A Urlology of Journals I Care About
So Little Time/Outboard Brain | (anthrop|techn)ology
This urlology is meant entirely for a very narrow audience - me. I’m an anglophone anthropologist with some French and very little Germany who works in the highlands of Papua New Guinea, so the list is slanted towards anthropology and the Pacific. Hopefully it’ll be good for you too.
This is quite simply a list of the journals I use and how to find their online presence and journal.
So here we go:
American Anthropologist
Online: JSTOR (5 year wall)
Homepage: homepage on the AAA site
American Ethnologist
Online: JSTOR
Homepage: AE Homepage
Anthropological Theory
Online: Ingenta
Anthropological Theory
Online: Ingenta
Homepage: here
Anthropology and Humanism
Homepage: the SHA homepage
Anthropology Today
Homepage: here.
The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology (TAPJA)
aka Canberra Anthropology
Homepage:on the RSPAS server.
The Australian Journal of Anthropology (TAJA)
aka Mankind
Online: EBSCO publishing
Homepage: at the AAS homepage
Comparative Studies of Society and History
Online: JSTOR.org">JSTOR (5 year wall). Fresh content at Cambridge UP
Homepage: official homepage
Contemporary Pacific
Not indexed by Anthropology Plus.
Online: Project Muse
Homepage: UofH Press Homepage.
Cultural Anthropology
Online: JSTOR
Homepage: Home page here
Current Anthropology
Online: JSTOR (5 year wall). Fresh content: here
Journal of Pacific History
Homepage: publisher’s page.
Journal of the Polynesian Society
Indexed under the title “Polynesian Society Journal” at the Regenstein, so be warned.
Indexed by anthro plus
Homepage: homepage
with tocs of recent issues. I can’t figure out if there’s fulltext anywhere, but it is indexed by anthlit.
Journal of the Royal Anthropological Association
aka Man
Online: JSTOR
Homepage: here
Online: PCI Full Text (1930-1991), Academic Search Premiere (1993-present)
Homepage: here
Pacific Affairs
Online: JSTOR
Homepage: here
Pacific Studies
Not indexed by anthro plus
Homepage: here
Homepage: AAA PoLAR site
Social Analysis
Right here, baby. For post-2002 there is the publisher’s website.
Social Anthropology
Homepage: publisher homepage for this.