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 Adam Smith Institute
ASI is the UK's leading innovator of practical market-economic policies. For over 25 years it has been a pioneer in the worldwide movement towards free markets, public-sector reform, and free trade.

The Institute's main focus is on reforming governments and state enterprises in order to promote choice, competition, enterprise, and user-focus. It works through research, reports, conferences, advice, and media debate.

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Adam Smith
Adam Smith was the great Scottish philosopher and economist best known for "The Wealth of Nations", his pioneering book on free trade and market economics.

A wide selection of material about Adam Smith is now available on this site. Please see the menu above. This includes the full text of his two major works, The Theory of Moral Sentiments and The Wealth of Nations

 Other Heroes
F A Hayek - Philosopher of Liberty and Nobel Laureate in Economics

Milton Friedman - great monetary economist and libertarian policy guru

 Adam Smith or bust!
The Institute is proud to offer a limited edition of its superb cast busts of the great economist and social theorist Adam Smith.
Standing about 25cm (9in) high, the exclusive bronze-finish Adam Smith bust is available at UK£125 (Worldwide at UK£130)

To purchase the Bust or select from a range of ASI merchandize, please visit our on-line Shop

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Bus grab plans

Britain's local transport bureaucrats say that they should control the routes, fares, and timetables of the (private) bus operators. We told you so: last month, our report Running Buses detailed this plan -- and explained why it would reduce competition, customer-focus and convenience, and would put up local council-tax bills.

Read the report here

ASI statement on the officials' plan

Tax Freedom Day Tax Freedom Day 2004 falls on 30 May. That is 3 days later than in 2003. It means that for 152 days of the year, every penny earned by the average Brit is taken by the government.

If we take public borrowing into account -- since that is a burden on future taxpayers -- it pushes Tax Freedom Day even further on, to 11 June.

More information at


Fair Trade Won't Help Poor

The 'fair trade' campaign is doomed to failure, says a new Adam Smith Institute report. The only real way of benefiting the farmers of poorer countries is to tear down our tariff walls and have free trade instead.

Download the report here (pdf 112kbytes).


Consensus on pensions

Distinguished actuary and government adviser Alan Pickering believes he has found the solution to the pension crisis in this short ASI paper. Employers are crucial, as is simplification. But the key reform is to raise the state pension dramatically - and raise the retirement age too.

More info
Read the report


Energy Security Summit

Security of supply (or lack of it) is the guiding theme of our international energy symposium in London. Coming to debate it are top energy-sector decision-makers from the EU and US, including Presidential Adviser Jimmy Glotfelty (top) and World Nuclear Association head John Ritch (bottom).
For more details please see our forward diary.


TAKE a look at The Free Africa Foundation website, run by Ghanaian prof George Ayittey -- freeing Africans from intellectual bondage, empowering them to take charge of their own destiny and finding African-based solutions to Africa's problems.


Seldon: Scourge of the State
Gabriel Stein
Budget-watcher and Tax Freedom Day expert Gabriel Stein recommends Arthur Seldon on Capitalism and the State, Karl Popper on Historicism, Tim Congdon on Monetarism, and more. See these and more at our recommended reading page.
See Gabriel's top tomes here.


POLI-GRAM - our weekly word puzzle tests your knowledge of the political world of Westminster…and beyond.

the ASI weblog
(click on item to read it)
The AdamSmith Weblog

 Think Pieces
Food Standards Fatheads
Weighing in to the food advertising debate, Tim Ambler of the London Business Schools asks which is worse: child obesity or the fatheads who misuse scientific method to attack the food industry?
Read the think piece

Forget the Tories: We want a Vietnamese government
The UK government spends £9.57 per hour per worker in the country. The Vietnamese government spends just 9.8p. Is it any wonder we are so uncompetitive?
Read the Think Piece

You too could run the BBC!
You just have to know how to read between the lines of the job advertisement, says media entrepreneur Mike Tremblay as he deconstructs the Beeb's Sits Vac entry in Guardian Society.

Visit our media issues page

Exporting Jobs is OK!

As more UK jobs go to the Far East, should we be downhearted? No, says Dr Eamonn Butler, as long as we keep on our feet and avoid more regulation.

ASI Energy Project - details

End the Post Office monopoly!

Why should the Royal Mail keep its monopoly when spreading strikes mean it cannot provide a decent service? Peter Clarke says it's time the Post Office faced real competition.


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 Online Bulletins

A quarterly round-up of ASI news.


Bally's/Paris Resort, Las Vegas
13-15 May 2004

FreedomFest is three days of "Great Ideas, Great Books, and Great Thinkers." The world's best & brightest authors, students, business people, and libertarian/conservative think tanks will meet, learn, create, and network. Speakers include the ASI's Alex Singleton, Cato's David Boaz and ATR's Grover Norquist.

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