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Chuck Morse writes "
(From Perspectives
on Anarchist Theory , the biannual newsletter of the Institute for Anarchist
Studies, Spring 2004 - Volume 8, Number 1)
The Life--or Death--of the Anti-Globalization
The anti-globalization movement that erupted
onto the scene in Seattle 1999 frightened elites and inspired activists around
the world to fight the system in a utopian, anti-authoritarian way. However,
this movement has occupied a much less significant place on the public stage
since the terror attacks of September 11th, 2001. Is it over?
We asked Marina Sitrin (IAS grant recipient)
and Chuck Morse (IAS board member) for their thoughts on this question.
Sitrin's Response / Chuck
Morse's Response
News: Support Steven Kurtz! |
hydrarchist writes....from australia......this is a translation someone did for the State of Emergency conference of a recent article to multitudes, previously unavailable in english as far as i know.also might be worth putting up on autonomedia...
The State of Emergency as the Empire's Mode of Governance.
by Jean-Claude Paye
translated by Patrice Riemens
Originally published in Multitudes 16, March 2004.
The atrocities of September 11, 2001 caused an unprecedented acceleration
in the transformation of the corpus of criminal and criminal procedure
laws in Western countries. In the months following the outrage, and
sometimes within days, governments have enacted measures curtailing public
and private liberties. In our opinion, a real break is taking place,
because it is the very existence of the rule of law as we know it which is
at stake.
hydrarchist writes ... this is just the introduction from a reader produced for a conference of the same title by some friends in Australia. The link to the rest of the texts can be found at the end.
The State of Emergency - A Reader
She is married to a man she loathes but who has her almost completely in his power ... [So] Sue Ellen’s ... alcoholism functions as a metaphor for her enduring state of crisis ... Such a state of crisis is not at all exceptional or uncommon in the context of the soap opera genre. On the contrary, crisis can be said to be endemic to it.- Ien Ang on Sue Ellen from Dallas.
In 1940, Walter Benjamin - a Marxist Jew in exile in France - wrote that “[t]he tradition of the oppressed teaches us that the ‘state of emergency’ in which we live is not the exception, but the rule.” Just as crisis is the normal state for a soap opera about oil fortunes (i.e., Dallas), crisis is the normal state for the soap opera about oil fortunes in which we live (i.e., the world).
simulacrum writes: The "New" Europe
The European Union as from May 1 has ten new member-countries. It extended its membership after years of debate and indecisiveness and became the world's single biggest market with a population of 450 million. Not only that the extended EU increased its economic potential, and eventually its worldwide influence and economic power, but it created a part of the world which will presumably be a respective, almost equal, competitor to the US on the global political landscape in quest for global dominance.
As it is, there are some significant downsides to this spectacular "Europeanization of Europe". Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia, as some of the new members are societies with a dreadful recent past of unsuccessful communism. Their economies were systematically ruined by the overwhelming influence of Stalinist Soviet Union and the population of those countries as a whole lack, if we can call it like that, a basic training course in democracy. Of course, some countries, like for example Slovenia, had more ideological and geographical contacts with Western Europe, and therefore have developed a stronger sense of what "capitalism" and "democracy" as abstract concepts mean. Thus, this Slovenian experience reflected itself to certain extent in the current socio-political situation in the country which is, along with Cyprus, the richest newcomer in EU with a GDP per head of 69% of EU average.
Alfred W. McCoy, "Cruel Science: The Long Shadow of CIA Torture Research" |
"Cruel Science: The Long Shadow of CIA Torture Research"
Alfred W. McCoy, Boston Globe, May 15, 2004
The photos from Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison are snapshots, not of simple
brutality or a breakdown in discipline, but of CIA torture techniques
that have metastasized, over the past 50 years, like an undetected
cancer inside the US intelligence community.
From 1950 to 1962, the CIA led massive, secret research into coercion
and consciousness that reached a billion dollars at peak. After
experiments with hallucinogenic drugs, electric shocks, and sensory
deprivation, this CIA research produced a new method of torture that
was psychological, not physical — best described as "no touch torture."
The CIA's discovery of psychological torture was a counter-intuitive
break-through — indeed, the first real revolution in this cruel
science since the 17th century. In its modern application, the
physical approach required interrogators to inflict pain, usually by
crude beatings that often produced heightened resistance or
unreliable information. Under the CIA's new psychological paradigm,
however, interrogators used two essential methods, disorientation and
self-inflicted pain, to make victims feel responsible for their own
News: Free Isamu Kaneko [p2p] |
hydrarchist writes: "It's been a bad week on the repression front for the p2p community. Last weekend Isamu Kaneko was arrested (10 million yen — more than $100,000 — has already been raised by his supporters to assist in his defense). Shortly afterwards, the RIAA began proceedings against another 493 defendants in the United States. Lastly a private law firm has announced suits against 20 p2p users in Korea, mostly for downloading movies." Isamu Kaneko, Winny, P2P Repression
Isamu Kaneko, author of Winny, the Japanese P2P software with
encrypted networking capability, similar to Freenet, has been
officially arrested on copyright-related charges. The charge of
violating copyright laws carries up to three years in prison or a fine
of up to 3 million yen ($27,000).
· reclaim the streets. Huntington, W. Virginia · Ben Morea of Black Mask and Motherfuckers, New York City, June 7, 2004 · The Wobblies Are Coming, Edmonton, Sept. 3-6, 2004 · New York Witchcamp, Sept. 11-18, 2004 · Reclaim the Commons, San Francisco, June 3-9, 2004 · "Under Fire" Symposium, Rotterdam, May 29, 2004 · "Occupation: Wrong in Iraq, Wrong in Palestine," New York City, June 5-11, 2004 · System-77 Civil Counter-Reconnaissance, Vienna · Renewing the Anarchist Tradition Conference, Vermont, Sept 24-26, 2004 · Crossroads in Cultural Studies Conference, Urbana, June 25-28, 2004
· Three Artists Subpoenaed in USA PATRIOT Act Case (Wednesday June 02 2004, @05:54PM) · CTheory Support for Steve Kurtz and CAE (Wednesday June 02 2004, @01:12PM) · Two More Critical Arts Ensemble Members Subpoenaed (Tuesday June 01 2004, @09:56AM) · Eyewitness to the Revolution in a Chinese Village (Sunday May 30 2004, @08:18AM) · Venezuela! (Thursday May 27 2004, @10:53PM) · Ron Jacobs, "Goodbye Dave Dellinger" (Wednesday May 26 2004, @10:15AM) · NY Times, "Do the Hippie Hippie " (Wednesday May 26 2004, @08:36AM) · NY Times Has New Berg Biography Story (Wednesday May 26 2004, @06:59AM) · Wall Street Journal's Melvin Lasky Obit (Wednesday May 26 2004, @04:38AM) · duopoly & the blindness of midly ex-rads (Tuesday May 25 2004, @04:49AM) · Cannes Panelist: Bush Best Comedian (Monday May 24 2004, @07:10AM) · Andrew Anthony, "Michael and Me " (Sunday May 23 2004, @04:42PM) · Iran Sends Diplomatic Warning to U.S. Over Iraq (Sunday May 23 2004, @09:52AM) · Andrew Cockburn, "The Truth About Ahmed Chalabi" (Saturday May 22 2004, @07:47PM) · William Hinton's NY Times Obituary (Saturday May 22 2004, @09:14AM)
· Writing a thesis with a five month deadline (Wednesday June 02 2004, @03:56AM) · this is what democracy looks like? (Friday May 14 2004, @08:56AM) · I say, letÂ’s do it - reclaim our lives & the world (Wednesday May 05 2004, @02:34AM) · Counter Convention (Friday April 30 2004, @05:49AM) · Against post-structuralism and post-modernism (Wednesday April 28 2004, @02:01AM) · Start of how-to users guide (amended) (Wednesday April 21 2004, @07:39AM) · eastern europe data (Wednesday April 14 2004, @06:53PM) · sustainable media (Monday April 12 2004, @03:16PM) · The Waiting Is Over The Revolution Has Began (Monday April 12 2004, @10:54AM) · The Silence Before The Storm - Difference & Unity (Monday April 12 2004, @10:52AM)