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Civil Society vs. Political Society
In his New York Times column on Saturday, David Brooks credits innovators and businessmen for the recent rebound in the economy over politicians and political parties. In doing so, he singles out Cato board member and Federal Express Chairman Frederick W. Smith. "Yesterday's good economic news - and the generally good news we've seen over the past 20 years - owes more to innovators like FedEx's Fred Smith than to any of the many fellow Yalies who have sat or will sit in the Oval Office," Brooks writes.

Hernando de SotoHernando de Soto Wins 2004 Friedman Prize
The property rights champion and the organization he founded, the Institute for Liberty and Democracy, have worked to bring property rights to the world's poor for over two decades, at times putting his own life in peril. "Everyone talks about helping the world's poor," says Cato Institute President Ed Crane. "This is a man who figured out how to do it. His work exemplifies the spirit and practice of liberty."

bullet De Soto profiled by Amity Shlaes in the Financial Times.
bullet Coverage of de Soto in the Washington Times.
bullet Associated Press coverage of de Soto and the Friedman Prize.
bullet Praise for de Soto from the Wall Street Journal.

HeadlinesCato in the News
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Robert Levy on the "cheeseburger bill" for
Stanley Kober on President Bush and his international critics for the Chicago Sun Times.
Jerry Taylor and Peter Van Doren on politics and protectionism for NRO.
Clyde Wayne Crews, Jr. on wiretapping Internet telephone calls for the Chicago Tribune.
Leon Hadar on the war on terrorism and Pakistan for the Los Angeles Times.

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April 2, 2004
The Truth about Job Losses and Free Trade
12:00 pm
Cato Capitol Hill Briefing

B-339 Rayburn House Office Building
Featuring Daniel Griswold, Associate Director, Center for Trade Policy Studies Cato Institute.


Restoring the Lost Constitution
Randy Barnett makes the case for establishing the original meaning the Constitution's lost clauses, and offers a practical way to restore them to their central role in constraining government

Just Get Out of the WayJust Get Out of the Way
Robert E. Anderson, a development consultant and former World Bank economist, recommends simple, market-oriented policies to foster economic growth in the developing world.

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April 5, 2004

Deadly Shiite Attacks Rock Iraq

Daily Commentary

Outsourcing the Hunt for Bin Laden

by Leon Hadar

Daily Dispatch

Bush Committed to June 30 Iraq Deadline

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Chicago Cigarette Tax Raises Prices to $6 per Pack

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Patriot Act Splits Republicans

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Cato in the Media

Chris Edwards will discuss the economic proposals of President Bush and Senator Kerry on CNNfn's "Market Call" on Tuesday at 9:50am ET.

Hernando de Soto, winner of the 2004 Milton Friedman Prize for Advancing Liberty, will discuss his work on CNBC's "Morning Call" on Thursday at 11:20am ET.