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Yesterday, Tuesday April 6, 2004
CPR Taking a Deadly Turn
Updated: 04/06/04 15:46
I was reading Medicmom's opinion on this article, and I felt a need to express my own thoughts.
This article makes EMS look bad. It sort of leads the reader to believe we are untrained morons out in the streets killing patients by inflating them like a balloon. That couldn't be farther from the truth. Patients in full arrest have almost zero chance of being revived regardless of care given. Something like 1 in 1,000 live to leave the hospital. For every minute a person is in arrest without Advanced Care and defibrillation, their survivability decreases by 10%. There was no mention of how long the patients had been down and what condition they were found in.
In the first seven patients observed, the paramedics gave about 37 breaths a minute, the study found. When the researchers retrained the emergency workers, the rate for the next six patients improved, going down to 22 breaths. Still, all the patients died."NY Times
Also, I have been noticing that a lot of these type of studies are starting to turn towards EMS for data. It ends up making us look bad, and untrained sometimes. That part needs to stop, but its a positive step towards getting EMS recognized as a profession on par with other healthcare providers (Peer Review). Studies have proven we do make a difference and EMS does save lives. Just remember that when reading these types of articles.
We see a much higher ratio of serious patients than ERs do. We may see 3-4 Full arrests in a patient load of 12-15 per shift (33%) versus ERs seeing the same 3-4 out of 300 patients per day. Also we usually see them earlier than ERs do making survivability studies much more apt to favor EMS/field studies over ER studies, so EMTs and Paramedics become the focus of the study.
EMTs and Paramedics may have been the poor target of this study, but Nurses, Physicians, and other ER Staff make the exact same mistake. In fact, many MDs still tell staff to bag the patient as fast as they can, even without the presence of Neurological injury. That is the old school thought. There are nurses that invariably "over bag" the patient in their anxiousness just as much.
EMTs and Paramedics must accomplish the care of a full arrest with one, maybe two people compared to the ER. They often have to employ bystanders, and others at the scene that may not be familiar with proper bagging technique. These people are also much more apt to be anxious and do what they see on TV, even with proper instruction from the paramedic. It's just natural in that situation, and the provider can't keep an eye on them every second.
Finally, full waveform capnography is a valuable asset in this situation. Not cap-no-flo devices, but full waveform capnography. I believe this is the biggest advancement in prehospital care since the portable ECG. While bagging a patient you can see exactly what physiological effect it is having and adjust your bagging/oxygenation accordingly. This has proven to be a valuable benefit to the patient, which is why it has made such big in-roads into Prehospital medicine. It's considered the standard of care where employed, and proper use will prevent the exact situation the article discusses. A beeper is the last thing anyone needs. There is already enough talking, beeping, and other noises in a full arrest. One more beeping device will just be buried in the background noise in this charged situation.
Finally, I am not saying that EMS is not at fault for overbagging, but we are not the only ones. The methods to employ and reduce the incidence of "over bagging" are already in place and just need to be utilized more. Finally, should it be considered good and reliable journalism to report the findings of a study that only looked at one service and thirteen patients? Especially in the New York Times.
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posted by Doc at 15:30 [666 words]
Thanks for touching on this; I read it and felt sort of insulted; personally I think I've always been very careful with my bagging...I literally count it out to myself so I can maintain the rhythm...I've even had a fellow EMT tell me I should be hyperventilating when I knew better. Oh well.
Posted by Marc on April 6, 2004 05:18 PM
Short Week
Sorry, I have not been regularly updating, but I have been spending as much quality time as possible with my wife this week.
However, I should have known that things would go crazy when I only have a short time off. I have been running errands everyday trying to catch up on bills, get car maintenance done, get a haircut (Its been almost 2 months), pay taxes, and pay off some credit cards.
Everytime I seem to catch up something else pops up to add the the bottom of the list. Our apartment management decided we needed new blinds, and that it would cost us around $100. Also we had to pay a second $250 pet fee for our second cat. When I checked before getting the cat, they said One $250 fee would cover both cats as long as they were less than 35 pounds. I really think they are trying to push us out. Something new pops up every month and they wait till I am gone so they can push on my wife.
Inside this short period of time, I also managed to renew my ACLS. In a stroke of luck, I missed the first day. But since I am an instructor, and only needed a renewal anyway, I only had to go the second day. So I recovered one day, which I spent doing more errands. I managed to enroll in an NRP class, so that's one more Certification to help me get on at a flight service.
All in all, its been and extremely productive and busy week. Tomorrow my wife has half a day off, so we are going to finish running errands and enjoy the day and Thursday together. At least till I have to leave for work Thursday night.
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posted by Doc at 12:47 [300 words]
Saturday April 3, 2004
E-Mail Addresses down
Updated: 04/05/04 01:59
For some reason, all my e-mail addresses have disappeared! Trying to remake them results in:
All email sent to XXXXXXXXX will now be redirected to XXXXXXX
Fatal! Write Failure: /etc/valiases/ Ignore any messages of success this can only result in failure!
So weird! I have plenty of drivespace and my boxes aren't near full since they are all forwarders. Its occurring with any e-mail maintenace, POP3, forwarder, etc. It must have been down all day, so if anyone has tried to e-mail me, don't fret I am still here, but un-emailable. I noticed it bounced back a test message earlier, but I figured it was transient.
That's two major problems with my domain and host in the last week!
E-mail seems to be working again. I am trying to find out what was the specific reason that caused the error.
My host is a great host, but something has gone awry with my account in the last week or so. First time I have had any issues since moving to them over a year ago. I am hoping the problems are now ironed out. Time to make a backup.
posted by Doc at 22:43 [190 words]
Maybe it is time to get a new host.
Posted by medicmom on April 4, 2004 11:03 PM
Friday April 2, 2004
Fred Rawks!
I finally made it home about 23:30 last night. I sure was glad to be home. My wife and I stayed up till almost one.
Over the past month I have received a little over $3000 in bonuses and refunds. That has been awesome. I paid off three credit cards and threw some money at our apartment management to try an get them to fix some stuff. Anyway, when all was said and done, I still had quite a bit left.
It's been a long time since my wife and I did anything other than pay bills and try to survive some. She has wanted an XM Radio for a long time. So after running about 200 errands today, I decided to surprise her with one. After annoying the sales rep at Tweeter for about an hour with all my XM questions, I bought two Delphi Plug and Play XM sets. One for her and one for me.
When she came home, I had set up hers on the home adapter. She was ecstatic, even letting out a small squeal, and jumping up and down. We packed up her unit and immediately got it installed into her car. She has been listening and channel surfing ever since with a big smile on her face. I doubt she'll ever listen to conventional radio again.
I have to admit, XM rocks. 100 channels of music, any kind you can imagine, including old time radio and theater. So far my Favorite Channel is 44- Fred, Classic Alternative Rock. They play such bands as the Pixies and Sonic Youth, as well as lesser known bands. It's all the stuff I spent my teenage years and early twenties listening to. The true Alternative Rock.
It felt really nice to splurge a little and not have to worry about paying the bill next month, or what the credit card limit is. The subscription for both of us combined is less than the monthly payment I had on my pager. That's a pretty good deal to me.
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posted by Doc at 21:53 [340 words]
We got an XM set with the boom box, and listen to it often. One of my personal favorite things to use it for is to tune into one of the three comedy channels (usually 150, unless they're doing gross for overlong) to break the stress after a rough shift & put me in a good mood before hitting the sheets, or heading back to work.
Posted by Medic52 on April 2, 2004 11:46 PM
I wish there were more high-definition TV channels. I'd love to get an HD TV, but there are very few HD offerings from our cable company right now. The channels are out there, but Comcast does not seem to be in a hurry to sign them up. They offer HD versions of ESPN, CBS and FOX, but not ABC, NBC, Discovery and others that are in HD elsewhere.
Posted by Terry on April 4, 2004 10:17 AM
Thursday April 1, 2004
Cruel April Fool's Joke
I was supposed to be on the morning flight, but obviously I was not. I was bumped so some production people who work seven days at a time could go home. The dispatcher had assured me I was scheduled for this morning first thing. I guess he was wrong. The heliport gives no regard to the drilling contractors, we are lower than dirt in their eyes.
What a cruel April Fool's Joke. Let's just take away all the few days I have off.
Out of 8 possible days off after a month of work.
2 are lost to travel
2 are lost to schools
and a possible half of one lost by my needing sleep after driving all night tonight.
So I end up with 3.5 days off in seven weeks, of which I have way too much catching up to do!
posted by Doc at 10:55 [142 words]
Oh that's not fair, Doc. I'd be fuming, too. I really cherish my weekends. That's way too many hours worked with no time off...easy to burn out like that
Posted by deb on April 1, 2004 11:23 AM
That is so not fair. It makes my complaints about working seem insignificant.
I honestly don't see how you can stand being away from home that much. It would drive me crazy. I hope that you get some time off Doc. You deserve it in a big way after working that much.
Posted by medicmom on April 2, 2004 10:19 AM
Yeah i kind of saw that attitude when i went out. The secound time i was suppose to go out i was late due to illeness. I was told just to show up and some time that day the would get me out there. Like i wanted to sit around the docks all day.
Posted by jedimedic on April 2, 2004 03:08 PM
Wednesday March 31, 2004
Daytona International Speedway EMS
This is an interesting and entertaining look at a day spent working EMS at Daytona International Speedway. It's written by the DIS Medical Director, but it still gives you a look behind the scenes of a niche in the EMS Profession. If you have a few minutes, give it a read. Especially if you are a racing fan.
In reality, the glamour is far less, and the professionalism far more, than anyone might think. Many of the EMTs and paramedics working at the Speedway have done so for a decade or more. They often know the drivers and track crew personally, and they feel a strong sense of ownership of the race. And although for many, this is a part-time job, it demands full-time alertness, dedication and training. But at least there's a panoramic view of the track through the windshield. As for me, without a regular seat in the rig for the lonely doctor, I spend most of the race (apart from the four seconds that you can actually see the leaders flash by the window of the van) sitting on the corrugated floor of the med unit, receiving an unusual posterior imprint as my souvenir of the day.
The red flag comes out, but we're still on station. Patti takes this opportunity and heads for the portable water closet. Adam reminds her to not look down. Apparently she did so once and was intestinally displeased by her findings. Adam, mindful of Patti's delicate constitution, says I shouldn't write this. Patti has another view. "If I can help another person," she says, "I'm willing to tell my story. Please, please tell people to Never Look Down." It's that kind of self-sacrifice that makes EMS a noble
posted by Doc at 20:17 [290 words]
Great Technical Rescue
This is a great example of a technical rescue operation and how different agencies can work together to save one life. Had the scene commander not realized the need for more expertise, this could have turned out very differently. Instead the patient was riding his motorcycle the next day and back at work by that Friday.
It literally took a community of 85 rescuers from 28 organizations last week to save a single life. They were successful in pulling Jim Rolland, an Osage Co-op Elevator employee, free from a grain bin after being trapped up to his neck in soybeans.
Inside the bin the community was equally represented. Working to keep Rolland alive and simultaneously freeing him from the 70,000 bushels of soybeans was fellow employee Ryan Jensen; followed by Ken Parcher, director of Mitchell County Regional Health Center ambulance service; followed by Ed Kleinwort of the St. Ansgar Rescue squad; Josh Olson, an Osage fire fighter; and two unnamed Floyd County rescue volunteers, including Marty Parcher, Ken's brother.
Ken Parcher told reporters afterwards that he knew the Floyd County rescue unit had extensive experience in grain bin rescues and he told incident commander Gene Evans early in the process "to get them over here."
He [Rolland] was flown to Rochester, MN, for evaluation and was released later that day.
By next morning, the man who was rescued from a grain entrapment in which only two percent survive, mounted his motorcycle and visited his work place and some of his rescuers at the hospital
By Friday, a thankful Jim Rolland was back on the job.Mitchell County Press-News via EMSNetwork
posted by Doc at 17:16 [272 words]
Unintentional Deployments of Automotive Safety Equipment
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is asking for assistance in gathering information about unintentional deployments of automotive safety equipment.
This could be a very enlightening and important study. I am sure most firefighters, EMS professionals, and rescue crews have seen the Carbusters series of tapes used in rescue training. Remember the firefighter that was blown 10 feet from the vehicle when the air bag deployed unintentionally while he was over it? Maybe this study will help reduce those incidents.
Emergency services providers are requested to report all unintentional
deployments of automotive safety equipment, whether or not the rescuer
is injured, by one of the following methods:
1. By phone: (202) 366-2545 or (877) 201-3172
2. By e-mail:
3. By facsimile: (202) 366-5374, Attention: SCI Program
4. By mail: U.S. DOT - NHTSA
Special Crash Investigation Program (NPO-122)
ATTN: Thomas Roston
400 Seventh St., SW, Room 6213
Washington, DC 20590
posted by Doc at 17:09 [152 words]
Loss of Continuity
This has been one long extra week. I am glad to be going home tomorrow, if only for 8 days. Ick! 8 days off in seven weeks! You can bet I won't be working the trucks this time home.
Anyway, being out here the extra week, and being gone for the past month has sure been screwing with by biological clock, and messing up my continuity. Not to mention working 25 days straight without a break, adds a lot of stress. I bet my Cortisol levels are way up.
As you can probably tell by now, my focus and motivation have suffered. It's not that the week has been particularly hard, it's been no worse than normal. I just can't seem to stay focused on one subject for a long period of time. I also keep forgetting what day and week it is. My bio-clock is set to a 14 day and 14 day rhythm, and it keeps thinking this is still last week. Also, I am waking up much "stiffer" than normal, when I do sleep. I can't really explain this other than to say I am just drained from being gone so long.
I am so glad to be leaving tomorrow and getting myself back on track. I hope to be at home early enough (doubtful) to enjoy my evening, but most of all I'll just be glad to see my Wife
and sleep in my own bed.
Note: It's also International Blog Comment Week, so say something will ya!
posted by Doc at 09:58 [256 words]
Have a great vacation!! I know your looking forward to a little time off. I'm ready for another vacation myself to make up for my last vacation!
Have a great Wednesday!
Posted by Pam on March 31, 2004 10:33 AM
Same here -- you deserve a l-o-n-g rest!
Posted by Terry on March 31, 2004 10:53 AM
Enjoy your time off!
Posted by Burnt Fuse on March 31, 2004 12:03 PM
Tuesday March 30, 2004
Coppermine Subdomain issue
Updated: 03/31/04 12:28
I don't know how long its been down, but the new Coppermine Gallery subdomain is not working (and therefore the Random Photo as well) . It was working as of 16:30 when I finished modifying the Random Photo code.
I submitted a trouble ticket and we shall see what the issue is.
Until then you can reach the gallery at
I think Coppermine is working out very well. The templates are easier to work with, and its much more modular. Outside of the Random Block not ignoring Private Album permissions (I don't have any anyway), I haven't had any major issue.
UPDATE: It seems to be back up again. I wonder if a domain table was corrupted somewhere. Anyway, I am leaving the backup URL in place for a while longer until I am sure its back and stable.
posted by Doc at 18:52 [145 words]
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