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User:fearlessdiva (632145) Paid User fearlessdiva
Location:Los Angeles, California, United States
AOL IM:AIM status dracojacques (Add Buddy, Send Message)
Bio:I write. Mostly the things I write are very long. Often, the written things involve the Big Gay Love. And many times, the Big Gay Sex. Frequently, the characters are just thinking about the Big Gay Sex rather than having it. Contemplating the Big Gay Sex takes longer than simply doing the Big Gay Sex. Thus, the things I write are mostly very long.

You can expect links, recommendations, and natterings on about the interests listed below and whatever else happens to catch my attention. I've written fan fic in the Harry Potter, Pirates of the Caribbean, Smallville, Star Wars, and X-Men Movie universes, but I reserve the right to commit fiction promiscuously.

I workshop draft fan fiction in this lj. The draft pieces are left available to the public for a week and then friends-locked to prevent wide distribution. After the first week, you can read the draft pieces in two ways. One, if you're on my friendslist, you can find my works-in-progress in my memories archive. Two, you can go to my fic distribution mailing list Fearless Fiction and sign up.

My completed stories go up at where they are freely available to everyone of a legal age to enjoy them.

Journal policies: I welcome new friends with great enthusiasm. If you friend me, I will friend you back so you'll have access to my friends-locked posts. However, my friends list has exceeded my capacity to keep up with it. It's come to a point where I can curtail my lj activities or cut back on writing time, so I've chosen to make some changes to the way I deal with my lj. In addition to filtering what I read, I won't be responding to each and every comment. I will continue to respond to all fic feedback comments, but please don't take it personally if I don't respond to every comment. Even though I may no longer be able to greet each and every one of you, I'm very glad you're here. Welcome aboard!

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script by marnanel
Memories:53 entries
Interests:67: alan cumming, all zahra's fault, angel, balance, billy boyd, bisexual pirates, buffy, byron, card cheats, claudia black, cross-dressing noblewomen, dark fantasy, david gray, donne, draco malfoy, eclectic music, eclectica, ewan macgregor, fan fiction, fantasy, farscape, firefly, general perversion, hard core logo, harry potter, hugh jackman, ian mckellan, james tiptree jr., johnny depp, jonathan rhys-meyers, joni mitchell, lois mcmaster bujold, lord of the rings, lotrips, lust over pendle, mary doria russell, mary shelley, matrix, moral dilemmas, neil finn, neil young, ocean's eleven slash, orlando bloom, p.b. shelley, peter jackson, playing violin rather poorly, possibly stupid ideas, pretty boys, pretty girls, queer as folk uk, reasonably good grammar, richard thompson, rogues and scoundrels, romantic poets, science fiction, shakespeare, smallville, spiritual issues, st. sebastian, swordspersons, swordspoint, the bloodsucking undead, ursula k. leguin, velvet goldmine, willem dafoe, writing, x-men movieverse. [Modify yours]
Friends:529: View Friends .
Friend of:493: 24_centuries, _decadent, _ecrivain, _hannelore, _rp_zeal_, _skapende, _swallow, _tips_, abovedraco, ac1d6urn, adela711, aethel, agathe_tyche, ajhalluk, akimbie, aliengirl, alikander, alsoa, amaliedageek, amanuensis1, amariel, ambyr, amchau, anandangel, anathema666, andi_sunrider, angelofmercy, anise_anise, anisejolie, annavtree, annelarissa, anniesj, antheia, aproposofnothin, aquila1nz, arderei, argyleheir, arimunami, armchair_lurker, artaxastra, arwena, ashlle1, ask_hedwig, astarte99, astolat, atdelphi, avalons, azarias, b0bble, baked_ziti, bard_mercutio, bastian1967, belladonnalin, belleweather, bellinicordia, between_names, beuchat, billthepony, bluepencil, blythely, bnfmdeathmatch, boniblithe, breadandjam, breeamal, breila_rose, brevisse, brighidestone, cabellicious, calixta9, callmesandy, camillafarfalla, candytaiyo, car_parked, carrington, caseylane, cathexys, cbking, ccharlotte, ceajay, ceresi, championlurker, chasingwhispers, cherrysyllabub, chica_go, chinae, choklid, chriseis, circe_tigana, clare_san, clemencederoch, coconutswirl, colourmediscord, concernedlily, conversant, cosmic, cracknanny, cranberryink, crimson_stained, crysantha, cunningplan, cursive, cybele_san, daraq, darklites, dawnywog, deaver, deleerium, delfeus, delphynn, dementordelta, dine, dissident_dream, divine_evil, dolimir_k, dominonermandi, dorkyslytherin, dorrie6, dougmander, dragon_light, dragonfall, dreambastion, dubhartach, dylant, eclipses, edigo, eivac, el_erzulie, elfgirlfromhell, elynrae, embitca, emluv, emmagrant01, eruditz, esorlehcar, ethrosdemon, euryleias, excoriate, experiment627, eyebrowofdoom, fable, fabularasa, failing_light, fanboynextdoor, fannishly, fauxwen, featherduster, feinc, feiye, ferretscar, firesignwriter, ...
Member of:12: castlegloria, fandom_ww, fol, glockart, lotr3, lotr_haiku, newproject930, paidmembers, quibbler_recs, radio_kfkd, slashagainstwar, tpm100
Account type:Paid Account

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