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Daily Specials for December 07, 2003
A Country Christmas

Yesterday Doc, my brother, and I went to Nashville. We left about 10:00 and arrived at 11:30 or so. We parked in a parking garage and walked in the freezing cold to one of my favorite places, Hard Rock Cafe. We ate and looked at the cool stuff on the wall. We were lucky enough to sit by the shirt, guitar, photo, and notes of one of my brothers favorite artists, Jimmy Hendrix (mind you Jimmy was dead long before my brother was even a thought in my parent's minds.) After we ate we headed back to the car and headed toward the Opry Mills Mall. We drove around searching for a parking place and found one not to far from the malls entrance.

Posted by K at 09:55 PM Permalink | Reviews (2) |Referrals (0)
Daily Specials for November 27, 2003
Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you enjoy your day filled with good food, good company, and football!

Posted by K at 08:31 AM Permalink | Reviews (2) |Referrals (0)
Daily Specials for November 19, 2003

I took my class on a field trip to Early Works Museum. Our bus pulled up and dropped us off at the corner of the musuem. Normally, our bus driver stays until we are done, but today she decided to go hang out with another bus driver, which was fine by me. We went inside, paid, and then let the kids go play. The bus driver was to be back at 10:30 so that we could be at school for lunch at 11:00. Our guide went to check and see if our bus was back at 10:30, 10:45, and 11:00, each time, no bus. So we got to go back and see some of the stuff we missed and some of the stuff we had already done. At 11:05 I called our center and spoke to our assistant director. She answered the phone and I said "Hey, our bus isn't here." She said, "So." I said "Umm, how are we supposed to get back to school?" She said, "Well, I don't know, I guess start walking." I didn't say anything and then she said, "Are you there?" I said "Yes, I guess you should send a caravan of parents to get us." There was a long silence and then she said "Are you serious or are you joking?" I said, "I am serious, I would not be calling and telling you this if it weren't true." She said, "Oh my gosh, I'll call the dispatch center and see where your bus is." I said thanks and hung up. By this time my kids were cranky because they were hungry and tired. At 11:20 the bus showed up. We got in and took off for school, finally arriving at 11:50, only to be met by our cook who sarcastically said, "Oh we'll be back at 11 Ms. D." I said, "It's not my fault the bus didn't come back." I have to say that being left on a field trip is a first for us!

Posted by K at 05:56 PM Permalink | Reviews (0) |Referrals (0)
Daily Specials for November 06, 2003
Cable Revived

As you know my living room cable went out Monday evening. Well, my sweet brother-in-law came by and tried to fix it but was unsuccessful. Tuesday morning when I got to work I called Knology and told the lady what kind of problem I was having. She looked up her schedule and told me the tech could come between 2 and 5. I told her that would be fine, but he needed to go by the apartment office and get a key from them. She told me she'd put a note on his order. I called my apt. office to let them know and the manager said she couldn't give him one without my written permission, so I wrote her a note and faxed it to her.

Posted by K at 05:26 PM Permalink | Reviews (0) |Referrals (0)
Daily Specials for November 03, 2003

Will someone please explain to me why things always go wrong when Doc is on the rig? First it was the refrigerator, then the floor, then the hot water heater, and tonight, it's the cable. No, the cable is not out anywhere else but my living room. Doc's brother came by to look at it, and tried everything to make it work, but it seems I will be calling Knology tomorrow as the socket is dead. Why can't these things happen when he is home to deal with them??? All this stuff going wrong while I'm alone has taught me one thing, I am more capable of handling things than I ever thought!

Posted by K at 09:44 PM Permalink | Reviews (3) |Referrals (0)
Daily Specials for November 01, 2003
The Trick or Treat Report

I hope everyone had a safe and happy Halloween! Last year we only had two trick or treaters, but this year I was pleasantly surprised, we had about 25! I was glad that I had bought more than the one bag of candy I had planned on buying!

At school we had a "Fall Ball". The kids enjoyed showing off their costumes to their friends and eating all kinds of sweet treats. They also enjoyed stuffing a scarecrow. One of our parents brought us a bale of hay to stuff overalls and a flannel shirt with. The kids had more fun piling the hay up and jumping into it. Finally, we got him stuffed and he turned out to be very cute.

Posted by K at 10:41 AM Permalink | Reviews (0) |Referrals (0)
Daily Specials for October 25, 2003
Nashville Adventure

My friend T and I went to Nashville today. The trip started off great, but things turned south once we got into Nashville. We were driving in downtown looking for the music district when a car pulled up beside us and told us that our back tire was going flat. We had to try and find a place to pull over to put air in the tire, fortunately she had an electric air pump in the backseat. We drove around looking for a place to pull over and all we could find were pay parking lots, and then we saw the sign, the Greyhound Bus Stop sign, that is. We pulled in and filled up the tire. Then these words were spoken, "It can't get any better than this." I knew then we were in trouble.

Posted by K at 10:55 PM Permalink | Reviews (4) |Referrals (0)
Daily Specials for October 23, 2003

I spent my evening at work taking a CPR class. My job requires it and it counts for workshop hours. I was very proud of me because I made a 100 on my test. Not that the test is that hard or anything. I do pretty well on the little dummies, but I'm not sure how well I'd remember it if it came down to it. Hopefully, I'll never have to find out!

Posted by K at 08:26 PM Permalink | Reviews (0) |Referrals (0)
Daily Specials for October 18, 2003
Pumpkins for Punkins

Doc and I spent our afternoon babysitting sisters, ages six and three. The little one is in my class and I had the older one when she was three, she was the flowergirl in our wedding too. Anyway, we decided to take them to Tate Farm in Meridianville. When we got there we paid our admission and then went to see the live animals. The girls had the best time holding the Guinea pigs and rabbits. When they were tired of that they had fun jumping in the cotton bin. We then decided to take the hayride out to the pumpkin patch, where you are able to pick your own pumpkin. When we got out there they found their pumpkins, we cut them from the vines, and took them back to the wagon. After that we went back to the animals and then to the hay maze, where we got trapped for a little bit, but finally found our way out. Once we were free, we left the farm and headed home. When we got back to our house the girls watched T.V. and ate a snack. We took them to Applebee's, they were very well behaved! We ate and then came back to our house to get their pumpkins which they had named Joshua and Brittany. We headed to their house since their parents were already home. We dropped them off and then spent the next two hours talking to their parents. Their dad plays the guitar and I've always wanted to learn to play, so he gave me some quick lessons in chords. Not to brag or anything, but I picked it up pretty quick and I wasn't too bad either! Now we are home and exhausted!

Posted by K at 10:49 PM Permalink | Reviews (1) |Referrals (0)
Daily Specials for October 14, 2003
Titanic: The Artifact Exhibition

Today Doc and I went to Birmingham to the McWane Center to see the Titanic exhibit. We arrived about 1:30, parked, and went inside. We bought our tickets and proceeded to the exhibit. After a few minutes of wandering around lost inside the museum, we finally found the stairwell to the third floor.

Posted by K at 08:14 PM Permalink | Reviews (1) |Referrals (0)