrold Oppenheim & Theo MacGregor
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The Observer
Michael Moore
Arianna Huffington
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Jim Hightower and Rolling Thunder Tour
Failure is Impossible
Everything You Know Is Wrong
Guerrilla News Network
Meria Heller
Peter Werbe
Mike Hersh
Voter March
Citizens for Legitimate Government
This is Hell! Radio
We All Count
Citizens' Network on Essential Services
The Montage Art of Winston Smith
John Francis Peters Art
Florida Fights Back!
New Focus Radio

Clearing House

Penguin Group
Philip Dru Interviews
A.S. Friedell
Venezuela Analysis

UK version     Photos of Greg


Palast is the author of the New York Times bestseller “The Best Democracy Money Can Buy,” a book Michael Moore has called “courageous reporting.” He has uncovered fraud and corruption in the highest seats of power, exposing the back-room crimes and propaganda lies of the New World Order's robber barons-- from the pirates in the Oval Office to the corporate globalizers steamrolling the world over. Written in a no-holds-barred, in-your-face style, The Best Democracy Money Can buy is a must read for anyone who believes that the First Amendment is important enough to use and that democracy cannot be bought.

Greg Palast's writings have appeared in The Washington Post, Harper's, and The Nation. He's been a guest on Politically Incorrect, C-SPAN's Washington Journal, and does regular investigative reports for BBC's Newsnight. Winner of's 2001 "Politics Story of the Year," Greg Palast is a legend among his colleagues and his devoted leadership worldwide. Palast earned his MBS from University of Chicago, where he studies under the tutelage of ultraconservative Nobel Prize winner Milton Friedman. A native of California, he divides his time between New York and London.

Known in Britain as "the greatest investigative reporter of our time" (Tribune magazine), Palast has broken some of the most infamous stories of the past decade, including:
- How the Bush family stole the election in Florida in 2000
- How Bush killed the FBI's investigation into the financing of terrorist
organizations by Saudi Arabia, and why
- How Enron cheated, lied, and swindled its way into an energy monopoly
- Groundbreaking reports on the World Bank, the IMF, the World Trade Organization, Wal-Mart and more.

Greg Palast reports the news he couldn't get the corporate media to cover


What they're saying

Katherine Harris calls Greg Palast, 'Twisted."
The White House says, "We hate that sonovabitch."
But Michael Moore calls his reporting for BBC Television 'courageous.' In England, Tribune Magazine calls him," the most important investigative reporter of our time. Greg Palast is the author of the book, The Best Democracy Money can Buy - six months on the New York Times Best Seller List.

“Greg Palast is investigative journalism at its best.  No one has exposed more truth about the Bush Cartel and lived to tell the story.”  Baltimore Chronicle

“ Here’s how your President was elected: In the year leading up to the Presidential election, Katherine Harris and Jeb Bush removed tens of thousands of citizens from the voter rolls.  Harris claimed they were felons – but almost none were – though 54% were guilty of being African-American...” The Best Democracy Money Can Buy - excerpted in this month’s Harper’s
Award-winning reporter for BBC Television’s Newsnight and The Observer of London, Greg Palast’s extraordinary reports have been front page news in Europe, yet blocked out of America’s main stream media.  “To Americans who cannot read his stories printed in Britain’s Observer, he is America’s journalist hero of the Internet.”  Alan Colmes, Fox Television

" His stories about Bush's election theft, about intelligence agency cover - ups, and globalization - backed up with smoking gun documents, inside sources and on - the - record interviews - will shock even the most informed readers." 
Not everyone has a taste for Palast.  After exposing on BBC TV the contents of a stack of documents from inside The World Bank and the World Trade Organization, the WTO called his writings, “Rubbish rubbish rubbish,” and CNN reported, “The World Bank hates Greg Palast” -- for stories the Wall Street Journal’s Jude Wanniski called, “Extraordinary reporting on the IMF,” and Nobel Laureate Joe Stiglitz called, “Excellent on the WTO.”"The information is a hand grenade." John Pilger, New Statesman

Accolades and Awards

National Press Club's Arthur Rowse Award for Press Criticism (Book Category - First Place) - July 2003

‘ Reporter of the Year.’ -Guerrilla News Network

Palast won Britain’s highest journalism honors for his 1998 undercover investigation of influence peddling within Tony Blair’s cabinet – by Enron and other US corporations.  He then turned his sleuthing skills on to the Bush money trail: uncovering for BBC and The Observer the uncomfortable truths of how the Bush Administration quashed investigations of Saudi financing of terror -- and Poppy Bush’s extraordinary methods for stuffing his bank account and his son’s campaign coffers. 

Palast, winner of the Financial Times David Thomas Prize and Nominated Business Journalist of the Year (UK) for his exposing “Reverend” Pat Robertson’s legally dodgy business scams, has appeared in (“Politics Story of the Year” 2000), Harper’s and The Washington Post ... yet he remains to most Americans, ”The world’s greatest investigative reporter you’ve never heard of.” (Cleveland Free Times)

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