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Haven't heard anything about the midterms yet, I get to find out about one in 2 hours or so, but no e-mail or anything from the prof on the one where people were reported to have been cheating. Nothing too exciting has transpired today at school. Just fighting back the urge to fall asleep in class.
Well, Friday was another work day for me. After work I decided that Steve needed a little Halloween spirit, so I decorated his room with orange and purple lights, streamers, and little cutouts I made, since I couldn't find any decorations. I also decided to make carmel apples, which turned out well, however, I guess this is a treat you must eat right away 'cause the carmel has melted off all the remaining apples. :( I guess I know better for next time. I also spent part of the evening play Karaoke Revolution with the family, which was pretty fun. Steve didn't get home from work until midnight or so, so I watched him play the game a little, then it was straight to bed. I was feeling sick, but not too bad...
Well Saturday I woke up and my voice was almost gone. I could barely speak all day. Being at work like that wasn't that much fun either, since most of the customers couldn't understand me. After work Erika and I got together to put together our costumes for the Brotherhood party. Then we got ready at my house. Steve had the idea that he and I should go as a cholo and a chola. Then I got Erika involved and another friend and well, we had a group costume. We went as a gang. That shit was hilarious! I even did my bangs up old school style. Steve and Rick looked very authentic with their hairnets and little fake teardrop tattoos I drew under their eyes. triptogn has a pic up in his journal. The party was pretty fun, but I was really tired most of the time from trying to speak, plus we had to work the next morning, so Steve and I cut out a little early. There were a lot of cool outfits. I really like the guys who dressed up as mormons, it was kinda in the same vein as our costumes. A lot of people went with the theme of the "midnight carnival". Overall there were a lot of cool outfits, and it was a pretty fun time.
Sunday was back to work. I really dislike this time of year. I hate hiring people. Most people who apply for a job at the mall, suck. I know it isn't a glamorous, or impressive place to work, but at least pretend to care for the interview! I have to do interviews all day tomorrow, and I am really not looking forward to it. Anyway, Sunday night I was supposed to meet up with Danielle for dinner, but we postponed it until Friday because I she had a paper to write and I wasn't feeling that well. I thought I had it bad with school and work, but Danielle is the real trooper. She is a fifth grade teacher and she is working on getting her masters. I think about her when I struggle. She has worked so hard to get where she is, and it is all really paying off for her. She is such a great inspiration, and she deserves everything she getting.
Overheard at KB Toys yesterday:
Child: "Mom I want that toy!"
Mom: "Well you don't have enough money."
Child: "Well you better buy it for me or else...."
Mom: "Or else what? What are you going to do about it?"
Child: "Or else I am going to kill you!"
Did I mention that this kid could not have been older than 3 or 4? Oh yes, more fuel for my friends who advocate child beating...