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Famous Artists of Cartoonland

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4.07 It seems Cat and Girl got a nice blurb in the Spring 2004 issue of Bitch. Well gee golly.

4.02 The Four Fours conclude over at splendid. The cow shirts are being shipped out now. The hoodies should be arriving soon. In other news I was a bit flaky with updates this past week. I had gasp horror things to do of the not sitting in front of my computer variety. I apologize. It will never happen again (it will probably happen again).

3.25 A friend of mine bought the last digital recorder at a Radio Shack off the showroom floor, and this song happened to be on it. Recorded by someone. At Radio Shack. You will not regret listening in. "Janelle".

3.22 It is a song about cat and girl, courtesy of Bottla!

3.13 An article featuring all of your favorite webcomics (well most of them at least) in the Michigan Daily right here (Warning: big pdf file).

3.09 After almost five years of appearing on Monday Cat and Girl is moving to Tuesdays. Why? Because I want to use Sunday for cavorting in the mild spring weather with friends who have jobs. The Ralph Bunche will appear on Monday instead.

Cat and Girl Tuesday

the New Adventures of Death (MT) Thursday

the Ralph Bunche (MT) M/W/F (usually)

· I Have No Superfluous Leisure (MT)
· Other Output from various publications

The Four Fours just ended.

email dorothy [a] catandgirl.com

WEBCOMICS TO READ: Achewood / American Elf / Boy on a Stick and Slither / Bruno / Bueno the Bear / Buttercup Festival / Comic Strip / Death to the Extremist / Diesel Sweeties / Eggpants / Girlamatic / Goats / Her / The Journal Comic / Modern Tales / Return to Sender / Scary Go Round / Serializer / Small Stories / Wigu

Lastly Cyclone Shuffle Alley