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13 Feb 2004

A Urlology of Journals I Care About

So Little Time/Outboard Brain | (anthrop|techn)ology

This urlology is meant entirely for a very narrow audience - me. I’m an anglophone anthropologist with some French and very little Germany who works in the highlands of Papua New Guinea, so the list is slanted towards anthropology and the Pacific. Hopefully it’ll be good for you too.

This is quite simply a list of the journals I use and how to find their online presence and journal.

So here we go:

American Anthropologist
Online: JSTOR (5 year wall)
Homepage: homepage on the AAA site

American Ethnologist
Online: JSTOR
Homepage: AE Homepage

Anthropological Theory
Online: Ingenta

Anthropological Theory
Online: Ingenta
Homepage: here

Anthropology and Humanism
Homepage: the SHA homepage

Anthropology Today
Homepage: here.

The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology (TAPJA)
aka Canberra Anthropology
Homepage:on the RSPAS server.

The Australian Journal of Anthropology (TAJA)
aka Mankind
Online: EBSCO publishing
Homepage: at the AAS homepage

Comparative Studies of Society and History
Online: JSTOR.org">JSTOR (5 year wall). Fresh content at Cambridge UP
Homepage: official homepage

Contemporary Pacific
Not indexed by Anthropology Plus.
Online: Project Muse
Homepage: UofH Press Homepage.

Cultural Anthropology
Online: JSTOR
Homepage: Home page here

Current Anthropology
Online: JSTOR (5 year wall). Fresh content: here

Journal of Pacific History
Homepage: publisher’s page.

Journal of the Polynesian Society
Indexed under the title “Polynesian Society Journal” at the Regenstein, so be warned.
Indexed by anthro plus
Homepage: homepage
with tocs of recent issues. I can’t figure out if there’s fulltext anywhere, but it is indexed by anthlit.

Journal of the Royal Anthropological Association
aka Man
Online: JSTOR
Homepage: here

Online: PCI Full Text (1930-1991), Academic Search Premiere (1993-present)
Homepage: here

Pacific Affairs
Online: JSTOR
Homepage: here

Pacific Studies
Not indexed by anthro plus
Homepage: here

Homepage: AAA PoLAR site

Social Analysis
Right here, baby. For post-2002 there is the publisher’s website.

Social Anthropology
Homepage: publisher homepage for this.

10 Jan 2004

Political Representation in the Ancient Archaeological Built Environment For Newbies: A Mini-Course

So Little Time/Outboard Brain | (anthrop|techn)ology | academia

Hans-Georg Gadamer. The Ontological Foundation of the Occasional and the Decorative. in Truth and Method secions I.I.2 A,B, and C.

Wu Hung. Monumentality in Early Chinese Art and Architecture.

Adam T. Smith. Rendering the Political Aesthetic: Political Legitimacy in Urartian Representations of the Built Environment. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology. 19: 131-163. 2000.


28 Oct 2003

New Books on the Pacific

So Little Time/Outboard Brain

Recently released books about Melanesia/Pacific:

Dictionary of Kyaka Enga, Papua New Guinea
by Norm and Sheila Draper. Kyaka Enga isn’t much like Ipili, but this promises to be the most substantive linguistic work on Enga since Lang’s hoary old dictionary, so I’l do well to check it out. It’s 700 pages long!

Crime, Corruption, and Capacity in Papua New Guinea
by Maxine Pitt. Frankly, you can never quite tell how good some of these offerings from the Asia Pacific Press are - they range from excellent to embarassing. I don’t know who Maxine Pitt is, but regardless of quality this is the sort of book I need to read.

Papua New Guinea’s Last Place: Experience of Constraint in a Postcolonial Prison
by Adam Reed. I’ve seen Adam give several papers and I can safely say his work rawks. The book is about Bomana - the maximum security prison south of Port Moresby. Its out of my strict range of interests, but just sounds fascinating!

Violence: Theory and Ethnography
Witchcraft, Sorcery, Rumors and Gossip

By Strathern and Stewart. What can I say? How much quality can we expect of anyone who puts out four books in two years? Well these two touch on stuff I’m interested in, so they’re at least worth a glance over.

Under the Gun: The Small Arms Challenge in the Pacific
by David Capie. An academic, Pacific version of Bowling for Columbine. Must check it out.

A Kind of Mending: Restorative Justice in the Pacific Islands
by Sinclair Dinnen etc. Sinclair Dinen on indigenous notions of justice. I suspect I won’t like it, but since he is the law and order guy, I should at least take a look.

A History of the the Pacific Islands
by Steven Fisher. Only 240 pages - but I’ve been looking for years for a well-written, up to date history of the Pacific as a whole, and I just think On the Road of the Winds isn’t exactly what I had in mind.

Passage of Change: Law, Society and Governance in the Pacific
Anita Jowitt etc. It’s about governance in the Pacific. I should take a look. Can you tell how enthused I am?

Land Registration in Papua New Guinea: Competing Perspectives

By Hartmut Holzknecht, Jim Curtin, Peter Larmour. Aha! Smart guys talking about Land Registration! Excellent.

Aspects of Conflict in the Contemporary Papua New Guinea Highlands
Another excellent-looking edited collection that is right up my alley. This falls in the ‘must order’ category.

17 Oct 2003

More computer stuff

So Little Time/Outboard Brain

Ran into two interesitng looking books at 57th street today - Stealing the Network, a sort of Cuckoo’s Egg meets O’Reilly in a Nutshell type volume, and Pause and Effect, a book on ‘interactive fiction’. You know, gorgeous with futuristic and heavy card stock. What struck me was the analysis of Renaissance painting. Looks interesting. I will, however, never read either of these books.

15 Oct 2003

Music, Dance, Jews, Germans

So Little Time/Outboard Brain

In an attempt to stop keeping my lanthorn behind a bushel I’ve been getting out more - which means more trips to the library and bookstore. Here are more books I’d like to read but never ever will:

First and most obviously, there is the vitally important task of reading everything ever written about Lindy. So we have Jazz Dance: The Story of an American Vernacular, the classic (1963) although now dated volume, Steppin’ on the Blues: The Visible Rhythms of African American Dance looks to be more interesting. I must say I’m sketpical of investing time in Digging the Africanist Presence in American Performance: Dance and Other Contexts , but at least one person says it ‘changed their life’, and since I’m not actually going to read any of these anyway, why not put it on the list? Jookin’ : The Rise of Social Dance Formations in African-American Culture also seems worthwhile.

And then there’s Kenneth Burke. What ever happened to that guy? I mean Geertz used to worship at his feet. Got to check out the Heritage of Sociology series volume about him. That series rocks.

Also, a slew of interesting new books in at the Coop - including Aristotle’s Children, a light-weight history of Jewish, Christian, and Muslim maneuverings about the classical texst (Mainmonides, the Summa Contra Gentiles etc.) There’s also Dead from the Waist Down - a book which traces the decline (alas!) of Academics as a sexy discipline to go into. It’s one of these Oxbridge Don on a lark kinda ventures.

Less easy but more interesting is Rosenzweig and Heidegger: Between Judaism and German Philosophy, since I just can’t get enough of the whole German-Jewish Intellectual Exile kinda thing. Speaking of which, Exiles in Paradise is an account of German Emigrees in LA which somehow escaped my attention (and Amazon’s as well). Also, Katznelson’s excellent (although shoddily edited) book makes me want to read Lasswell on The Garrison State and Harz’s book on this history of American liberalism.

And then there’s early music - Bernard Sherman’s Inside Early Music is now in paper, and there’s always Haskell’s The Early Music Revival to work through.

It looks like I’m clearly off of the travel literature and back to ethnography, but ‘ve run out of steam and will have to post my interests in that particular area later. Right now I’m still plowing through Kissinger’s big (and very strange) book on diplomacy.

11 Oct 2003

Journal Reorientation

So Little Time/Outboard Brain

So they finally got around to reorganizing the Current Periodicals in the Regenstein. All on the same floor, and organized by subject instead of alpha. So traumatic! Actually, it’s quite nice to be able to hit up G and D instead of careening between Oceania, Current Anthropology and the Journal of the Polynesian Society (which was always filed as ‘Polynesian Society Journal’ . Blech).

Ton of interesting new stuff up. An article in Contemporary Pacific on Raskols and Law and Order in PNG. Tommy has an article on Judith Butler and the resurgence of Kinship studies in anthropology in the new Ethnos. Sillitoe’s Negotiating Local Knowledge volume is listed as in, but it’s not in the stacks. James Weiner is a mad publishing fool with at least three new articles out in the usual Australian journals. The Journal of Pacific History special edition on the Melanesian/Polynesian distinction is out, which I suppose I ought to at least glance at since I’ve claimed publically that one of the main authors of the issue doesn’t actually exist.

Good stuff all around - I just hope I get to some of it.

p.s. Lindy Hop - proof I may finally have to start taking the notion of ‘the black Atlantic’ seriously.

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