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Uggg [27 Oct 2004|05:21am]

[ mood | cheerful ]

Insomnia? No.
Haven't gone to bed yet? No.
Just woke up?
unfortunately yes.

This is weird and interesting at the same time.
I went to bed almost immediately after sushi tonight.
I even think I fell asleep at the computer even?

So now I'm up, wide awake and want to go fishing.
That's usually what people do this early in the AM isn't it?
I'll sit here and listen to the rain. It's soothing and I'm inside nice and warm.
Showered so I'm not 100% dry.

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sheesh [27 Oct 2004|04:49am]

[ mood | awake ]
[ music | grooveradio ]

still kicking...only a skeletal handout, two physical anthropology quizzes and maybe some business law homework to go.
oh and then laundry

F*CK, procrastinating is keeping me from blissful sleep - and NOT in the good way.

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Course [27 Oct 2004|12:10pm]

[ mood | bored ]

Got TMA03 back, I got 87%. Got the write and rewrite speed ratings backwards on both questions relating to that. (The 24x/32x/40x rating that tells you how fast a CD/DVD drive reads/rewrites/writes to the disc)

I'll do TMA04 this afternoon. Then it's onto part B! (Wonder if I'll get the first part of the practical kit with that?)

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Comics: Penny Arcade [27 Oct 2004|12:29am]
Today's Penny Arcade
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[26 Oct 2004|10:22pm]

[ mood | loved ]

Oh, and I forgot to say, that me feeling better is brought to you by the lovely Mr. K, who came home early yesterday (If you consider coming home at 11pm, after leaving for work at 8:30 am, early) to take care of me last night. He brought me soup, crackers, and medicine. How do I repay him? By promptly falling asleep about 10 minutes after I took the Nyquill! Thanks sweetie, you're the best!!!!

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Spooky.... [26 Oct 2004|09:33pm]

[ mood | sad ]

The South Park goldfish episode is on.

I named my fish Spooky, because in this episode, Stan says his fish is spooky several times, and also my little red guy likes to stare at people like the spooky South Park fish does.

My lil' fishie guy has not eaten in almost two weeks (that I can see at least - I keep trying to feed him). He is still alive, and acting fine, although ten days ago he was swimming sideways and acting weird all day and I thought he was dying.

This episode is making me sad...

I love the nice Cartman from the evil parallel universe though. "You guys are my best friends, through thick and thin.." Too cute!

Thursday night can't come soon enough. I am excited about trying out a new club with good music, hanging out with some cool friends and seeing Kelly, my favorite bartender ever (I miss her).

Tomorrow night I am in for some goodness too, I get sexy boy and hot spy girl action! Yay!

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[26 Oct 2004|11:41pm]


Sorry about the crappy cam pics...

Patsy Cline on my calf.
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[26 Oct 2004|11:39pm]

[ mood | bouncy ]
[ music | Love Ridden - Fiona Apple. ]

Ok. Today was by far the most stressful day I've had since starting school at any institution. But then by the time midnight rolls around, everything's panning out.

This morning I head over to the school to talk to Lindy. She really didn't want to talk to me... or at least that's the impression she gave. I guess the "excuses" I gave her for not being at school, or getting my story in on time weren't good enough. Ah well. Then the meeting. The faculty yelled at all of us for being "unprofessional" and "disappointing." I don't think I'm on that list, but then again, one never knows. So I assume I am.

Then we separate to our individual meetings with our editors. Ian cuts up my pitch about Go Transit and the provincial government bitching at the city for money. CUTS me down immediately. No one cares is what he tells me. Alright, that's fair enough. I've never written for this teacher before so I'm really not too sure what he's looking for when I write. Whatever.

This is where I think it can't get any worse. In the yelling meeting, Lindy had mentioned that those who weren't dedicated enough weren't getting her dedication when it came to finding placments for people. They could sit on the back burner while she found placements for people who were actually working hard and showing up for meetings. Fair enough. With this in mind and how my day was going, I assumed when I asked Dan at Sportsnet about next semester, he would say that they didn't have any work for full time interns, just part time. I was freaking.

So after I get some stuff done there, (check it out, I layed all this out,) I approach Dan. He informs me that they were definately expecting me to be full time there come January. Sweet. I found my internship all by myself without having to rely on Lindy or anyone. I felt awesome. But, I still had a story due tonight, with just one source and a press release. I booked it home and called the second source ... she wasn't home. That's okay, I figured I could make the story sound amazing.... but then I remembered that Ian is the one marking it and he already is going to be hard on me because of all the fucking shit that's gone on. Bharfdklajflkdsajflasfdhfadsk.

Then I remember... Oh wait. Of course, I have no money. How the fuck am I getting to school tomorrow. Luckily for MSN and my good friend Lesley at school... she's driving through the area tomorrow morning at 6:30 a.m. on way to school for 7:00. (We don't have class until 9:30 a.m.) I'm going to walk down to Don Mills and 404, (about a half an hour walk, but I'll probably run it,) to meet her. She's going to drive me down, and then hopefully back up when class is all done. God love her. Love her to death.

So, that was taken care of. The only thing left was this blasted story. The phone rings and it's my source. An hour later, my story is done and mailed off to Ian, (even though I know he's going to rape it.) I'll just have to do about 189 re-writes before it gets put up online.

My day is done. I think I'll have a smoke and go to bed. I got's an early morning ahead of me.

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[26 Oct 2004|08:04pm]

[ mood | for the love of god, help me. ]
[ music | yvonne on the phone ]

ok, this is going to be TMI, but i don't care.

my kingdom for a new butthole )

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Newbie here [26 Oct 2004|07:54pm]


On my upper left arm.

Image Hosted by
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Bummer [26 Oct 2004|06:13pm]

John Peel died. :(

They are showing a bunch of stuff for the anniversary of the horrible fires last year on the news. So many people lost so much. It is so humbling...

Stuck at a conference today, but it ended up being a good one. I learned quite a bit!

CSU San Marcos is much different than I anticipated, and much larger. They gave me bad directions, twice. I must have walked a few miles between where I had to park getting lost and walking around at lunch. It felt good though!

I needed a pick me up and Cris's plans changed, so Danielley and I went to get our pumpkin lattes at Diedrichs. She ran to buy some things for a school project at Ralphs, so I stuck my nose in the paper and sipped my latte while wathing the clouds roll in and the wind pick up. Yay for rain storms. I heard someone call my name and looked up and there was a cute boy smiling at me. He gave me lots of hugs and made me laugh. Danielley was happy to see him too! :)

Okay, now that I am properly caffienated, back to my big paper.
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[26 Oct 2004|06:14pm]

I much miss having someone who would sub for me. I miss going to griffin manor. I miss tying up, whipping, controlling.
oh the pain.....the pain dreams are made of...
perpetual limbo....
still...just waiting...
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Where to begin.... [26 Oct 2004|05:47pm]

[ mood | sick ]

Haven't heard anything about the midterms yet, I get to find out about one in 2 hours or so, but no e-mail or anything from the prof on the one where people were reported to have been cheating.  Nothing too exciting has transpired today at school.  Just fighting back the urge to fall asleep in class. 

Well, Friday was another work day for me.  After work I decided that Steve needed a little Halloween spirit, so I decorated his room with orange and purple lights, streamers, and little cutouts I made, since I couldn't find any decorations.  I also decided to make carmel apples, which turned out well, however, I guess this is a treat you must eat right away 'cause the carmel has melted off all the remaining apples.  :(  I guess I know better for next time.  I also spent part of the evening play Karaoke Revolution with the family, which was pretty fun.  Steve didn't get home from work until midnight or so, so I watched him play the game a little, then it was straight to bed.  I was feeling sick, but not too bad...

Well Saturday I woke up and my voice was almost gone.  I could barely speak all day.  Being at work like that wasn't that much fun either, since most of the customers couldn't understand me.  After work Erika and I got together to put together our costumes for the Brotherhood party.  Then we got ready at my house.  Steve had the idea that he and I should go as a cholo and a chola.  Then I got Erika involved and another friend and well, we had a group costume.  We went as a gang.  That shit was hilarious!  I even did my bangs up old school style.  Steve and Rick looked very authentic with their hairnets and little fake teardrop tattoos I drew under their eyes. [info]triptogn has a pic up in his journal.  The party was pretty fun, but I was really tired most of the time from trying to speak, plus we had to work the next morning, so Steve and I cut out a little early.  There were a lot of cool outfits.  I really like the guys who dressed up as mormons, it was kinda in the same vein as our costumes.  A lot of people went with the theme of the "midnight carnival".  Overall there were a lot of cool outfits, and it was a pretty fun time.

Sunday was back to work.  I really dislike this time of year.  I hate hiring people.  Most people who apply for a job at the mall, suck.  I know it isn't a glamorous, or impressive place to work, but at least pretend to care for the interview!  I have to do interviews all day tomorrow, and I am really not looking forward to it.  Anyway, Sunday night I was supposed to meet up with Danielle for dinner, but we postponed it until Friday because I she had a paper to write and I wasn't feeling that well.  I thought I had it bad with school and work, but Danielle is the real trooper.  She is a fifth grade teacher and she is working on getting her masters.  I think about her when I struggle. She has worked so hard to get where she is, and it is all really paying off for her.  She is such a great inspiration, and she deserves everything she getting.

Overheard at KB Toys yesterday:

Child: "Mom I want that toy!"

Mom: "Well you don't have enough money."

Child: "Well you better buy it for me or else...."

Mom: "Or else what?  What are you going to do about it?"

Child: "Or else I am going to kill you!"

Did I mention that this kid could not have been older than 3 or 4?  Oh yes, more fuel for my friends who advocate child beating...        

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More thoughts about killing in the name of art. [26 Oct 2004|05:19pm]

[ mood | blank ]

Interesting point of view?

Thats come from this:

Which is further commenting about Nathalia Edenmont's so called art.
I'll admit both sides have valid arguments.

Truthfully, I could careless about the mice and even the birds. The rabbits moved me a tad bit but it wasn't until I saw the cats that I then made my choice about her.
I guess if it were taxidermied would it be a different view? Probably. It's true that when you first see the pictures you are amazed and interested. This day and age you first think "Wow! Thats a neat photoshop'd picture!" and it's only after the fact that you know how she aqquired then made the picture that we become outraged? I wonder why that is?

Think about current events. Not just the War in Iraq either. We know (hopefully the majority knows) about the ongoing troubles in countries around the world. Human slaughter goes on day by day. Wars erupt, uprising's get suppressed and people are mass murdered on a day by day basis... but do any of us care? Do we get outraged and say "OMGWTFBBQ!!!1" to any of this? A small percentage of us do, the others are oblivious to the fact and or choose to not think about it. However in the case of defensless animals (mind you not defensless people) we get outraged and angered. We call for this persons head and that she suffer the same pain and anguish her victims must have felt. I mean... they did feel pain and anguish... didn't they?? Everyone said they did...

Like I said I do not condone any more than I thought before. Everytime I look at this picture ( ) I get enraged even more. On the same note, when I see the other pictures ( ) I think of little sayings for each of the animals. Then I see the cats and the look in their eyes...hurt.

I guess in the end it's our own morbid curiousity that keeps us intrigued and outraged at the same time. Or it could be we, also, are sick little monkies. I can't really say for anyone else but I'm not sure which is worse? We get outraged at the killing of animals and at the same time move through life knowing somewhere innocent people are being killed and no one cares as long as they aren't involved...

I guess it's also strangley intriguing that we are only brought this information now when in fact it's been going on since 2003 ( ) However it looks as though it's been a day to day debate. I'm still looking into this... Amazed and apalled at my findings.

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Thanks to SDTJ [26 Oct 2004|05:08pm]

[ mood | crazy ]
[ music | Hot in Herre by Tiga ]

I've had this stuck in the back of my head for a bit...
It's getting Hot in Herre by Tiga this is a LARGE FILE 30mbs

but HIGH-larious

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I'm a moron [26 Oct 2004|05:04pm]

[ mood | relaxed ]
[ music | Arabic Beats - CD 1 ]

So, I bring these kick-ass cd's to work so I can be mellow and there is something filling the air. Well... I have been struggling with work today and then I realized around 4:30 that I hadn't put in any music.


Ah well. I don't know if these are available here as I picked them up in Belfast, but if you come across them, I highly recommend you pick them up.

Arabic Beats: 3 CD's of Chillout Moods from the World of Arabia
Asian Lounge: 3 CD's of Chillout Moods from the Asian World

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Freezepop! [26 Oct 2004|04:42pm]

[ mood | jubilant ]
[ music | Swayzak - Speedboat ]

Who else is going to Freezepop tonight? I don't have to be at work until 8:00 tomorrow. Yay me.

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I miss Mr T cereal [27 Oct 2004|12:00am]

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Post and pass along. Also sign the petition. [26 Oct 2004|03:51pm]

[ mood | infuriated ]

There's a 'so called' artist, Nathalia Edenmont, who kills cats, mice, doves, rabbits, and other animals, mutilates their bodies, and then takes their photographs. She's on exhibit, among other places, at the Wetterling Gallery in Sweden. She has taken the top halves of five white mice and made them into finger puppets. She beat a cat to death with a stick. And to her, this is 'art'. This is not only inhumane, but morally reprehensible.

Link to samples of the exhibit (warning! offensive content):

The Wetterling Gallery's Justification of her work:


[If you think this is wrong please repost this!]

If you need to murder animals for the name of art, you obviously have no talent or creativity!!!!

~Sorry hun I posted this in the gamers communities I'm in and forgot to post it here.~

* Edit - It seems the site is down? Could be they are removing her stuff or is it just temporarily down right now?

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she sets me on fire [26 Oct 2004|03:34pm]

[ mood | halloweenie! ]
[ music | type o negative - summer breeze-summer girl ]

i know it's halloween when Type O Neg comes up on my playlist on it's own.

god dammit i love this time of year.

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