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(for 04/16/06)

News Service

The Christian Science Monitor News Service
Virtually all content of The Christian Science Monitor is available for reprinting at affordable rates in newspapers, periodicals and websites through The Christian Science Monitor News Service.

The service is a full-featured supplemental wire adding depth, global perspective, color, superb writing, photos and other graphics to newspapers and magazines worldwide.

Publications of all sizes subscribe to the Monitor News Service, from small weeklies to metropolitan dailies.

See a day in the life of the newsroom

Clients include:
  • The New York Daily News, Bergen County Record, The Arizona Republic, Cleveland Plain Dealer, Orange County Register, Portland Oregonian, San Jose Mercury News, Chicago Sun-Times, The Seattle Times, Boston Metro, The Ottawa Citizen, Calgary Herald, Al-Ittahad, Al-jazirah, Taiwan Daily News, Scotland on Sunday, Gulf News and The Australian Associated Press.
News Service subscribers receive a news budget by e-mail each day, providing an early look at the stories scheduled for the next day's edition. Editors also receive occasional emails alerting them to breaking stories and stories of import.

The service includes:
  • World news: 7 to 9 articles per day. Penetrating daily coverage of major issues providing context and background, plus textural coverage of cultures, human rights, and developing nations from bureaus in Paris, Moscow, Jerusalem, Johannesburg, Beijing, New Delhi, Istanbul and Mexico City.

  • U.S. news: 7 to 9 articles per day. Daily coverage of issues and policy from Washington, D.C., bureau; coverage of national trends and developing issues from Boston and bureaus in New York, Houston, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Ashland, Ore.

  • Editorial page/op-ed: Two world-class editorials per day, a daily editorial cartoon from 2002 Pulitzer winner Clay Bennett, plus all-original op-ed pieces from a rotating staff of regular contributors, as well as one-shot commentaries from experts throughout the world.

  • Features: 10 weekly topical sections, each containing 3-5 stories and assorted short-takes and briefs:

    • Work & Money, (Monday) covering consumer issues, workplace, personal finance and investing for non-experts.

    • Currents, (Monday, Thursday, Friday) offers substantive, caring and timely feature topics ranging from arts to the home to the workplace.

    • Learning, (Tuesday) with award-winning coverage of K-12 and college education trends, adult learning, classroom innovations and breakthroughs, plus articles by students, teachers and parents.

    • Books, (Tuesday) provides 2 to 4 extensive book reviews per week and more.

    • Living, (Wednesday) articles all about families; living with others, living alone; parenting and grandparenting; everyday lifestyles and patterns.

    • Compass/Travel/Compass/Portrait, (Wednesday) these sections will alternate. Portrait introduces you to the individual players directly behind (or closely involved with) socially significant events. Compass covers justice, ethics, morality and the law. Travel provides stories from within the US and from around the world.

    • Planet, (Thursday) scans the globe with a focus wide enough to reveal the links that bind us all together: science, environment, media, and religion.

    • The Arts, (Friday) offers a critical eye on the latest music, movies, and TV to help with weekend planning. We'll talk with the artists, entertainers, and behind-the-scene craftsmen.

  • Photos: The Monitor's photo staff produces many exceptional images from the U.S. and around the world.

  • Maps and graphics: 1 to 2 locator maps per day; illustration graphics, about 1 per day. Maps and graphics often accompany news stories and are posted in high-resolution on the News Service website.

  • Archive: The News Service website contains a 30-day archive for easy retrieval of published stories, photos and graphics.
For more information about The Christian Science Monitor News Service, please contact syndication.
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