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4/3/04 The Unconservative Listening page has been completely revamped. Washington Post
White House Spins The Boy Who Yawned
By Lisa de Moraes The White House, trying to get out in front of the Yawning Boy story, is now in charge of media access to the young man who was seen on David Letterman's show this week yawning his way through one of President Bush's less robust speeches… "He's a young person who strongly supports the president and is excited about getting a chance to talk about it," White House assistant press secretary Reed Dickens told The TV Column yesterday. Dickens has been named go-to guy for anyone wanting to interview Tyler, who gained national prominence when Letterman introduced a new segment on his show Monday called "George W. Bush Invigorates America's Youth." What followed was a videotape of clips from a recent speech Bush gave at the Orange County Convention Center in which the then-12-year-old Tyler can be seen yawning uncontrollably, stretching, fidgeting and checking his watch while standing behind the president… CNN apologized on the air to Letterman yesterday for having reported Tuesday that the White House said his videotape had been altered to put the boy right behind Bush. That honor fell to Daryn Kagan, who first reported on CNN that the White House was calling the tape a fake; Kyra Phillips said something to the same effect later, only she said "We're told that" without citing any source. CNN retracted that report Tuesday night, but only after Letterman had shown the clip of Kagan telling viewers that the White House said the tape was doctored, and only after Letterman had called the White House a bunch of liars. Twice. "It turns out, due to what we might say a misunderstanding among the folks who are usually so fantastic behind me here in the newsroom, it turns out that was not true," Kagan said yesterday. "The White House, it turns out, I guess never did call us about the tape. . . . And we've been looking through our tapes and apparently we now see no evidence that it was faked…” [The White House I GUESS never did call us? Are CNN reporters supposed to go around GUESSING? Aren’t they supposed to be reporting the FACTS?—Caro] "This whole thing just smells. Doesn't it smell a little bit?" Letterman asked his audience last night… The Daily Mislead April 2, 2004 Reversing Pledge, Bush Lets OPEC Bilk Americans
As a presidential
candidate in 2000, George Bush pledged to use his "political capital" to
influence OPEC when gas prices soared, saying that during a crisis, a
president, "ought to get on the phone with the OPEC cartel and say, 'We
expect you to open your spigots". But with gas prices soaring in the
United States, newspapers report the White House now says the president
refuses to "personally lobby oil cartel leaders to change their minds". How does Bush flip flop? Let me count the
ways. President Bush: Flip-Flopper-In-Chief March 31, 2004 From the beginning, George W. Bush has made his own credibility a central issue. On 10/11/00, then Governor Bush said: "I think credibility is important. It is going to be important for the president to be credible with Congress, important for the president to be credible with foreign nations." But President Bush's serial flip-flopping raises serious questions about whether Congress and foreign leaders can rely on what he says.
1. Department of Homeland Security
2. Weapons of Mass Destruction
3. Free Trade
4. Osama Bin Laden
5. The Environment
6. WMD Commission
7. Creation of the 9/11 Commission
8. Time Extension for 9/11 Commission
9. One Hour Limit for 9/11 Commission
10. Gay Marriage
11. Nation Building
12. Saddam/al Qaeda Link
13. U.N. Resolution
14. Involvement in the Palestinian
15. Campaign Finance Are you scared enough yet to vote
Republican? No? Well, maybe this will do the trick. Gov't Warns of Summer Bomb Plots in U.S. Fri Apr 2,10:59 PM ET By CURT ANDERSON, Associated Press Writer WASHINGTON - Trains and buses in major U.S cities may be targeted this summer by terrorists using bombs hidden in bags or luggage, federal counterterrorism officials have told law enforcement and transportation officials in a nationwide bulletin. FBI and Homeland Security Department officials said they had received uncorroborated intelligence reports about a plot by terrorists to target commercial transportation systems. [Emphasis added.] The bulletin, issued late Thursday, mentioned no specific cities or dates and did not elaborate on the source of the information. A senior federal law enforcement official, speaking Friday on condition of anonymity, said the intelligence, coupled with the deadly March 11 commuter train attacks in Madrid in which bombs went off inside backpacks, has increased the level of wariness about a similar attack in the United States… [Emphasis added.] PBS NOW Published on Friday, April 2, 2004 by NOW with Bill Moyers Ex-Nixon Aide John Dean Tells Bill Moyers that Bush Should Be Impeached [O]n NOW with Bill Moyers , former counsel to President Nixon John Dean tells Bill Moyers that he believes the Bush Administration's secrecy and deception over the war with Iraq should result in impeachment…
JOHN DEAN: The New York Times By BOB HERBERT Published: April 2, 2004 We're told that President Bush watched the television news coverage of the Iraqi mob that attacked, burned and mutilated four American civilians in Falluja on Wednesday. I can imagine the fury he must have felt. But I wonder what specific thoughts ran through his mind, and what other emotions he experienced. Was there any soul-searching, any second thoughts about whether he did the right thing in launching this war, which he thought was all but over last May but which remains with us, with no end to the carnage in sight? With so many now dead, might the president have felt even the mildest of qualms, the faintest flickering of regret while watching the hideous images from Falluja?.. Why were [our troops] ever placed in harm's way in Iraq? Wednesday's atrocity was inexcusable — unconscionable — and those responsible should be tracked down and punished. But even if that happens, the greater tragedy of the war itself will continue indefinitely. We rode into this wholly unnecessary conflict on the wave of Mr. Bush's obsession with Saddam Hussein and Iraq, and we've made a hash of it. Hundreds of Americans and thousands of innocent Iraqis have died for reasons the administration has never been able to coherently explain… April 3, 2004 GOP Hypocrite of the Week: James Thompson A BUZZFLASH EDITORIAL Listen to the GOPHOTW HERE. During his reign as the longest serving governor in the history of Illinois, they called the tall former U.S. Prosecutor, "Big Jim." But as a member of the 9/11 Commission, James Thompson, now head of a prominent Chicago law firm, has justly earned the honor of being named the BuzzFlash GOP Hypocrite of the Week. Thompson, along with other Republican 9/11 Commission panel members, was provided anti-Clarke information by FOX "White House Propaganda" news. In addition, we can only speculate on what unseemly message points the White House itself spoon fed to the GOP partisans on the commission. When it came his turn to question Clarke, "Big Jim" Thompson went after Clarke's credibility like a rat on $25 brie. Thompson, however, was up against an honest man who knew that the truth can force an overzealous prosecutor into retreat. And, indeed, as Clarke received applause from the family members of those killed on 9/11, Thompson ended his ferocious attack-rat questioning by suddenly departing the hearing room in an embarrassing defeat. Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) appropriately noted that Thompson was just doing the bidding of "his client at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave."… The New York Times 2 Decline to Testify on Drug Cost By SHERYL GAY STOLBERG Published: April 2, 2004 WASHINGTON, April 1 — A senior White House official and the former Medicare administrator, central figures in a controversy over the cost of the new prescription drug law, declined to appear before a House committee Thursday, defying Democrats who had sought their testimony. Citing executive privilege, the White House refused to send Doug Badger, special assistant to the president for health policy, to testify before the House Ways and Means Committee. The former Medicare administrator, Thomas A. Scully, who no longer works for the government, wrote the committee a letter saying he had been busy traveling and would be "unable to appear." Democrats then tried to persuade the committee to subpoena them, but those motions failed along party lines, by votes of 23 to 16… Seattle Post-Intelligencer Friday, April 2, 2004 Be careful what you say on campus
By BESHARA DOUMANI The most ominous threat to academic freedom in decades looms in a seemingly innocuous Senate bill expected to come up for vote shortly. A short but critical clause would rob our society of the open exchange of ideas on college campuses that is vital to our democracy. House Resolution 3077 passed last fall. It included a provision to establish an advisory board to monitor campus international studies centers in order to ensure that they advance the national interest. While the law would apply to all federally funded institutes with an international focus, the target is clearly the nation's 17 centers for Middle East studies. The driving force behind this provision is the same group of conservative ideologues who have long promoted the war on Iraq and who support the extreme right-wing politics of the Sharon government in Israel. Their aim is to defend the foreign policy of this administration by stifling critical and informed discussion on U.S. campuses. The Senate vote comes at a time in which conservative activists walk the corridors of power in Washington, D.C. They include Education Secretary Rod Paige, who in a moment of failed but revealing levity, recently described the National Education Association, with 2.7 million member teachers, as a terrorist organization. For professors like me, entrusted with teaching facts as well as critical thinking and the ability to analyze all sides of an issue, the pending legislation must be viewed against the backdrop of other recent and chilling developments. Be careful what books you buy or check out from the library… Be careful what readings you assign… Be careful what you say in or out of class… Students and faculty connected academically or culturally to Muslim and Middle Eastern countries have been especially targeted. Some have been subjected to hate mail blitzes and their institutions pressured to short-circuit their careers. Sen. Rick Santorum, R-Penn., announced his intent last April to introduce legislation cutting federal funding to institutions of higher learning where students or faculty criticize Israel, labeling such criticism -- regardless of its content or basis in fact -- as anti-Semitic. All of this will seem like child's play, though, if the attempt to stifle academic freedom is formalized through Congress… Steve Bradenton
This needs to happen all over the country. Article Last Updated: Friday, April 02, 2004 - 6:54:17 AM PST Oakland Democrat's bill aims to stave off repeat By Steve Geissinger - SACRAMENTO BUREAU SACRAMENTO -- Senate Majority Leader Don Perata introduced urgency legislation Thursday to ban use of computerized voting machines in Alameda County and across Cali-fornia during the November election -- a dramatic move the secretary of state said he is seriously considering… The authors -- Perata, an Oakland Democrat who is chairman of the Senate elections committee, and Sen. Ross Johnson, an Irvine Republican who co-chairs the panel -- said the bill is aimed at thwarting the sort of problems with e-voting machines that emerged in Alameda and San Diego counties during the March primary. "Thousands of Californians were denied their right to vote on March 2 because electronic voting systems failed to work," Perata said. "We cannot afford to let that happen to November. We have a duty to seek a legislative solution if that becomes necessary." Secretary of State Kevin Shelley, the state's top election official, is "seriously considering" decertification of computerized voting machines as one of his options while he pressures manufacturers and county officials for greater security precautions, said Shelley spokeswoman Carol Dahmen…