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User:florahart (1329183) Paid User florahart
What abundant caffeine will do to a perfectly normal girl
Especially when combined with limited sleep
Name:I'm not good; I'm just named that way
Location:Oregon, United States
Bio:Flora writes stuff, some of it fiction and some of it meanderings about her day.

Much of what fiction she writes is smutty, generally behind a cut. Viewers not of legal age shouldn't view these. Every now and again she writes something fictional and not-Harry Potterish, though that's certainly most of it. She mostly reads HP, as well, but will read (with glee, if it's goodfic) fic set in the Alias, Babylon 5, Deryni, Honor Harrington, Star Trek (any), or Star Wars universes. Or, you know, CSI, West Wing, Sports Night...this list is not exhaustive. Let's leave it at that. She likes slash, but het has it's good points, as does femslash.

She's also playing Molly Weasley in the Unholy Trinity RPG. This seemed like a good idea, since she dispenses mom-ish advice at the drop of a hat, always understanding that this advice may be worth what the advisee paid.

She regularly leaves random comment smut or limerick summaries. She can't help herself.

Policies. First of all, this word cracks her up. It implies control she doesn't possess. However, it seems many people have friending policies, so she will do her best to express hers.

She doesn't think asking permission to friend people makes tons of sense; it requires no action on the part of the other, and as return-friending is entirely at the discretion of new friend...see, there's where that policy word makes her giggle. So. She friends who she wants, doesn't mind drive-by friending (or commenting), and may or may not friend back, mostly depending on what's in the LJ of the friendee; however, unreturned friending shouldn't be read as an insult, as she does go poke around in the LJs of people who've friended her sometimes anyway. She generally friends-locks only when a post talks about someone else's personal life, out of a need to courteously not share other people's shit with the entire world, or about stuff that makes her utterly identifiable to locals who maybe she doesn't want to know her secrets.

Her other policy, and this one she does have some control over, is that she chooses (to try) not to respond in anger or hurt. This means if someone says something reasonably fair but hurtful in her comments, she chooses to assume non-malicious intent, chooses to assume the kindest interpretation of the common ambiguity of often shorthand posts, free of body language, and chooses to wait until her adrenaline subsides before responding when she takes offense. If she breaks this policy, readers should feel free to chide her gently. The corollary to this policy is that if your intent really is to insult her, you'll have to say so in unambiguous terms. In which case, she'll probably just delete the comment and ignore you. The upshot of this is, if you comment critically on something she's said, you may get no response, because if she can't say something nice she tries not to say anything at all, which has to date never meant she didn't read and consider your opinion; or, you may get a response much later, simply because she has to quit freaking out first. None of this is all bad, and she knows her own blush and tear reflexes are far too sensitive and must be reined in.

She mostly tries not to be a bitch, and sometimes fails. If you are inclined to call her on it, go right ahead, although your argument will be more effective and more likely to elicit a response if it's reasoned and sensible.
Memories:99 entries
Interests:92: 24, a good challenge, adrian monk, alias, andromeda, babies, babylon 5, baseball, basketball, being comfortable, blushing virgin harry, books, coffee, collarbones, college sports, colorful pens, commas, comment fics, common courtesy, considered opinions, deryni, dictionaries, diet coke with lime, dirty-talking wizards, edgar martinez, education policy and practice, embarrassing my children, fanfic, flirting via im, flustering snape, football, fun crossover fic, funny fiction, gender theory, giving unsolicited advice, good grammar, good vocabularies, harry potter, harry/draco, harry/nearly anyone, harry/neville, harry/ron, harry/ron/hermione, harry/severus, hepburn movies, honor harrington, humor, juvenile literature, katherine kurtz, kid stories, learning, libraries, lifting weights, loud rock music, mariners, marks's eyelashes, mercedes lackey, monk, movies, ncaa women's hoops, oregon ducks, parenting, pastries, pervy werewolves, polite debate, pretty accents, pretty shoulder muscles, queer eye, quidditch smut, reading, remus lupin, sappy fiction, schmoop, severus snape, silliness, slash, spider-man, spin class, spock, star trek, star wars, teaching, the gym, thinking, triosmut, unusual pairings smut, valdemar, vegetables, wildflowers, wnba, working out, writing. [Modify yours]
People241:_hannelore, _lore, absynthia, accioslash, actress_krissie, adamasoda, amanuensis1, anise_anise, anniesj, ari_o, arionrhod, astra_argentea, aubrem, autumnchestnut, baffledking, bellsforme, beren_writes, bethbethbeth, biichan, blackdracaena, blackrogue, bleodswean, blue_moony, bowdlerized, brimful, bugland, caemlyn, calliope14, camillabloom, carol_snape, cave_canem, cawti, cedarlibrarian, celtprincess13, certifieddork, channonyarrow, chazpure, cluegirl, coell, copperbadge, cordelia_v, corvidae9, cranberryink, cursescar, cursive, daralis, daraq, dea_liberty, dementedsiren, dementordelta, donnaimmaculata, dorrie6, dracorocksmysox, dragon_light, e_dork, electricandroid, ellensmithee, ellid, elsajeni, elsajeni_fic, elucreh, emmagrant01, eponis, espresso_rabbit, eumenides1, fabularasa, failing_light, fanfiction_geek, fiendling, fluffyllama, frankie_lee, froda_baggins, frulie, gatewaygirl, geoviki, gigiaiko, glockgal, gmth, godlessharlot, goseaward, greeksong, gta_of_doom, gwendolen, hackthis, hazyjayne, hearts_n_roses, hippiechiq, honeycakehorse, hp_femme, icarusancalion, icon_ified, idiotic_savant, iibnf, irana, irr4tional, iscaris, isiscolo, jacito, jadarene, jassanja, jedi_penguin, jereeza, joiedumonde, juice817, kaalee, katfusion, kearie, kirashapedgirl, kiss_me_hard, kupukello, ladyjaida, lardencelover, laurelwood, lauriegilbert, lazy_daze, legomymalfoy, leni_jess, leogryffin, lifeinwords, lisaroquin, little_needle, littlesnitch, lizardlaugh, lizardspots, logolepsy, loony_moony, loupgarou1750, lunulet, lyricalnights, lysrouge, maeglinyedi, maerda, magdellin, makesmewannadie, manynames, mark356, marksykins, mary_re, mcamy, mctabby, melpemone, memorycharm, meridian_star, merrycontrary, metabitch, misted_oracle, mizbean, mousapelli, ms_mindfunk, mulberry_fields, musesfool, nattish, neotoma, nimori, noblerot, nopejr, notasecretagent, nothingbutfic, novembersnow, nqdonne, ntamara, nycscribbler, ozratbag2, pauraque, penguingal, penknife, percy_weatherby, phreid, pieslut, pitchblackrose, plausive, ponderosa121, prillalar, prurient_badger, purple_avocado, qwertytigger, r_becca, rajazz, resonant8, rikibeth, rillathegrape, rosefyre, rosesanguina, roxannelinton, scarah2, scribbulus_ink, seshat1, setissma, seviet, sherant, shocolate, shortcircuited, sinick, slowfox, snapetoy, snitchnip_chill, sociofemme, sparrohawk, spinningcompass, srichard, starflowers, starrysummer, status, stephiepenguin, subliculous, super_elmo, supergrover24, switchknife, taradiane, tarie, tarnationawaits, theladyfeylene, themostepotente, thenotoriousso4, thetreacletart, toscas_kiss, tradescant, trollprincess, underlucius, ursamajr, usually9_15, velveteenfaerie, venivincere, vileseagulls, villainny, vimeslady, violent_rabbit, violet_quill, vlvteenthestral, voldiespet, waccawheels, waraitai, wayfairer, whitemunin, wikdsushi, willysunny, wintercorwin, wolf_cat, wyoming_knott, xavantina, yukipon
Communities83:100wizards, 15minuteficlets, 30minutefics, 30minutemuse, _sortinghat_, andropotterist, anthropomor_fic, avada_collabra, challenge100, contrelamontre, daily_snitch, dead_potter_soc, drabblesmith, drop_the_u, erotic_elves, fandomchallenge, fanpoets, fansof24, fat_slashers, fiendart, glockart, grab_n_coil, harry_potthead, hd100, hd_fqf, hp100, hp_commentary, hp_despoiled, hp_dungeons, hp_essays, hp_fictalk, hp_health, hp_mpreg, hp_polls, hp_remix, hp_roundrobin, hp_survivor, hp_tribal_watch, hp_videostore, hpsquick100, hpvalensmut, hpwbfqf, hunkwarts, inflammable, inthetallgrass, leaky_authors, ljtrivia, lupin100, m15m, magical_menage, merry_smutmas, metaquotes, misty_seasons, neville100, nevillosity, novaculae, originals, outside_leaky, over_hill_hp, partisan_green, pervy_werewolf, pornish_pixies, punctuators, queerditch_pub, quickquote, rarelitslash, remus_remix, remusxbill, rwdmfqf, sciencefiction, shoebox_project, slash_challenge, snape100, stealingharry, the_drips, the_leaky, the_pimp_cane, tietheknot, triofqf, unholy3, weasleybottom, weasleyworship, wizardwank
Feeds3:booksix_leaky, peterdavidblog2, wilwheaton
Mutual Friends:215: _hannelore, _lore, absynthia, actress_krissie, adamasoda, amanuensis1, anise_anise, ari_o, arionrhod, astra_argentea, aubrem, autumnchestnut, baffledking, bellsforme, beren_writes, blackdracaena, blackrogue, bleodswean, blue_moony, bowdlerized, brimful, bugland, caemlyn, calliope14, camillabloom, carol_snape, cave_canem, cawti, cedarlibrarian, celtprincess13, certifieddork, channonyarrow, chazpure, cluegirl, coell, cordelia_v, corvidae9, cranberryink, cursescar, cursive, daralis, daraq, dementedsiren, dementordelta, donnaimmaculata, dorrie6, dracorocksmysox, dragon_light, e_dork, electricandroid, ellensmithee, ellid, elsajeni_fic, elucreh, emmagrant01, eponis, espresso_rabbit, eumenides1, failing_light, fiendling, fluffyllama, frankie_lee, froda_baggins, frulie, gatewaygirl, geoviki, gigiaiko, glockgal, gmth, godlessharlot, goseaward, greeksong, gwendolen, hazyjayne, hearts_n_roses, hippiechiq, honeycakehorse, hp_femme, icarusancalion, icon_ified, idiotic_savant, iibnf, irana, irr4tional, isiscolo, jadarene, jassanja, jedi_penguin, jereeza, joiedumonde, juice817, kaalee, katfusion, kearie, kirashapedgirl, kiss_me_hard, kupukello, lardencelover, laurelwood, lauriegilbert, lazy_daze, legomymalfoy, leni_jess, leogryffin, lisaroquin, little_needle, littlesnitch, lizardlaugh, lizardspots, logolepsy, loony_moony, loupgarou1750, lunulet, lyricalnights, lysrouge, maeglinyedi, maerda, magdellin, makesmewannadie, manynames, mark356, marksykins, mary_re, mcamy, mctabby, melpemone, memorycharm, meridian_star, merrycontrary, metabitch, misted_oracle, mizbean, mousapelli, ms_mindfunk, mulberry_fields, musesfool, nattish, neotoma, nimori, noblerot, nopejr, notasecretagent, nothingbutfic, novembersnow, nqdonne, ntamara, nycscribbler, ozratbag2, pauraque, penguingal, ...
Also Friend of:236: ___precious___, _cadenza, _inbetween_, _mysteria_, _sugarcube_, _thedarkroom, a_reading_list, aadikah, abbycadabra, adinkra, aidenfire, alegriagraciela, aliengirl, alyndra, andrian1, angeline_dark, anna_perenna, anteco, archidictus, arrmaitee, aspiringdaxzy, ballyharnon, bantha_fodder, bbc_american, beautifulmess21, bessorla, birdisland, blue_raven, butindreams, c2002, caitirin, celtic_roisin, centopiedi, ceris, cherryicee, cheshire_sphinx, chinae, cindysilver, crescent_light, crimsonclad, ctorres, curiousfact, cydah, dalhessian, damn_imasquib, darkprincedm, deathangelgw, devon_may, digitalwave, dr_jekyl, dragonduerme, einsteinium, ekaterin, elaby, euryleias, evanescens, faemovana, fandomcakes, fannishly, faris_eirin, fiananovarr, ficfox, fu_deleterius, gblvr, gizluvsmusic, goldennotblonde, goodolddesk, greenhouse3, gretacatchlove, gryffingirl, hak42, happy_troll, heartstencil, hilarita, hobbit_feet, hp_hatred, hploverfmgirl, icarusinwax, ikhor, iltb, jackoweskla, jessikins4774, jetis, jo_rowling, justjennings, kagyakusha, kalandor, kaptainsnot, karasu_hime, kat99999, kate_tur, kattahj, kaysha, keepmeposted, kim_cc, kinky_dragon, lady_russell, ladysorka, lettaque, lifelessmidget, lillian78, linnet_melody, liquidwounds, littlemousling, lolaraincoat, lunadeath02, luthien67, lydialovestruck, m_a_hermie, madam_minnie, madameceleste70, manticoran, marfahz, mediteddy, meemobunny, melkran33, mentalstaples, mirrormuse, mononwalker, moreladyjaida, ms_popularity, musigneus, myrainydays, nadai, neon_yellow, ngaio, npetrenko, ohtheverbosity, oneminutemovies, orionnoire, pagerd, painted_destiny, paramore, permetaform, petulantbrat, phoenixw, polpotter, post_watch, prettywhenicry7, psycho_tabby, psychobarfly, purest_evil, purple_chalk, purveyorofaid, quchuphi, quean_of_swords, quondamquadrat, quotenotes, ragtime_to_time, rainwitch, ...
Member of:68: 100wizards, 15minuteficlets, 30minutefics, 30minutemuse, _sortinghat_, alias100, alias_fiction, ame_soeur, andropotterist, avada_collabra, challenge100, contrelamontre, dead_potter_soc, drop_the_u, fandomchallenge, fanpoets, fansof24, fat_slashers, fiendart, firstlines1000, glockart, grab_n_coil, harry_potthead, hd100, hd_fqf, hp100, hp_commentary, hp_despoiled, hp_essays, hp_health, hp_mpreg, hp_remix, hp_roundrobin, hp_tribal_watch, hpdaily, hpsquick100, hpvalensmut, hpwbfqf, hunkwarts, inflammable, leaky_authors, lupin100, magical_menage, merry_smutmas, metaquotes, neville100, nevillosity, novaculae, originals, paidmembers, pervy_werewolf, pornish_pixies, queerditch_pub, remus_remix, remusxbill, rwdmfqf, slash_challenge, snape100, the_drips, the_pimp_cane, theblacklist, tietheknot, trek100, triofqf, unholy3, weasleybottom, weasleyworship, wizardwank
Account type:Paid Account

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