"Our ignorance of history causes us to slander our own times." - Gustave Flauberten-us2004-06-14T20:40:02-06:00Poetry: Puerto Rican Obituary
by Pedro Pietri...Diane Warth2004-06-14T20:40:02-06:00Bits & Pieces
Lawrence of Cyberia comments on Jeffrey Goldberg's Among The Settlers which appeared in The New Yorker on May 31, 2004. Meria Heller will be interviewing John Gorenfeld on July 29. His investigative reports concerning the Rev. Sun Myung Moon including...Diane Warth2004-06-14T04:09:53-06:00Will Moon Save the Day?
Brahimi quits post as UN envoy in Iraq via Progressive Review. Moon is destined to intervene according to this piece by John Gorenfeld on The Gadflyer. Via Hit & Run....Diane Warth2004-06-13T19:28:05-06:00Who would Jesus bomb?
This website was set-up about a month ago. It describes itself as an "online wing of a powerful, new progressive faith movement, like the ones that fought for independence, abolition and civil rights." Its honorary chairperson is William Sloane Coffin....Diane Warth2004-06-12T08:56:34-06:00Odious debt
According to this BBC article, G8 leaders are deciding whether to forgive 50% of Iraq's odious debt or reach a compromise of 67% or 95%. The Financial Times reports the same without the percentages and includes this quote: "The United...Diane Warth2004-06-10T11:22:59-06:00Buying time with oil revenues
Since reading the BBC report,"Iraq 'to shed' US oil advisers", I did a wee bit of a search on the "new" Oil Minister, technocrat Thamir Ghadhban. Found this titbit: Was the war in Iraq a war for oil? Ghadhban said...Diane Warth2004-06-10T10:55:03-06:00Cancelling the debt
Jubileeusa.org and 50 Years Is Enough are asking interested people to call the U.S. Treasury and the White House today. An announcement is expected tomorrow afternoon regarding whether or not the U.S. decided to ask for 100% cancellation of impoverished...Diane Warth2004-06-09T12:40:42-06:00Look into the crystal ball
Jane Mayer's "The Manipulator" opens on a curious note: "Ahmad Chalabi pushed a tainted case for war. Can he survive the occupation?" Chalabi's misinformation can't have much to do with the reason he's been scapegoated by the Bush administration. If...Diane Warth2004-06-09T10:30:12-06:00Good-by & Farewell
Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev talk during a Gorbachev visit to Reagan's Rancho del Ceilo home in California in May of 1992. (AP Wideworld/Bob Galbraith) Kevin Drum, while defining what he considers to be "The Luck of the Gipper",...Diane Warth2004-06-08T07:36:18-06:00Hurray for Hollywood
Ronald Reagan, an actor whose stage makeup got thicker as his gig wore on, enthralled his fans with an impeccable delivery. If Groucho Marx had ever secured the presidency on the Democrats' dime I might take a swipe at his...Diane Warth2004-06-07T15:03:56-06:00"Bella Italia"
Read here. And don't miss these....Diane Warth2004-06-05T23:43:04-06:00The choice is simple. SMARTY JONES FOR PRESIDENT.
David Mullins makes his living as a breeder and consignor, but he may have found a second calling as a political activist. Mullins, who operates Doninga Bloodstock and Doninga Farm in Lexington, has distributed 500 bumper stickers bearing the...Diane Warth2004-06-04T21:04:07-06:00US-VISIT Program
It wasn't clear from the report I read yesterday what Accenture was being given a contract to do. Thanks to EPIC: Accenture Awarded US-VISIT Contract A U.S. corporation based in Bermuda will receive more than $10 billion from the Department...Diane Warth2004-06-03T17:18:07-06:00How much for a one-way ticket to Palookaville?
Is it too much to hope that, where George Tenet goes, George Bush will follow? How many lawyers will George be consulting? The Center for American Progress profiles the lawyer he's consulted so far, James E. Sharp. The Senate has...Diane Warth2004-06-03T12:00:35-06:00Twelve questions for President Bush
Meant to Help Strengthen His Remaining Speeches about Iraq By Chalmers Johnson 12. Why do you usually give your speeches to the American people before audiences of servicemen and women at military academies, on bases, and the like, where they...Diane Warth2004-06-02T18:19:00-06:00