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User:caprine (996787) caprine
Location:San Diego, California, United States
Bio:The lust of the goat is the glory of God. --William Blake

Higgledy Piggledy, my red Hen,
She lays Eggs for Gentlemen.
You cannot persuade her with Gun or Lariat
To come across for the Proletariat. -- Anonymous

It's all a load of bollocks. --John Constantine
Friends:55: albertine, ben_raccoon, blackflag669, bluejogger, caprine, chorale, cikevin, con_central, dragatheimpaler, drewkitty, ellienihon, esprix, farmount, finnfaran, firecat, grate_scott, grettr, handcuff_knot, heyoka, ismarc, jfoxdavis, jkusters, koressa, laurea, lenniersd, madbaker, meowse, nolly, noreascon4, oberstein, ophy, patchworkdragon, patgund, rmjwell, royalcrown, rozk, sahari, samuraimeg, savagelove, sci_fi, scubachik, scythrop, sd_larp, shetterly, skydancer, snakefeathers, spooktress, steelmagnoliaca, the_dean, thomasm, thomasroche, trekhead, vndictivesprite, wenchbeast, wereguy
Friend of:33: albertine, blackflag669, bluejogger, caprine, chorale, cikevin, drewkitty, ellienihon, esprix, farmount, firecat, grate_scott, grettr, handcuff_knot, heyoka, ismarc, jkusters, koressa, lenniersd, meowse, nolly, ophy, patchworkdragon, patgund, royalcrown, sahari, samuraimeg, scythrop, skydancer, spooktress, thomasm, vndictivesprite, wereguy
Member of:4: con_central, sci_fi, sd_larp, wenchbeast
Account type:Free Account

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