16, 2003
PEARL HARBOR, President Roosevelt rounded up more than 100,000
Japanese residents and citizens and threw them in internment camps.
Indeed, both liberal deities of the 20th century, FDR and Earl Warren,
supported the internment of Japanese-Americans. In the '20s, responding
to the bombing of eight government officials' homes, a Democrat-appointed
attorney general arrested about 6,000 people. The raids were conducted
by A. Mitchell Palmer, appointed by still-revered Democrat segregationist
Woodrow Wilson, who won the 1916 election based on lies about intelligence
and war plans.
In response
to the worst terrorist attack in the history of the world right
here on U.S. soil, Attorney General John Ashcroft has detained fewer
than a thousand Middle Eastern immigrants. Ashcroft faces a far
more difficult task than FDR did: Pearl
Harbor was launched by the imperial government of Japan,
not by Japanese-Americans living in California. The 9-11 Muslim
terrorists, by contrast, were not only in the United States but,
until the attack, had broken hardly any laws at all (aside from
a few immigration laws, which liberals don't care about anyway).
And yet, Ashcroft's modest, carefully tailored policies have prevented
another attack for almost two years since Sept. 11, 2001. No internment
camps, no mass arrests. And no more massive terrorist attacks.
Naturally, therefore,
the Democrats have focused like a laser beam on the perfidy of John
Ashcroft. Rep. Dick Gephardt recently said, "In my first five
seconds as president, I would fire John Ashcroft as attorney general."
(In his first four seconds, he would establish the AFL-CIO wing
of the White House.)
Sen. John Kerry
has vowed: "When I am president of the United States, there
will be no John Ashcroft trampling on the Bill of Rights."
(Experts are still trying to figure out why Kerry didn't mention
his service in Vietnam during that last statement.) Let me be the
first to predict that when John Kerry is president, pigs will fly.
Sen. John Edwards
said that "we must not allow people like John Ashcroft to take
away our rights and our freedoms." Apparently, we must, however,
allow Janet Reno to run over our rights and our freedoms with a
As usual, the
Democrats have come up with a lot of bloody adjectives, but are
a little short in the way of particulars as to how Ashcroft is trampling
on anyone's rights. Their case-in-chief seems to be Tarek Albasti.
Albasti's story has now run in more than 70 overwrought news stories.
His tale of torment led a New York Times report on terrorism suspects
whose lives have been uprooted and was the featured story on a PBS
special this week about the civil-liberties crisis sweeping America.
Tarek Albasti
is an Egyptian immigrant who married an American woman, brought
seven of his Egyptian friends to America and was enrolled in flight
school when America was hit on 9-11. Based on a tip from the ex-wife
of one of the men that they were plotting a suicide
mission, the eight Egyptian immigrants were held for
one week in October 2001 one week. The men were questioned
and released. Since then, the government has issued copious apologies
to the men and has expunged their records.
What are liberals
claiming law enforcement was supposed to do with information like
that? We're sorry for any Arabs whose dearest dream was to go into
crop dusting, but this really isn't a good time. (Perhaps we could
have a five-day waiting period for Muslims who apply to U.S. flight
schools for a background check.)
Albasti told
PBS that's right, PBS, the television network owned, operated
and funded by the very same federal government Albasti now claims
is oppressing him that during his one-week confinement he
was worried he would be hanged without anyone ever knowing what
happened to him. For that remark alone, he should be deported. Is
that what he thinks of America? But at least detained Arabs
and more to the point, their lawyers have a monetary incentive
to make absurd claims of persecution. What is the Democrats' excuse?
Based on the
wails from our stellar crop of Democratic presidential candidates,
you would think every Muslim in the country is cowering in fear
of a pogrom-oriented attorney general. Meanwhile, the left's principal
evidence of a civil-rights crisis in America consists of a one-week
detention of eight Egyptian immigrants one in flight school,
no less after the ex-wife of one of the men tipped off the
FBI to a possible terrorist plot in the making.
a lot of the false tips to law enforcement are coming from ex-wives.
(Maybe Muslim men should have thought of that before introducing
the burka.) Esshassah Fouad, a Moroccan student, was detained in
Texas after his former wife accused him of being a terrorist. She
is now serving a one-year prison sentence for making a false charge.
But some day,
small children will be reading somber historical accounts about
the dark night of fascism under John Ashcroft. (Thanks to Ashcroft,
at least they'll be reading them in English, rather than Arabic.)
If liberals applied half as much energy to some business endeavor
as they do to creating the Big Lie, they would all be multimillionaires.
What are we
to make of people who promote the idea that America is in the grip
of a civil-liberties emergency based on 100 hazy stories of scowls
and bumps and one-week detentions? Manifestly, there is no civil-liberties
crisis in this country. Consequently, people who claim there is
must have a different goal in mind. What else can you say of such
people but that they are traitors?
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