Washburn’s Bust of a Statue
Washburn U's Holier Than Thou features a bishop with a miter that resembles a phallus.
Christopher Hitchens & Faith
Hitchens' criticism of The Passion strikes one as the rhetorical excess of someone predisposed to disdain Christianity.
Gives The Passion an "X" Rating
This appears to be anti-Christain bigotry, considering
more violent American films have only received R ratings. Anyone under
the age of 18 is prohibited from watching the movie in Mexico.
John Kerry, The Raw Deal
The campaign's latest slogan is John Kerry, "The Real Deal."
Schuyler, All-American
To understand black history, you must know George S. Schuyler.
The List
John Kerry's foreign endorsements.
Humans have flourished over thousands of years because of our innate
goodness, a gift innate and part of our makeup.
Gibson’s Passion Lacks Moral Legitimacy
Surely Jewish organizations would carry just a little more moral authority
if they routinely protested all attacks on faith.
IC Recommends:
The Aristotle Adventure:
A Guide to the Greek, Latin,
and Arabic Scholars who
Transmitted Aristotle's Logic
to the Renaissance.
description here
IC Book Reviews:
A Long Short War
Nathan Alexander reviews Christopher Hitchens' collection of articles
addressing the U.S. war against Iraq
A Treatise on Human
Life: An Unalienable Right
Sandra Alexander reviews Dr. Harold Kletschka's book
on the history of law and abortion
IC Recommends:
Oldest Enemy
A History of America's Disastrous Relationship with France,
by Mark Molesky
(coming in July 2004)
Jewish Wars
Reflections by One of the Belligerents, by Professor
Edward Alexander
Other Recommended Reading
F. Buckley
Ann Coulter
Liberal Commentary
IC's list of the best recent articles the left has to offer
IC Columnist Scott
Shore's book in progress
Why the Torah (Old Testament) is the only universally acceptable basis
for restoring values
to Repeal the 17th Amendment
Why it's better to appoint U.S. Senators, not elect
Insightful Christian
by Jim Chapman
East Updates
Best of the Web
prior Best of the Web links...
introduces sexist car for women
This really irks us, just
when you thought women themselves were striving for equality, a team
of women engineers designs a car "for women" that treats women like
idiots - the front end can only be opened by a mechanic, and when it
is time to change the oil, the car sends a wireless call to the nearest
service station, which then calls the woman to set up an appointment!
And gee, the car has fold-down seats to make room for "lots of shopping
bags," and the cloth swatches on the car seats can be easily interchanged
to match a woman's mood or clothing! Why don't we just send women straight
back to the 1950's, in fact, shoot, why not give the car a 1950's design!
of anti-John Kerry websites
Includes "Kerry Quotes,"
"Crush Kerry," "The Kerry Record," and "Kerry's Voting Record."
Kerry's contradictions on every issue
doesn't Kerry stand for? This article goes over his bizarre stances on both
sides of issues. Yet people are still voting for him....
reveals that Charter School Students surpass traditional public xchool
students in overall achievement growth
This newly released study
from the Goldwater Institute found that although charter school students
begin school with lower test scores than public school students, they
show overall annual achievement growth roughly three points higher than
traditional public school students.
News article admits prevalent liberal bias among mainstream press
Oddly enough, one of the
top guns at ABC News, Mark Halpern, has written an article and posted
it on the ABC News web site discussing how the press operates with liberal
biases and predilections. These positions "include, but are not limited
to, a near-universal
shared sense that liberal political positions on social issues like
gun control, homosexuality, abortion, and religion are the default."
ruining Valentine's Day
Carey Roberts exposes
how the feminists have replaced traditional romance with discussion
of women's private parts, and how the obstacle to feminists is not "patriarchy,"
but heterosexual romance, love, and marriage.
v. Dean
Dean has made so many
contradictory statements on every issue he could have a full debate
with himself!
Clark admits targeting civilians in the Balkans
Includes discussion of
how a videotape of the bombing of a passenger train was sped up to make
it appear as though it was an accident. Funny, considering Clark's criticism
now of Bush's use of force in Iraq. Clark must have, uh, switched parties.
And check out this
site for even more on Clark. Don't forget to read an article
we ran earlier on Clark's war record, by Mark Brnovich, located here.
for Dean
We are NOT making this
up, this appears to be a serious web site. We guess there really is
a "libertine" wing of the Libertarian Party.
Women calendar
features women and men on the right with its "GOP Babe of the Week"
and "Dude of the Week." It also features ugly members of the left with
its Jackass
of the Day. It has now come out with a 2004 calendar for
$20 featuring some of the women. Not to be confused with the frightening
looking left wing women featured on the BabesAgainstBush.com
Libertarianism is not Right-Wing
We don't necessarily agree
with this article, but it brings up some good arguments. It discusses
the origins of "right" and "left," and the various ways of putting right
and left on spectrum charts. Thanks to Enrico
Peppe for pointing this out.
Clinton tells racist joke - but where is the outrage?
We caught this in a link
to ABC from the Drudge Report, otherwise, we haven't hardly heard a
word about it in the mainstream press. Hillary Clinton made a derogatory
joke about people of Indian origins working at gas stations, stating
that Gandhi used to run a gas station. If a Republican, say Trent Lott,
had made a similar remark, they would have been forced to step down
from their position. Such ethics the left and the left-leaning media
Against Bush
Paleocons against Bush
and neocons.
for Howard Dean
Not sure how some libertarians
can align themselves with the far left, but this blog appears intelligent
enough so it is an interesting read. If libertarians are mad at Bush's
compromising, then why not waste their vote on the libertarian candidate,
at least, whose principles are closer to theirs, instead of wasting
it on tax & spend Howard Dean?
supports local Arizona candidate Chad Kirkpatrick in state representative
Usually we stay out of
local elections, but since it's a personal friend who we can vouch for,
if you're from north Phoenix, we recommend you support Chad Kirkpatrick
in the District 6 Republican primary. The incumbent received a D+ from
the Goldwater Institute. 'Nuff said.
Review's Best Non-Fiction Books of last century
Winston Churchill's "The
Second World War" made #1, and Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's "The
Gulag Archipelago" made #2. We also spotted Anne Frank's "The
Diary of a Young Girl," Buckley's "God and Man at Yale,"
and oddly enough, Rachel Carson's "Slient Spring." Even odder,
#100 is Kenneth Starr's "The Starr Report." We somehow doubt
he's proud of this book.
Their Haughty Power: The working class and the employing class have
nothing in common.
Includes rare texts such
as Vanguard of Retrogression: "Postmodern" Fictions as Ideology
in the Era of Fictitious Capital, The 150th Anniversary of the Communist
Manifesto, On The Non-Formation of a Working-Class Political Party in
the U.S., 1900-1945, and a book review of Gugenberg/Schweidlenke
on New Age, Fascism, Ecologism. " From Queepeg Publications.
The Regressive Choice
This is a great spoof
page of Dennis Kucinich for president. Vote in the Dennis Hairdo poll,
and send them your tax cuts for the wealthy rebates. We came across
this on a link from Republicans
for Sharpton which is looking
more humorous every day. There's also a link to t-shirts and bumperstickers
that say Dean
People Suck!
Anti-Bush bumpersticker
the hippies in Boulder, Colorado, where else?: "Redefeat Bush."
College Students are Republicans than Democrats
new poll finds that 31% of college students identify themselves as Republicans,
whereas only 27% call themselves Democrats. Guess most conservative
students are intelligent enough to see through the monolithically liberal
university professors.
more likely to believe in God; Democrats more likely to believe in reincarnation,
astrology and UFOs
The Left likes to make
fun of the Right for being religious kooks, but hey, we'd rather believe
in God than reincarnation, astrology, and UFOs, which is what the latest
Fox News poll reports Democrats are more likely to believe in than Republicans.