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User:snapetoy (1209199) Paid User snapetoy
The Potions Classroom
Snape knew Potter needed something more than fingers and mouth. He needed cock.
Website:The Potions Classroom
Location:NSW, Australia
Bio:I'm a slasher from Australia who writes Harry Potter fanfic. I occasionally resemble a fourteen year old fangirl rather than a forty year responsible adult fangirl.

I am also the proud owner of Severus Snape's cock, as per this list in [info]claim_a_penis. I also own Rubeus Hagrid's cock, which I drag along on a little traytruck behind me as it's far too big to carry.

Check out [info]claim_a_cock, and you can find the claims list here. From this community I own the cocks of Harry Potter, Walden Macnair and Lord Voldemort!

What a collection! Yes!

Do NOT friend me if you are not a legal adult in your jurisdiction. That may mean 18 or 21 in your country.

This LJ contains material that is suitable only for adults. It depicts fanfiction characters in sexually explicit homosexual relationships.

Memories:48 entries
Interests:2: harry potter, snape. [Modify yours]
Friends:147: _hannelore, _sabriel, _sluts_, abbey1969, accioslash, amanuensis1, ammonium, anais_rhys, anathdemalfoy, andropotterist, angeleledhwen, anuanu, atdelphi, auctasinistra, ausmac, blackdracaena, brevisse, bridgetmc, bugland, carol_snape, cauldron_brew, cluegirl, coell, copperbadge, cowlishaw, crotalus, cursive, cybele_san, danific_recs, darkkitten1, darth_stitch, dementordelta, diagonalist, dien, dkwilliams, do_me_profsnape, drabble_night, dragon_light, dungeon_watch, evie_the_angel, ficbymarks, fluffyllama, gaaak, gaycrow, glockgal, gmth, gwendolen, gypsyflame, hainuwele, halogirl8, hp_femme, hp_health, hp_incest, hp_pervs, hpchan, hpvalensmut, icarusancalion, iibnf, inkstainfingers, isiscolo, jessindistress, josanpq, juxiantang, knockturn_ruins, kr_community, ladyespelle, ladyjosephine1, ladynutmeg, laurie_odell, lekink, lexin, lillian78, lunulet, lurvesnape, luthien67, lydialovestruck, lyricalnights, lysrouge, machiavelli42, maeglinyedi, majinbakahentai, mctabby, melpemone, merry_smutmas, merrycontrary, michaelchance, mj_fiction, mortifyd, naltariel, naughty__pixie, nimori, ntamara, nufaciel, p1nkpl4typus, panslash, pastles, persuade_me, pervart, piccolo_santo, pornish_pixies, potterpostings, predatrix, pureblood_icons, quickquote, quidditch_prat, rajazz, redgoldpride, restituere_club, ringspells, ruhgozler, s8219, scarah2, scribbulus_ink, scruples_fest, sharp_tongue, slashers_in_aus, slashingthefox, slytherkins, smutmas_elves, snape_potter, snaples, somniesperus, sophist, sparrohawk, srichard, srtcfics, supergrover24, switchknife, tartanshell, tboy, tcregan, theblacklist, themostepotente, tinamuggi, tinderblast, tiranog, unholy3, unholydisciples, venivincere, vileseagulls, vjlaqem, voldiespet, wikdsushi, ygrane, yukipon, yxonomei, zoraprincess
Friend of:171: _hannelore, _sabriel, a_belladonna, abbey1969, accioslash, amanuensis1, ammonium, anathdemalfoy, anatolia_limb, anuanu, ari_o, atdelphi, ausmac, autumnchestnut, blackdracaena, bridgetmc, bugland, caemlyn, carol_snape, castalie, cid62, cluegirl, coell, cornlord, crotalus, cursive, cybele_san, cydah, d4rkh34rt, daddyslittleboy, dalhessian, danific_recs, darkkitten1, darth_stitch, dementordelta, demonesskage, denadadenada, diagonalist, dien, dragon_light, ekaterin, els_chan, endorwitch, evanescens, evie_the_angel, eyrai, ficbymarks, florahart, fluffyllama, gaaak, gaia_, gaycrow, glockgal, gmth, go_turtle, godlessharlot, greenhouse3, greenling, gwendolen, hainuwele, halogirl8, hitokuse, hp_femme, icarusancalion, iibnf, irana, isiscolo, jessindistress, juxiantang, katfusion, kaysha, kiss_me_hard, kittiec, ladyespelle, ladyjosephine1, ladynutmeg, larissa_j, lavender_snape, lemmealone, leni_jess, lillian78, lizardspots, lunulet, lurvesnape, luthien67, lydialovestruck, lyricalnights, lysrouge, maahes, machiavelli42, maeglinyedi, majinbakahentai, mana_sama, mctabby, medieval1066, melpemone, merrycontrary, michaelchance, mirakate, miss_f, misted_oracle, mj_fiction, mortifyd, murbella_r, mylockedheart, naltariel, naughty__pixie, nike_victory, nimori, noblerot, not_sally, npetrenko, ntamara, nufaciel, p1nkpl4typus, pastles, persuade_me, piccolo_santo, pixyindustry, plausive, polpotter, quidditch_prat, rajazz, resqgal, rikibeth, ringspells, rubyrosered, ruhgozler, s8219, sabinareborn, saskia_rose, scarah2, scribbulus_ink, selua, sevpottersnape, sevter, sharp_tongue, sinick, slashingthefox, sm_malfoy, snapes_pet, snaples, snitchnip_chill, soawen, somniesperus, sparrohawk, srichard, supergrover24, tafkah, tartanshell, ...
Member of:32: after_class, andropotterist, beloved_enemies, claim_a_cock, claim_a_penis, do_me_profsnape, drabble_night, dungeon_watch, hp_canis_major, hp_health, hp_incest, hp_pervs, hp_roundrobin, hp_spotlight, hpchan, knockturn_ruins, lekink, merry_smutmas, paidmembers, panslash, pornish_pixies, potterpostings, rest_backstory, restituere, restituere_club, restituere_rpg, scruples_fest, slashers_in_aus, snape_potter, theblacklist, unholy3, unholydisciples
Account type:Paid Account

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