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Gov. Howard Dean MD
photo by John Pettitt / Cloudview.com

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Monday, March 29, 2004

Governor Dean comments on Kimmy's Story

Kimmy, your story is great. I'm 55 years old, I thought of voting for Eldridge Cleaver in 1968 (I was too young to vote by about 10 days). After the Democrats crammed Hubert Humphrey down our throats at the 1968 Democratic convention. After the election, which Nixon won by 100,000 votes, I realized how self-indulgent that would have been. Sometimes a blow against the establishment is a blow against all the people we say we want to help. There is a big difference between a vote for John Kerry and a vote for George Bush, and no vote at all. The last two stand for keeping things the way they are. The first may not be as much change as you want, but it will be a step in the right direction and it will be a start, and most importantly more people will have health care etc. I guarantee you if you vote for Kerry you will be disappointed, and I also guarantee you if you had voted for me and I had won you would have been disappointed too at some point. But governing in the real world means you can really make things better, dropping out means hope is dead. So thanks for hanging in there! Get all those punx back on board. This isn't about electing Kerry, and it wasn't about electing me, it's about taking the country back for people like you, no matter how long it takes! Thanks again, Howard Dean

Governor Dean just commented on this blog entry. It is Democracy for America policy to crosspost whatever Governor Dean posts elsewhere as we did for the Lessig entries he did this summer.

Posted by Howard Dean at 11:19 AM

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w00t! Kimmy is First!

Posted by: jc - All Things Dean at March 29, 2004 11:25 AM | Link


But, we're waiting...

Posted by: Zilpha at March 29, 2004 11:25 AM | Link

hd is #1!

& kimmy is too!

Posted by: mary at March 29, 2004 11:27 AM | Link

well - may i say that i only have time to visit one blog and it is this one. so sorry that i missed gov dean's comment on - yet another - blog in the ethersphere!!!!

but thanks for posting it here anyway for us minions.

Posted by: NH4Dean 2.0 at March 29, 2004 11:27 AM | Link

Why do they keep doing this, putting something up, getting us talking and then obliterate it? That's just annoying!!!!

Oh, that's right, I must have been on that "parallel universe" again. The one where I was *first*!!!!

From "Parallel Thread":
W stickers:
Bush/Cheney '04: We Are the World
Bush/Cheney '04: Tax Less, Spend More
Bush/Cheney '04: Out of the Rubble and Into the Ashes
George W. Bush: The buck stops Over There
George W. Bush: It takes a village idiot

Posted by: Zilpha at March 29, 2004 11:27 AM | Link

I guess all that talk of CondiLyar Rice wasn't important enough!

I can see putting this message from Dean in, but why erase the last one? Man, that's frustrating!

Posted by: Zilpha at March 29, 2004 11:29 AM | Link

NH DFA-ers:

click my name to email me and get started on the NH Chapter of DFA. i am happy to help coordinate the founding of this - let me know if you know of other efforts already underway!

In response to questions, here is the deal:

DFA wants us to set up state chapters. I am waiting and hoping that the main DFA site will create individual state folders and blogs to help us STAY UNITED in this, as HD had PROMISED on 2/18.

But until then, while HD focusses on helping unseat Bush (a worthy effort), and while DFA gets its sea legs...

I am just volunteering to be the clearinghouse to collect names of NH-ites who want to form the NH DFA Chapter. I would love to get a meeting together this spring sometime.

* Do I know what a DFA Chapter is??? no.
* Do I think it is essential that we coordinate efforts so we don't have a lot of disparate efforts? yes.
* Will we need a website? yes. so I registered our domain name and it is waiting for us (www.democracyfornewhampshire.com).

(NOTE: someone unknown also registered "democracyfornh.com" so if anyone knows about this please let me know!)

So I have 20 names already from all over the state and counting. I am adding names as they come in, and then...

we can unite for a spring gathering and figure this sh*t out.

So, please repost for me and pass this along.

ps: for some weird reason someone else took my moniker on AOL (NH4Dean) so i had to add the "20" to this email address (they disallow ".")

and if you stole my moniker on aol then please give it back!!!


Posted by: NH4Dean 2.0 at March 29, 2004 11:29 AM | Link

thanks gov - u are the best!

Posted by: lindab at March 29, 2004 11:30 AM | Link

I just had the weirdest experience. I'm trying to find some really active Dean supporters in SW Iowa because none of us in the group that is setting up the Iowa chapter of DFA 2.0 seems to know anybody in that region.

So, I went to the Meet Up hosts site, and got a list of towns and Meet Up locations. Then I searched the web for phone numbers of all the restaurants.

So, I call the first number on the list. I ask 4 people who work there, including 2 owners, what the name of the person was who hosted the Dean Meet Up there. No one knows who it is, but the 4th guys says to me, "There's a guy sitting over here having coffee and he was a big Dean supporter. I'll let you talk to him."

So, the fellow gets on the phone. He's not online, but nevertheless, he had hosted Dean staffers and supporters, hosted Meet Ups, and was super active. He was thrilled, thrilled, thrilled to hear we were taking action with the state chapter of the new DFA, and he was excited to get involved.

He also gave me a great contact--the name of their local staffer. So I sent an email off to my local staffers. I know at least one of them knows him.

So, long story short--not everyone is slipping away! Go find them!

Posted by: Linda in Iowa at March 29, 2004 11:30 AM | Link


Congrats! You must be so excited!! You can now say you're talked directly with the future President of the United States! HOWARD DEAN IN 2008!!

Posted by: irmaly at March 29, 2004 11:30 AM | Link

WOOOOOOOO!!! What a freakin day!! Thanks so much you guys.. its all because of you guys anyway, so thank yourselfs!!!

I LOVE this : Governor Dean just commented on this blog entry. It is Democracy for America policy to crosspost whatever Governor Dean posts elsewhere as we did for the Lessig entries he did this summer.

ANd that's called covering your as* !! hahaha


Posted by: Kimmy Cash at March 29, 2004 11:30 AM | Link

Come the the Manchester City Democrats (New Hampshire)meeting on Monday, April 5th. We need to get progressive Democrats elected to the positions of officers in this organization. All registered Democrats are welcome. The meeting starts at 7:00PM. They are electing a new chairman. I think we should have a presence! Run for ward committes, chair, vice-chair, ect. The current chair was a Lieberman supporter-gross.

Posted by: jeff74 at March 29, 2004 11:30 AM | Link

WAIT~!!!!!! That says posted by Howard!!!!! Doc.. you just might give me a heartattack today!!

Posted by: Kimmy Cash at March 29, 2004 11:31 AM | Link

Good Morning Governor!
Kimmy is a Great Politician. I can't wait for her first run for office.

There is a surefire way to move the balance of our Democratic Party towards the Democratic wing. Register New Democrats. Simple words. Tough task. Democratic representatives, especially in red states, must appease and attract enough Republican crossover votes to win and hold offices. This is a sad fact of life.

Non-voters are everywhere. Ask for a show of hands, at work, at the local cafe or watering hole, or the laundromat. We need Democratic Party Invitations. Please help design some.

Agatha and Mainefem bring forward the Elegant idear that laundromats are great places to reach potential voters. My thought is that we need a Democratic Party Soapbox, filled with enough (politically and ecologically correct) laundry detergent for one washer load. The invitation and a voter registration form plus a five- minute read of campaign literature could be printed on and enclosed in the box. Disribution would be a fun volunteering opportunity.

Remember that platform committees, state and national Democratic Party officials and representatives keep a close watch on new voter registration. They mostly vote and campaign accordingly.

Enough of my soapbox for now. At 11:00, The Nebraska Young Democrats Statewide bus tour kicks off with a rally at the UNL student union. We are doing our best to change this red state into a blue one. Uphill all the way and lovin' it.

Posted by: Steve in NE at March 29, 2004 11:31 AM | Link

Sure... Howard wrote to *you*. I think it was the tattoo! Wait 'til he sees MINE - Flat Howard, life sized! Full Frontal!

Posted by: Demetrius at March 29, 2004 11:32 AM | Link

re: Arkansas Primary Filing Period Closes in 24-Hours

The filing period for the May 18th Arkansas Democratic Primary closes at noon tommorrow, March 30th. As of Thursday, only Kucinich and LaRue had filed to be on the Democratic presidential ballot.

Looks like we'll have lots of candidates to choose from...

Posted by: BigHodag at March 29, 2004 11:34 AM | Link

Sure... Howard wrote to *you*. I think it was the tattoo! Wait 'til he sees MINE - Flat Howard, life sized! Full Frontal!

Posted by Demetrius at March 29, 2004 11:32 AM

LOL - Pictures please!

Posted by: jc - TakeYourCountryBack.com at March 29, 2004 11:37 AM | Link

hahahhaa DEMETRIUS!! haha

If you get that.. oh man.. wait, if you really did that you'd be nuts. hahaha

You guys.. I'm sorry but right now I don't give a rat's a s s about Condi.. that GOP is getting their butts kicked by us!! And.. I'm gonna feel selfish for the next 25 mintues and then I'll get to work~ heheheh

This is Howard connecting with us guys.. he sooooooooo isn't done!! We have so much to do!!

Posted by: Kimmy Cash at March 29, 2004 11:37 AM | Link

Also hairstyling salons (no healthcare or bennies in that pink collar profession); and low income housing developments.

Natural allies (mostly women, BTW).

Click me:

African American Women's Vote Key in 2004
Run Date: 03/29/04
By Luchina Fisher
WeNews correspondent

Black women tend to vote Democratic, but as presidential election politics heat up, Republicans are hoping to make inroads in this key voting bloc.

Posted by: Mainefem1 at March 29, 2004 11:37 AM | Link

Thank you Howard!

There is No WAY any of us could be as disappointed as we would be with 4 more years of Bush...


Do everything you can to get rid of Bush. We need to make this election a LANDSLIDE in favor of change. That is how we make change.
My Vote is my VOICE and

Bush had no mandate to
invade Iraq,
put our kids in trillions of debt,
pollute our environment,
do special favors for big business,
etc, etc, etc, AD NAUSEUM!!!

Thanks to Dean, there is a new day in the Democratic Party... DID YOU SEE THE STANDING OVATION HE RECEIVED AT THE DEMOCRATIC UNITY DINNER!!!? We need to DEMAND that Kerry (who is now running on Dean's platform for all intents and purposes) deliver all those things once elected... we must vote overwhelmingly for Kerry if we want change at this point. Then we must remain active and make our voice heard in Washington and locally. That is the only option that makes any sense.

Voting for anyone except for the Democratic nominee THIS November is dangerous... please think about 4 more years of Bush. Just think of what the future would be.

And PLEASE, PLEASE support good progressive candidates around the country for change in Congress.

Thank you for reading...

Posted by: iwantmycountryback at March 29, 2004 11:38 AM | Link

Governor Dean, your comments are intelligent and true. I supported your candidacy, and I do support our new efforts, as strongly as I possibly can. But I knew you weren't my perfect candidate in terms of matching every single issue position I have. I fully expected some sort of disappointment were you to become President. And I was very much looking forward to that kind of disappointment! :-)

John Kerry has already disappointed me in significant ways, but I will vote for him and support him without hypocrisy because I see the alternative.

Posted by: Bushmills in Boulder at March 29, 2004 11:39 AM | Link

KIMMY ********************

YOU GO !!!! :)

OKAY, folks, sorry for the over 7 over stuff.....
but time is running short.......so please.......

******** HI ALL !! ****************

I wanted to ask all you DEAN supporters
to help out with the STITCH IN TIME FOR DEMOCRACY
QUILT ..... i have been collecting swatches since
November.....and it is sooooooo simple to do!!

just cut a piece of fabric, something of sentimental value to you, sign it with a sharpie pen or whatever you want,........

It DOES NOT have to be a fancy thing, trust me!!
STEVE, from the "SWITCH TO DEAN " ads, sent in a piece of denimn,,,,,so easy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

THE SIZE = about the size of a Small index card
SIGN = your name ( or blog name )
INITIAL = your home state

put it in an envelope, 37 cent stamp
P.O. BOX 26933
ann :)

Posted by: annNC4DEAN at March 29, 2004 11:39 AM | Link

Posted by Linda in Iowa at March 29, 2004 11:30 AM

Great way to "beat the bushes" for Dean leaders

Posted by: jc - TakeYourCountryBack.com at March 29, 2004 11:40 AM | Link

Posted by jeff74 at March 29, 2004 11:30 AM

Jeff - did you email me to get on the list for the DFA-NH chapter?

*pretty please*

and - no surprise on the lieberman support. you know, republicans in massachusetts are democrats when they come to new hampshire :-)

Posted by: NH4Dean 2.0 at March 29, 2004 11:40 AM | Link

i'm reposting this often and i dont care if anyone gets mad..ya can't even phase me today!!

MR .. DOCTOR Howard Dean is interested in coming to OUR BBQ Battlefield events!!!! YEP!! He said it in his mail to me..he is interested in coming!!!! You guys..this site isn't just for punks.. go there..check it out.. help us out!!!!

NOW will people help with the DIY Project? ;)

If you can..please please please help us get these shows going!!! Read more about it at http://www.diypolitics.org/about.html

DONATE at http://www.diypolitics.org/donate.html

Posted by: Kimmy Cash at March 29, 2004 11:41 AM | Link


I am touched by your story, and I am honored that you would share your pain with us on the blog. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Howard really gave me a new sense of clarity in his response to Kimmy. Change, in and of itself, is a painful process. I believe that in order for our organization to grow and florish, we must come to the understanding that change is incremental. Many in our organization, myself included, got excited about politics and expected the process of taking our country back to be quick and painless. I have come to the understanding that it will take massive amounts of sweat equity to do just that. I am prepared to begin chipping away at the establishment, starting right here at home. And I encourage you all to do the same.

Posted by: Samantha in Western NY at March 29, 2004 11:42 AM | Link

Great post Howard. And great story Kimmy.

I'm feelin' the love.

(Plus, my April 7th Meetup has enough votes, so that make me happy too.)

Posted by: Dale In Minnesota at March 29, 2004 11:43 AM | Link

"NH4Dean 2.0 at March 29, 2004 11:40 AM"

Jeff advertised on Get Local (one of the few noted on my 400 mile search this morning, NH4Dean 2.0).

People--please use the tools which are available.

Top right of the blog.

Click "Organize".

Do it.

Posted by: Mainefem1 at March 29, 2004 11:44 AM | Link

Posted by irmaly at March 29, 2004 11:30 AM


If you're still on, can you send me an email, please? Click.


So totally cool! Arrrrrgggggghhhhhhhhh!

Posted by: Linda in Iowa at March 29, 2004 11:44 AM | Link

Posted by Kimmy Cash at March 29, 2004 11:41 AM

kimmy - i emailed you about this last week but haven't heard back. i am thinking of bringing my daughter out there but need more details to plan a cross-country trip.

Posted by: NH4Dean 2.0 at March 29, 2004 11:44 AM | Link

Thanks Dale!!

Samantha..I feel EXACTLY the same way!!!! Howard Dean wasn't lying.. CHANGE IS COMING !!!

Posted by: Kimmy Cash at March 29, 2004 11:44 AM | Link

Posted by Mainefem1 at March 29, 2004 11:44 AM

thanks - i do use the tools but manchester is not local for me :-)

i am collecting names for a different reason per posting above.

Posted by: NH4Dean 2.0 at March 29, 2004 11:45 AM | Link

Nh4.. I'm still going through the email..I'll look for it RIGHT NOW!!!!

You guys..Howard Dean knows a moment when he sees it for sure.. this is already helping me get some of the punx for dean people back!!!!! They can't believe he wrote!! I can't. I need to smoke. I may have a stroke. haha

DIY POLITICS isn't just for punks..come check it out!!! We are going to the swing states and beyond!!!!!

Posted by: Kimmy Cash at March 29, 2004 11:46 AM | Link

Posted by Mainefem1 at March 29, 2004 11:44 AM

Was using the Get Local feature this morning. Only trouble is, if you want to send an email out to 500 Iowans, you have to send them all out separately and it takes forever.

Posted by: Linda in Iowa at March 29, 2004 11:46 AM | Link

I got a response from Alison to my nth heartfelt plea to talk to us. She says they are unbelievably swamped, but will be posting "on state groups" this afternoon.

She didn't say this explicitly, but apparently she and (I assume) Tanner not only read the blog, they read all the incoming email, and manage the web site. She asks for our patience.

I imagine everyone in the organization is equally swamped. Okay, I am re-energized to do state stuff and to have some patience.

Posted by: karen anne at March 29, 2004 11:47 AM | Link

I'm still listening to your pleas to remake the Democratic party, but blind allegiance is not an option for me.

Posted by franster at March 29, 2004 09:08 AM


Fran...Still remembering happy days in Iowa.

Tabling is a trick as old as Roberts Rules of Order. About a year ago I was thinking about running for the school board here so I went to a meeting.

When they tabled a motion that had drawn a large crowd the crowd started to pack up. I tald a friend of mine who was in the crowd "It will come off the table as soon as you leave" and got this "you dont know what you are talking about" reply.

It took the board about 15 minutes after everyone left. You got to sit through from calling to order to adjournment.

Robert G. Oler

Posted by: Borderline at March 29, 2004 11:47 AM | Link

Posted by NH4Dean 2.0 at March 29, 2004 11:45 AM

I wrote you an email. Please check inbox. :-)

Posted by: Linda in Iowa at March 29, 2004 11:48 AM | Link

got a response from Alison to my nth heartfelt plea to talk to us. She says they are unbelievably swamped, but will be posting "on state groups" this afternoon.

She didn't say this explicitly, but apparently she and (I assume) Tanner not only read the blog, they read all the incoming email, and manage the web site. She asks for our patience.

we need to repost this ALL DAY and night.
THANKS for posting that!!! What a reminder. Allison and Tanner kick A S S ! (they did BEFORE they posted today too! ;)

Posted by: Kimmy Cash at March 29, 2004 11:48 AM | Link

"Posted by Mainefem1 at March 29, 2004 11:44 AM

thanks - i do use the tools but manchester is not local for me :-)

i am collecting names for a different reason per posting above.
Posted by NH4Dean 2.0 at March 29, 2004 11:45 AM"

It's certainly not "local" for me, either (400 miles!?); but what I found was that nobody is using the Get Local tool (then whining about finding Deaniacs in their state within the confines of this blathering hole).

...doesn't work that way.

Email the Get Local link to others, and find them/schedule events on that portal tool.

It's sooooooooo simple.

Posted by: Mainefem1 at March 29, 2004 11:49 AM | Link

The beauty about Howard Dean is that he is a politician who actually cares about people who can't shell out $2,000. Dean has a heart.

Mike Bloomberg doesn't. Please click on my name and read the article on his big plan to build a stadium in Manhattan. It's an excellent piece by Bob Herbert (he gets quite snarky).

What Herbert forgot to add is that this stupid stadium will displace tons of tenants. Will Bloomberg pay all their broker's fees and help find them affordable housing?

Anyways, tell Bloomberg what you think at:


I signed my 2 cents as "a DFA grassroots activist who can't wait to vote you out of office in 2005."

How much do you want to bet that the aide who read my e-mail has no clue as to what Democracy for America is and is now on high terrorist alert thinking DFA is some kind of terrorist group?

Posted by: Agatha at March 29, 2004 11:51 AM | Link

Congrats to Kimmy. I knew Howard would come through for her.

A Howard Dean post is NO ordinary Post. SO--please correct the first line of Howard's post: It should read "your story"--not "you're story".

Go ahead, slackers--flame me as a spelling nazi! It's a thankless task.

But trivial mistakes are noticed, and it's so easy to correct! Would you let Howard appear in public with spinach stuck to his teeth?

Posted by: punctuation police at March 29, 2004 11:53 AM | Link

Dean Rally pictures from Thursday's events


Posted by: dana in DE at March 29, 2004 11:53 AM | Link

Would you let Howard appear in public with spinach stuck to his teeth?

Posted by punctuation police at March 29, 2004 11:53 AM

hahhahaa well HELL NO!!!

Posted by: Kimmy Cash at March 29, 2004 11:55 AM | Link


I am so happy to see that Howard has singled out your efforts. You deserve it girl! I truly admire your spunk, guts and tenacity. Howard is right - the wheels of change may turn slower than we'd like, but they are turning, and things ARE changing. We can all give ourselves a pat on the back today, but enjoy YOUR day, Kimmy.

Posted by: Denise at March 29, 2004 11:55 AM | Link

I love Howard Dean!!!

Posted by: ChrisNYC at March 29, 2004 11:56 AM | Link

Note to HQ: It should also be DFA policy to proofread, spellcheck and fix grammatical errors in the Governor's posts. As common as the error may be, it's heartbreaking to see "you're" instead of "your" attributed to Howard Dean.

Posted by: Spellcheckr at March 29, 2004 11:56 AM | Link


Please click my name and let us know how to get in touch with you. Our Colorado Chapter wants to talk with you on media reform.


Posted by: Mary in Colorado at March 29, 2004 11:56 AM | Link


You hit "find people" search within XYZ mile radius, create a group name (as many as you wish, for different purposes); and one click for a batch email to the entire group--they're then notfied by a bot (no entering people individually, i.e., Cc field).

Very efficient tool (only when people already have an account on the Get Local portal--which is my point).

Posted by: Mainefem1 at March 29, 2004 11:57 AM | Link

It's time to get real insistent and downright in their face at DFA. I'm tired of being patient, understanding, etc. To travel around the country launching DFA 2 and then do nothing on the site, visibly, with the organization is UNACCEPTABLE.

Yesterday, we started to move to organize our frustration into something useful. It was met with some postive support, but also a lot of skepticism and downright sabotage. We have got to do something to get through to DFA HQ what concrete changes need to be made, and insist that they be made soon.

If DFA is us, then we have the right and the obligation to do so. If you feel we need to take stronger actions, please repost this with your suggestions on what needs to be done. I would like to at least send a bloggers list of necessary action to DFA HQ. It doesn't take a committee, just your help in adding to this insistence until it becomes a blog voice that can no longer be ignored.

I don't think I am being too strong in saying: the very existence of DFA is at stake.

Here are a couple...please repost this and add other items to it if you like. We can then put this list into a petition which bloggers can sign to send to HQ....
The following actions need to be taken as soon as possible and communicated to us through democracyforamerica.com.

1) Post on the blog regularly what specifically is happening at HQ regarding staff, organization and website changes

2) Explain how to set up DFA chapters and what form they should take, the assistance DFA will give and what tools will be provided on tne web.

3) establish a true, participatory grassroots advisory process to ensure that the grassroots will be instrumental in forming DFA and two-way communication will flow between HQ and the grassroots

4) devise a candidate rating survey that will identify progressive candidates for local, state and national office which DFA will support

5) Begin a fundraising plan for DFA, beginning with a sustainer list so that we can help on a monthly basis to sustain DFA and provide a solid funding basis moving forward.

Posted by: IndySteve at March 29, 2004 11:57 AM | Link

Posted by Steve in NE at March 29, 2004 11:31 AM

I was reading Steve's post and hit me he is absolutely right!

Laundrymats!!!! We need to hold voter registration drives in laundry mats!

There is going to be some generalities and even some bias, please forgive.

1) this is a haven for nonvoters that would vote democrat/progressive if they did vote.

2) they have time to chat. while folding laundry sorting socks or waiting for the spin cycle to finsh

3) some of them may live in areas some of us may not feel comfortable canvasing in.

4) I have seen voter resistration drives in the mall (right in front of Lord and Taylors), but not the laundry mat. If you can spend $75 on a shirt, you are less likely to vote dem than if you need to haul your laundry to a laundry mat. When we do voter registration drives lets be smart about it. By nature they must be bipartiasan. Registering dems, repubs, greens, indpends etc. But if we are going to do it in stores, lets choice Kmart and Walmart, not high end stores.

Posted by: Ed at March 29, 2004 11:59 AM | Link

Way to go, Kimmy, the hardest working punk in grassroots politics.

Posted by: Julie in Idaho at March 29, 2004 11:59 AM | Link

Dana, great pictures. I esp. liked the one at
http://community.webshots.com/photo/129177216/129188652IzluFP where he looks so happy with the arranged marriage sign.

Posted by: karen anne at March 29, 2004 12:00 PM | Link

Cool--I just came back from posting this response over at the Reality Publishing blog. (Click my name.)

Yes, Kimmy--thank you *so* much for all you have done, and for sharing your amazing, painful, real, hopeful story, which has probably touched more people than you can possibly imagine. It has certainly helped me put my own level of involvement and loss into perspective.

And, Howard, as the Flat Howard that is still more or less still taped to our office door seems to be saying, "No--thank you!"

Posted by: Renee in Ohio at March 29, 2004 12:02 PM | Link

Dana - those are fantastic pictures!!! Thank you so much for sharing them.

Like Karen Anne, I love that you were able to capture his happiness with the "still in love" sign at the DC for Dean event. I'm proud that my efforts with the signs made him smile. And your pic is sure to become a Crushie favorite!

Click my name for my photo gallery from that day and a couple of other recent events.

Posted by: Maura in VA at March 29, 2004 12:03 PM | Link

Oh my!
I suppose I am not supposed to be reacting this way, but I am crying out loud, hard, tears streaming down my face.
What, Didn't you think we loved you enough already Dr. Dean?
You are the best, most honest politician I have ever seen. Is it any wonder Kimmy had to go through a dark period and struggle to come out the other side with her determination still in tact? Look what we lost.
I have so much hope when I hear your voice and the voices of so many here on the blog who are struggling to find how they can contribute to making sure that we create the country we all want to live in.

Action in MD
Marylanders, e-mail me about Senator Andrew Harris' request that we pack the gallery of the Senate in Annapolis tonight to help give him the muscle he needs to pass the voter-verified paper trail bill. To have your name read on the floor of the State Senate if you cannot make it tonight, go here:

Thank you Dr. Dean
And thank you Marylanders.

Posted by: robinMD at March 29, 2004 12:04 PM | Link


That was a great story -- congratulations!!

Posted by: Lisa in DC at March 29, 2004 12:05 PM | Link

Posted by Mainefem1 at March 29, 2004 11:57 AM

Arrrrrggggghhhhh! THANK YOU!

I went and looked at an Iowa map, clicked on each county, and found the names of the biggest towns in each county, since I'm not familiar with SW Iowa. Then, I looked up the zip code for each town. THEN, I did the ol' 60 mile radius search.

When I do these searches, I hit a lot of people in Nebraska. Is there any way to get the group thing to send out just to Iowa?

You're a gem! A gem, I tell ya!

Posted by: Linda in Iowa at March 29, 2004 12:05 PM | Link

I guarantee you if you vote for Kerry you will be disappointed, and I also guarantee you if you had voted for me and I had won you would have been disappointed too at some point.

- Howard Dean

(ya gotta love the Doc's honesty)

Posted by: Ed at March 29, 2004 12:06 PM | Link

Thanks for the comments, Gov. It's always great to hear from you.

I'm 47 and have been a party line Democratic voter since 1976. In 2000 I urged everyone to vote Democratic and spent the two years afterwards lambasting Nader for ruining the election and sticking up for Democrats even as they rolled over on issue after issue - to my complete chagrin and embarassment.

I now find myself in the position of being unable to urge anyone vote any way other than their conscience dictates. It isn't because of what happened in the campaign -- I had already written off the party until you came along and gave me a season of renewed hope for it's future.

And while I won't advocate that anyone vote for Nader or the Greens, I see their threat to Kerry in a positive light if they -- along with you hopefully -- can force him to campaign and govern as liberally as possible.

It's my conclusion that when we demand nothing from our leaders that's exactly what we get from them. And the only time our demands have any weight behind them is in election years. And the only weight most of us have to throw around is our support and votes. We should never give up our freedom to choose lightly.

With respect from a devoted admirer....

Posted by: Sitka at March 29, 2004 12:06 PM | Link

Kimmy is *definitely* first!

Posted by: Free Spirit at March 29, 2004 12:06 PM | Link


Click my name to join the new Yahoo group for people who want to discuss the organization of the DFA 2.0 grassroots.


Looking forward to working with all of you on this. But tben I'm totally out of my mind. ;-)

Posted by: Free Spirit at March 29, 2004 12:10 PM | Link

Thank you for writing in. Governor! (Congratulations, Kimmy - you deserve it! :)

Please write in more often, Gov. Dean. It keeps our juices flowing more regularly. :)

Posted by: David W. at March 29, 2004 12:10 PM | Link

I'm so overwhelmed I'm like..HOT. My pink hairdye is running down my face!! hahaha

Renee.. you know what.. You rule. Thank you. Your comments to me have been so incredibly nice. ALL of your comments. Thank you so much for allowing me to post that story on your site!!!

Ed.. I agree. That was the radest thing in the whole post!!!!!

Posted by: Kimmy Cash at March 29, 2004 12:11 PM | Link

Steve NE and Kimmy on one thread.

There is hope yet.

Posted by: Phil from Iowa at March 29, 2004 12:12 PM | Link

EXPLOSIVE story today in Salon about a former FBI staffer who says that in spring 2001 the FBI was giving plenty of warning about terrorists flying planes into buildings.

New free day pass is being offered. Clicky me to check out.

The chickens are all coming home to roost.

Posted by: Ithacamom at March 29, 2004 12:12 PM | Link


I read your post the other day and loved it so much that I printed it out so I'd have it. Glad the Gov. responded personally. That post deserved it.

Bring your show to Portland! You can stay with us! I've got some "ins" at city hall. Maybe you could have the mayor kick off yer gig!


(Pssst, Hey Howard! Ya got some spinach in your teeth, there...)

Posted by: PDXKelly at March 29, 2004 12:13 PM | Link


Your DIY organization, Web site, motivation, honesty, integrity and persistence are all truly inspiring.

Thank you for all of it.

Posted by: Vermonter at March 29, 2004 12:15 PM | Link

And Kimmy, I'm glad you got your props from the Guv. Long overdue. Yesterday I posted that if anyone deserved a 45 minute phone call from him, it was you.

Renee and Demetrius should be second on his list.

Posted by: Ithacamom at March 29, 2004 12:15 PM | Link

I went to a meeting for a local canidate for the legislature last night. There were 20 people there 3 from the Dean meetup. We brought some new ideas that the local Dems had not thought of or heard of. I felt welcome by the old DFL people. There was a lot of good positive energy and hope in the room. I would encourage others to find a local canidate you can support and do what you can do. If we act for change, change will happen.

Posted by: susan m at March 29, 2004 12:16 PM | Link

I promise that I won't let you guys down. I'm going to take this show EVERYWHERE I possibly can. I'm laying out a budget today that I will put on the site and I studied my java ALL night long so I can put a progress meter on the site!!

I'm even going to have my first official MEETING!!

You guys.. hahha I cant stop laughing.

I promise I'm not a selfish person but if I dont get this hairdye out of my hair I'm going to be bald. hahah
It was old to begin with and 2 hours in my hair is killin' me.


I have one more post after this though

Posted by: Kimmy Cash at March 29, 2004 12:16 PM | Link

Posted by Sitka at March 29, 2004 12:06 PM

Nader did not cost Gore the election Gore did.

What respect I had for Gore dropped tremendously when he did not persue the issue of voters turned away on election day. To hell with chads. He should have filed a suit demanding that those folks illigally turned away on election day be allowed to vote and those votes counted in the results. Bush stole the election and Gore didn't have the balls to fight for what was right. Gore's lack of balls is why Nader ran, and Gore's lack of balls is why Bush won.

Posted by: Ed at March 29, 2004 12:16 PM | Link


Does anybody NOW doubt that the Governor is the mostest lurker of us all???

*I* only just spotted Kimmy's story here in the wee hours of this morning!

(touches the Gov. Whips finger away and dips it into icewater which hisses and steams)

Posted by: Dean Nut In Sandy Eigo at March 29, 2004 12:18 PM | Link

This blog should be renamed "Groupies for Dean"

Posted by: an independent at March 29, 2004 12:18 PM | Link


Go to the center of a map of Iowa, then fiddle with the "find people" radius search on Get Local.

Create a group, "add" friends to that group, and the bot will batch mail them back to your message/meeting/whatever it is you're doing on that particular Get Local link.

Only a fool would attempt to wade through this blog.

I like Get Local vs. crappy Meetup portal.

Getting others to use it has been...a "challenge," shall we say.

It's so simple that a savant can use it.

And ergonomically friendly on the wrist and inbox clutter, too.

Posted by: Mainefem1 at March 29, 2004 12:19 PM | Link

Mary in CO, just sent you an email related to media reform.

Mainfem & Linda, there is now a File in our Yahoo group for comments, questions, and suggestions about Get Local...hint, hint.

Posted by: Free Spirit at March 29, 2004 12:20 PM | Link

"This blog should be renamed "Groupies for Dean"

Posted by an independent at March 29, 2004 12:18 PM"

Is that why you're here?

Posted by: David W. at March 29, 2004 12:22 PM | Link

Kimmy, you're very welcome. I should clarify that Richard Hoefer is the one who created the Dean Leaders site where you guest blogged your story, and where Howard responded (imperfect spinach-on-the-teeth grammar and all!) I am posting the link to that blog to make sure everyone knows about it as another resource--and a place they can write their own guest blogs.

And, *blush* as I went to the page so that I could copy and paste the link, I noticed that the newest post by Richard is a tribute to me and Demetrius. Wow!

But I really really really need to get back to work on my syllabus, and figue out what kind of writing assignments I am going to inflict on my students and myself.

Did I say inflict? I meant *assign*, of course...

Posted by: Renee in Ohio at March 29, 2004 12:23 PM | Link


I was gonna post this anyway but now it goes double.

I have a theory about the Governor's "cheerful" paragraph in his San Francisco speech. Namely, my theory is that he did not say all of it, the times being what they are. So here is my theoretical reconstruction of the *whole* "cheerfully" paragraph, missing parts added in | | (pipes):

"John Kerry is *far* preferable to what we have, and I'm *cheerfully* going to work for his election, I ask you to do it too, and I'm cheerfully--
(Audience cheers and applauds)
Because if your agenda *is* health insurance for all Americans, if it *is* fundamental fairness, if it *is* decent public schools, if it *is* regaining and retaining the moral leadership of the world, then the first step is to send George Bush back to Crawford, Texas.

| And if, come January 21, John Kerry does not vigorously and actively work for the principles for which we fought so hard in our campaign, I will *cheerfully* and verbally flay him alive and dice him into thousands of bloody little gobbets.| (trademark blazing Dean grin)"

Posted by: Dean Nut In Sandy Eigo at March 29, 2004 12:23 PM | Link

MR .. DOCTOR Howard Dean is interested in coming to OUR BBQ Battlefield events!!!! YEP!! He said it in his mail to me..he is interested in coming!!!!

You guys..this site isn't just for punks.. go there..check it out.. help us out!!!!

NOW will people help with the DIY Project? ;)

If you can..please please please help us get these shows going!!! Read more about it at http://www.diypolitics.org/about.html

DONATE at http://www.diypolitics.org/donate.html

For those of you that have already donated money, supplies and flyers, I thank you so very much. I won't let you down. No way.


I'm off to get this crappy pink dye OUT of my hair before I go bald. (not that I would care on a day like today! ) haha

Posted by: Kimmy Cash at March 29, 2004 12:24 PM | Link

Go ahead, slackers--flame me as a spelling nazi! It's a thankless task.

Would you let Howard appear in public with spinach stuck to his teeth?

Posted by punctuation police at March 29, 2004 11:53 AM

Punc Police - ROFLOL You're killing me!

Posted by: AnnieM at March 29, 2004 12:24 PM | Link

"Is that why you're here?"

No, I come here because I need a good laugh once in a while..

Posted by: an independent at March 29, 2004 12:26 PM | Link

Free Spirit and Irmaly,

I appreciate your efforts, but somewhere along the way this took a sharp turn. Setting up yet another yahoo group to organize the "grassroots" and discuss things is another division we cannot afford. Trying to get people to go over "there" is splitting up the info and energies.

I think it will be another group out in the net boonies. What I supported and still think is necessary is to work within DFA to provide a bottom up pathway for grassroots participation in forming DFA. Trying to get people to go to another site to discuss things is folly, IMO. We already have too many places to go to now. We need consolidation and coordination from DFA, not more siphoning off....sorry, it just seems to have morphed into something that I think will be a waste of energy. Better to stay on this blog and try to get DFA HQ to implement some more tools and participation here.

Posted by: IndySteve at March 29, 2004 12:28 PM | Link

I agree Ed, that was the brutal honesty from the Gov that we have all come to expect and appreciate.

I think the Gov is having a good time being his own man...let's see what happens next!

Good story, Linda in Iowa!

Posted by: Zach in Phoenix at March 29, 2004 12:28 PM | Link

"I guarantee you if you vote for Kerry you will be disappointed, and I also guarantee you if you had voted for me and I had won you would have been disappointed too at some point. But governing in the real world means you can really make things better, dropping out means hope is dead."

Why is this man not our nominee? (Rhetorical question, for exclamatory purposes only.)

Posted by: !Brian at March 29, 2004 12:29 PM | Link

Kimmy, you are Queen for A Day--Enjoy!

"a blow against the establishment is a blow against all the people we say we want to help..."

This is so true and yet painful. We vote for Kerry and work for DFA.

Posted by: ELR at March 29, 2004 12:29 PM | Link

"Once in a while?" An independent, you're here more than I am. I would wager you're here almost *every day.* Your life must really be otherwise devoid of laughter!

Posted by: WilderWorks at March 29, 2004 12:30 PM | Link

Mainefem -

How do you create a group on the get local site? I'm not seeing that option. Thanks.

Posted by: Andrea in Upstate NY at March 29, 2004 12:30 PM | Link

Kimmy, that is so cool that you got a letter from Howard! Your post was really touching. You are a gifted writer. Just wanted to thank you for all that you do - you will help make this country a better place for our kids. If you go to this website and email me I'd like to send you some buttons as a little gift. I can send you the ones pitured or can make some specially for you. Just click on name. Thanks again!
Julie in NY

Posted by: jcn at March 29, 2004 12:31 PM | Link

Posted by Mainefem1 at March 29, 2004 12:19 PM

Oh, I see. I add each person one by one to the group. I also put the zip code for Ames in and then did the 200 and 250 mile radius, and I got a lot of people in Minnesota and Missouri.

Posted by: Linda in Iowa at March 29, 2004 12:31 PM | Link

Posted by Dean Nut In Sandy Eigo at March 29, 2004 12:23 PM

Quite possibly. When John Kerry is elected Dean will either be a powerful part of the adminstration or Howard Dean is going to be to the Kerry administration what McCain is to the Bush administration only more so. Because unlike McCain, Dean has an grassroots organization in 50 states.

And as part of an administration Dean will press for important changes and get them or he will very publicly quit the admin.

Yes, Dean will have to compromise. And this will infurate his supports to no end. But Dean will have huge infuence in the direction of this country with Kerry in whitehouse.

However, if Bush remains in the whitehouse. Dean's power will be very very limited. If you want Dean to have power elect Kerry.

Posted by: Ed at March 29, 2004 12:31 PM | Link

Dean's post reminded me of what first drew me to him....the combination of good values and good sense.

The far lefties have always held values I admire, but they always want to go from point A to point Z in one step...which means they'll never get us there. Nonetheless, I appreciate the candidacies of people like Kucinich and Nader, because they keep those values in such sharp focus, something that pragmatic politics tends to mitigate against.

However, I would *really* like to get there. Dean's ability to establish a goal, analyse the situation, and come up with a pragmatic, step-by-step plan to get from Point A to B to C, etc. is what I find most attractive* about him. His plan for getting us to universal health insurance is an excellent example.

That's also one reason I'm voting for Kerry in November. I hear all my Dem friend talk (and talk and talk) about reforming the Democratic Party. Good idea. And Step 1 is: Get Bush out of office. Until we do that, we do nothing.

*Sorry, Guv, you're a nice looking guy and all, but you're just not my type. ;-)

Posted by: Free Spirit at March 29, 2004 12:33 PM | Link

""Once in a while?" An independent, you're here more than I am."

A typical Deaniac statement devoid of facts and logic. If I were here more than you how would you know? The only time you know I'm here is when you're here.

Posted by: an independent at March 29, 2004 12:34 PM | Link

it just seems to have morphed into something that I think will be a waste of energy. Better to stay on this blog and try to get DFA HQ to implement some more tools and participation here.

Posted by IndySteve at March 29, 2004 12:28 PM

Wow that didnt take long. I was going to give a time span in my post to you but didnt, I figured it would take at least a week.

Robert G. Oler

Posted by: Borderline at March 29, 2004 12:34 PM | Link

I tried to use the Get Local tool for our visibility before Super Tuesday. It was very cumbersome and very slow. I used a 60 mile radius and got the names, but adding all of the names on each page to a group took a long time (10 names per page if I recall correctly). Then, I found that I could not get the e-mail to send with over 200 names cc'ed. I really don't think all of the e-mails I tried to send even went out. I finally figured out several days after the event that I had my own "mailbox" on the site and it looked like only one of the e-mails (cc'ed to mulitple names) went out. I talked to other people who said they did not think their e-mails went out from there either. Perhaps the people I have talked to were all trying to use it as a mass mailing tool as I was. But, I can't say I personally had much success with it.

Posted by: robinMD at March 29, 2004 12:35 PM | Link

Thanks Gov. Dean and Kimmy!

I have been having some "Kimmy moments" (or as I called them "Charlie Grapski moments") myself lately. Starting with the onslaught of the Democratic unityfest. I swore-off the blog and even DFA at times but just when I decide to take a little peek over here, Whoa! Howard Dean is responding to Kimmy's post.

Thanks for the pep talks Kimmy and Howard!


Posted by: poemlessgirl at March 29, 2004 12:35 PM | Link

Just refreshed. Spinach . . . still . . . on . . . teeth!

Posted by: Linda in Iowa at March 29, 2004 12:39 PM | Link

Kimmy - congrats on the response from the Governor! Enjoy the rush, girl! And keep up the fantastic work. :-)

Gov - Just when I think I couldn't like you any more than I already do, you go and write something like that. I think we all need Zephyr's help in coming up with a less hackneyed way to say "refreshing honesty." The Authentic Howard Dean. The REAL Real Deal. You're an inspiration.

But if you'll allow me, Gov (how can you stop it, I'm on your blog!) I have to disagree with you on one of your statements:

"This isn't about electing Kerry, and it wasn't about electing me..."

It WAS about electing YOU, Howard Dean. It's also about taking our country back, of course, yes. But it WAS about you, too. People don't travel thousands of miles or stay up all night making signs or skip going out for meals to save every last penny to donate to some abstract concept of taking back our country. We did it for YOU. We were only too glad to sacrifice for *you* AND for our country.

Please don't forget that as you embark on your work with DFA2.0. We each have the potential to be leaders in our own communities, and many of us are answering that call. But it's also about YOU, Howard Dean. If we just cared about working to defeat Bush or working to take our country back, there are dozens and dozens of worthy progressive organizations from which to choose. But most of us have put DFA2.0 at the top of our list because we believe more than ever that there is something unique and worthy about YOU that inspires us. And we're in it for the long haul.

It *is* about YOU, Gov.

[Gov shakes his head, points back - "No, it's about YOU!"]

Okay, we're both right. [I love having imaginary conversations with Howard Dean...]

Posted by: Maura in VA at March 29, 2004 12:39 PM | Link

Wow that didnt take long. I was going to give a time span in my post to you but didnt, I figured it would take at least a week.

Robert G. Oler

Posted by Borderline at March 29, 2004 12:34 PM

Don't gloat. You took my words out of context (not surprising). I am in no way saying it's over; just trying to steer it back to where it can do the most good, IMO. And Free spirit may try to continue with the Yahoo groups. The grassroots will always be an essential part of DFA. It is critical that they establish a process for including us in the formation of DFA to make DFA more effective. Good day.

Posted by: IndySteve at March 29, 2004 12:40 PM | Link

Posted by poemlessgirl at March 29, 2004 12:35 PM


You can support Charlie Grapski's efforts and John Kerry's.

"We will fight for DNC reform as if there was no Bush and well fight along side the DNC to remove Bush from office as if there was no DNC censureship"


(modification of David Ben Gurian's statemement inidicating that he would fight with the British against Hilter and against the British issuing of the "white paper")

Posted by: Ed at March 29, 2004 12:42 PM | Link

"Mainefem -

How do you create a group on the get local site? I'm not seeing that option. Thanks.
Posted by Andrea in Upstate NY at March 29, 2004 12:30 PM"

Under the "my friends" feature (after you've added those friends to your Get Local account).

I'd search for "find friends" within your geographical radius first.

Add them to your stew, secondly.

Then create groups/events/whatever floats your boat (MUCH easier than Meetup--and doesn't cost a penny for those who can't stand their venues/refuse to pay Meetup to add another venue, like me)!

Howard thinks he has the market on New England Scotch frugality?


You then batch mail the link to all for whatever event you've named/created, and people deal with it in their own inbox.

Or not.


Posted by: Mainefem1 at March 29, 2004 12:42 PM | Link

Posted by IndySteve at March 29, 2004 12:40 PM<<

No, I am sure the agony will continue for a few more days. What I was "wowing" about was your use of the word "folly" when the other day you were talking about how "every voice will be heard" and "no order" or something like that.

Well a voice comes up and you label it folly and with you "steering" it seems as though you have an order in mind. Like you on top.

A hint...organizing and no leadership is well counter intiutive.

Robert G. Oler

Posted by: Borderline at March 29, 2004 12:43 PM | Link

Posted by IndySteve at March 29, 2004 12:28 PM

Totally agree with you, Steve. The last thing we need is another break-off from the community here. Our content here is getting thinner as it is! What we need are more ways to have more substantive discussions here, together.

Posted by: Maura in VA at March 29, 2004 12:44 PM | Link

A hint...organizing and no leadership is well counter intiutive.

Robert G. Oler

Posted by Borderline at March 29, 2004 12:43 PM

I will follow the "zoo" signs: DO NOT FEED THE TROLLS.

Posted by: IndySteve at March 29, 2004 12:45 PM | Link

Posted by IndySteve at March 29, 2004 12:28 PM

IndySteve, I appreciate your concerns, but, as Dr. Dean just noted...life is imperfect, we must strive to do the best we can.

There will be a need for WAY too much focused conversation to get this job done for us to do it on the blog. A number of people had already emailed me, saying that we just can't do it here. The threads move too fast (and if we add gazillions of posts on organizing the grassroots to it, they will only move faster). Too much information will get lost. We will never reach any useful conclusions.

I acknowledge that the Yahoo group itself may get "lost" in Deanspace, in terms of some people not finding it or not choosing to go there. But the group isn't important, it's the results that are important.

If enough of us are willing to work on this, if we can put together something useful and then bring it back to the blog, and people find it valuable, our efforts will have an impact. If we don't put together something useful, they won't.

I am personally quite certain that we will never put together anything useful if we try to work out all the details here on the blog.

Posted by: Free Spirit at March 29, 2004 12:45 PM | Link

OK Governor Dean,

I know you were writing to Kimmy, but I believe you were talking to people like me too.

I understand, and I will vote for John Kerry. It's just been very, very difficult to accept all the dirty, under-handed corruption within our own party.

I'm really afraid for the future of all women (including my daughter) because I see us losing our reproductive rights of choice. I'm afraid that the right-wing, anti-choice zealots are creeping into our own Democratic Party.

I'm not sure we can trust John Kerry on this issue. [He has said he does not personally believe in a woman's right to choose abortion, but he supports it politically? What the H*LL does that mean?]

And I'm really distraught about all the excitement surrounding [Anti-Choice] John McCain as VP. We are losing our fundamental rights Governor. You are the only person we can trust.

Posted by: Quepha in TX at March 29, 2004 12:46 PM | Link

2) Explain how to set up DFA chapters and what form they should take

4) devise a candidate rating survey that will identify progressive candidates for local, state and national office which DFA will support

Posted by IndySteve at March 29, 2004 11:57 AM


Can't the grassroots take these on? The chapter stuff especially...the experience in setting up local grassroots groups is out here, not in there.

Posted by: Free Spirit at March 29, 2004 12:48 PM | Link

Maura -

Amen, amen, amen!

Posted by: chelle at March 29, 2004 12:50 PM | Link

New Designs just added!

"Democracy For America" shirts and other visibility gear - click my name


Posted by: jc - All Things Dean at March 29, 2004 12:50 PM | Link

Quepha, I just heard that you're coming to the March for Women's Lives, too! It's great to know we're going to have a sizeable contingent of Texas Dean folks.

Everybody else (men AND women!), please consider joining us in DC on April 25 for the March for Women's Lives. The DFA delegation has over 130 people signed up, including Howard Dean!

Posted by: Maura in VA at March 29, 2004 12:51 PM | Link

Maura - oops forgot to say which post I was referencing with my AMENS!

Your comments:

But if you'll allow me, Gov (how can you stop it, I'm on your blog!) I have to disagree with you on one of your statements:

"This isn't about electing Kerry, and it wasn't about electing me..."

It WAS about electing YOU, Howard Dean. It's also about taking our country back, of course, yes. But it WAS about you, too. People don't travel thousands of miles or stay up all night making signs or skip going out for meals to save every last penny to donate to some abstract concept of taking back our country. We did it for YOU. We were only too glad to sacrifice for *you* AND for our country.

Please don't forget that as you embark on your work with DFA2.0. We each have the potential to be leaders in our own communities, and many of us are answering that call. But it's also about YOU, Howard Dean. If we just cared about working to defeat Bush or working to take our country back, there are dozens and dozens of worthy progressive organizations from which to choose. But most of us have put DFA2.0 at the top of our list because we believe more than ever that there is something unique and worthy about YOU that inspires us. And we're in it for the long haul.

It *is* about YOU, Gov.

Posted by: chelle at March 29, 2004 12:51 PM | Link

"I love having imaginary conversations with the governor"!!.
what the heck is that about?
get off the blog and get a life, kiddo. Reality is the key to sanity.
geez. Dean is NOT the nominee. while I think the world of him, he is supporting the nominee and making an impact. Imaginary converstions? That is truly scary!
Someone reads that on the blog and we have lost all credibilty.

Posted by: lindab at March 29, 2004 12:53 PM | Link


Monday observations posted.

Posted by: Learn Something at March 29, 2004 12:54 PM | Link

What we need are more ways to have more substantive discussions here, together.

Posted by Maura in VA at March 29, 2004 12:44 PM


I'm certainly open to suggestions, but in 8 months on this blog, I've never seen a substantive discussion survive more than a couple of threads. Deaniacs do periodically go off to work, eat, sleep, etc.

What usually happens is the same discussion just recycles...look at the comments about a Nader candidacy that have been posted over and over since god knows when. And have we reached a resolution? Will we ever?

The blog is great for discussion, for discussion's sake. But to accomplish a task of any significant size, I just don't think it's the place for it.

Posted by: Free Spirit at March 29, 2004 12:54 PM | Link

Thanks, Chelle. :-)

Posted by: Maura in VA at March 29, 2004 12:54 PM | Link

Posted by lindab at March 29, 2004 12:53 PM

Chill, Linda. It was tongue in cheek. I always find it funny when people on the blog tell others to get off the blog and get a life. Um...pot? kettle? Shall we have introductions?

Posted by: Maura in VA at March 29, 2004 12:56 PM | Link

Maura, as I recall, you agreed to serve on the organizing committee. How did you envision the committee communicating?

Posted by: Free Spirit at March 29, 2004 12:56 PM | Link

The observation is valid. get a life.

Posted by: lindab at March 29, 2004 12:57 PM | Link

I'm not sure we can trust John Kerry on this issue. [He has said he does not personally believe in a woman's right to choose abortion, but he supports it politically? What the H*LL does that mean?]

Posted by Quepha in TX at March 29, 2004 12:46 PM

It means he share's Dennis K's position on this issue. He will vote pro-choice. (as he did as recently as last week) But it might be something he does with all the joy and conviction many blogger at this site will do when voting for Kerry in the fall.

His views on abortion are very similar to my views on smoking. I will not vote to make smoking illigal. But I beleive that you choosing to smoke is a morally corupt choice, because you are poisioning a gift that G-d gave to you.

With Kerry in the whitehouse (even with a pro-life VP, which i doubt will happen) a women's right to choose will be safe, with Bush it is not.

Posted by: Ed at March 29, 2004 12:58 PM | Link

Ed: the problem is that neither Charlie nor Kerry inspire me to any action at all. Which leads me to reitterate (sp?) Chelle's remark that it IS about the Governor. Ok, it is about us as well, but it is about him equally if not more so. Let's face it, if he disappeared from public life and stopped saying things that make the esablishment uncomfortable we would not be here right now...

Maura, is Dean marching in the March? Is Judy?


Posted by: poemlessgirl at March 29, 2004 01:00 PM | Link

2) Explain how to set up DFA chapters and what form they should take

4) devise a candidate rating survey that will identify progressive candidates for local, state and national office which DFA will support

Posted by IndySteve at March 29, 2004 11:57 AM


Can't the grassroots take these on? The chapter stuff especially...the experience in setting up local grassroots groups is out here, not in there.

Posted by Free Spirit at March 29, 2004 12:48 PM

Oh, sure, this isn't either/or....I just want to get a list of identifiable, concrete actions that DFA needs to consider and act on, and get them to report back to us on a regular basis. I am tired of the feel-good blogs that happen now (not that they aren't good).

The most important issue is establishing a process by which the grassroots, DFA chapters and other DFA-affiliated orgs can participate in DFA projects. It is crucial to establish this from the get-go.

The only thing is, free spirit, if we come up stuff on our own, we will be less effective without DFA HQ also participating. There is a difference between a campaign and an organization.

On the chapter setup, I disagree. That is the one area where uncoordinated formation of chapters could lead to a real mess. That needs to come from HQ, IMO. People are off on their own setting up chapters without a clue how to do it or how it is affliated with HQ. If we have many chapters in one area, I see a bunch of infighting and impossible tangled web.

Posted by: IndySteve at March 29, 2004 01:02 PM | Link


You don’t really expect the Deaniacs to read this do you? I find it interesting, but it does not support their world view. They can’t waste their time trying to be objective, it goes against their ideologue philosophy.

Posted by: an independent at March 29, 2004 01:03 PM | Link

Go Kimmy! Go Governor!

It does my old punk rock heart good to see the next generation getting involved... I remember knocking on doors with multi-colored hair in '84 to get the voters out against Reagan.
Old school punks agree: Howard Dean is punk rock!

Posted by: LA Mom at March 29, 2004 01:04 PM | Link

Posted by chelle at March 29, 2004 12:51 PM

Let me defend the governor on this....

Was it about the person Howard Dean or the idears and leadership Dean represented?

If John Kerry signs into law the Howard Dean health care plan, it will still be just as great of a health care plan.

What Howard Dean has done is get the democratic party to start talking about the issues Howard Dean has promoted on all of our behalf.

Had Howard Dean not run the democratic party would be running against Bush on the "Lieberman and Clark wing of the party" platform, even if neither of them was the nominee. Now it is running on the "Dean and Dennis K platform" That is not a small thing.

Posted by: Ed at March 29, 2004 01:05 PM | Link

Did someone say introductions? OK....I am 48, a health care professional and will only support Howard Dean for anything........

I am having surprisingly good luck in getting Repubs in my precinct to closely scrutinizing Bush and his record too......I am stunned....talking with these blokes is not as hard as I thought it was going to be....\


Posted by: Mike in Raleigh NC at March 29, 2004 01:06 PM | Link

The only thing is, free spirit, if we come up stuff on our own, we will be less effective without DFA HQ also participating.

Posted by IndySteve at March 29, 2004 01:02 PM


Sorry, but, to be blunt, my experience with DFA 1.0 was exactly the opposite. My jury is still out on DFA 2.0.

In the meantime, I'm not waiting on them, which is, as I understand it, the advice we were given by both Dr. Dean and Tanner.

Sorry...gotta go see a guy about a Dean tattoo! I'll check back later for your response.

Posted by: Free Spirit at March 29, 2004 01:06 PM | Link

Maura--I didn't feel the need to post this until you got the rude "smackdown" above. I think it is more than normal to have imaginary conversations with people who have had a profound impact on our lives, and who are motivating us to reach and challenge ourselves in ways we never imagined.

The irony of "get a life" is that this blog and this campaign has made my life so much richer and fuller than I ever could have imagined. It is an *addition* to my "real life", and also provides a new lens through which I look at the rest of my life, and each new (or old) experience. It's not always fun, but few really enriching life experiences are "fun" in the traditional sense.

If you didn't see it before, click my name for *my* imaginary conversation with John Kerry from early February.

Posted by: Renee in Ohio at March 29, 2004 01:09 PM | Link

"an independent" (read: republican) and "learn something" (read: learn something republican)

Try this one...


Posted by: Dale In Minnesota at March 29, 2004 01:11 PM | Link

"if he [Howard Dean] disappeared from public life and stopped saying things that make the esablishment uncomfortable we would not be here right now...

Posted by poemlessgirl at March 29, 2004 01:00 PM

Well yeah, but he is not disappearing, and he is going to continue to make the establishment uncomfortable. I willing to bet over and Kerry HQ... they are going "he said what!?!?!" when reading the line "I guarantee you if you vote for Kerry you will be disappointed....." Oh yeah they are uncomfortable.

It will be a lot more effective at make Kerry's establishment uncomfortable that RESULTS in REAL postive change than a Bush establishment.

Posted by: Ed at March 29, 2004 01:12 PM | Link

5) Begin a fundraising plan for DFA, beginning with a sustainer list so that we can help on a monthly basis to sustain DFA and provide a solid funding basis moving forward.

Posted by IndySteve at March 29, 2004 11:57 AM

IndySteve: First, I always find your posts to be of value. Second, I think this #5 needs to be moved up to #1. (I've already recruited someone far more financially sound than me to contribute $30 a month.) And third, I'm outahere again...

Posted by: Aging Dean Kid at March 29, 2004 01:13 PM | Link

Hi, Free Spirit -- I guess I need to go back and thoroughly read all of the comments from over the weekend about this group, because my understanding of it must be different than what you're imagining! I saw my name mentioned by other bloggers and said I'd be happy to work on it, but later saw other lists without my name so figured I had missed something as the ideas around the group evolved.

All of which just proves your point about how difficult it is to conduct any "business" in this medium! :-)

I'll try to review all that's been discussed sometime tonight and hold off on further opinions 'till I've got the whole concept down. In general, though, I still worry about the decentralization of discussions and the potential of duplication of efforts many times over in separate groups that aren't aware of each other's existence. But you're right that the blog, as it is, can't accomodate the level of discussion that is needed. Short term discussions ARE needed now. My hope for blog reform, I've now accepted, is a much, much longer term hope.

Toscha -- Dean told folks here at the DC for Dean meeting on Thursday and his scheduler has confirmed for our steering committee that Dean will attend the March for Women's Lives. We assume that means he'll be marching with us, but we don't know that for sure - he could be speaking or playing another role. His scheduler says it is unlikely that Judy will attend.

Posted by: Maura in VA at March 29, 2004 01:13 PM | Link

Posted by Mike in Raleigh NC at March 29, 2004 01:06 PM

While you are at it do your best to get Erskin Bowles to keep Edwards seat. The senate and house matter too.

Posted by: Ed at March 29, 2004 01:14 PM | Link

I'm not sure we can trust John Kerry on this issue. [He has said he does not personally believe in a woman's right to choose abortion, but he supports it politically? What the H*LL does that mean?]

Posted by Quepha in TX at March 29, 2004 12:46 PM

That means he is standing on both sides of the issue, like usual.


Can't the grassroots take these on? The chapter stuff especially...the experience in setting up local grassroots groups is out here, not in there.

Posted by Free Spirit at March 29, 2004 12:48 PM

I thought your group had decided not to take on this subject.

Posted by: Linda in Iowa at March 29, 2004 01:16 PM | Link

First off, hurrah for Dr. Dean, hurrah for Kimmy and hurrah for all of us who are all thinking hard on what to do and how best to do it to keep our dreams alive.

Having said that, I have to say I have some problems about how the committee idea is progressing.

As to:
"2. Figure out a basic structure that includes all of these elements and how they interrelate.

3. Define a mission statement FOR THE GRASSROOTS, NOT DFA 2.0."

I have problems with some bloggers, even if I were included, defining a mission statement for all of the grassroots or defining the structure of it. By definition, this would either have to be so inclusive as to be a rambling, book length statement, or it would be limiting in leaving out some of the very diversity that we have so come to love and appreciate.

I also have a problem with the new Yahoo listserve. Given all the blogs and lists and organizations currently competing for our attention, I can't bear to think of having to add another one! And the distinct list can imply some kind of split from the unity of the group, even if that isn't what was meant to happen.

But I do think the problems that have been cited about trying to carry out a dialog on a particular issue using the current open blog are important to note. This is why I've long tried to gain support for having one "open" thread at all times for general stuff, as well as other threads for specific discussions. Or for having something like what DailyKos uses, only less restrictive or complicated to use.

The more I think about this stuff, the more I think time would be wasted on all the detailed minutia, issues and factions that would arise in formulating some kind of committee or coordinating group and agreeing on a mission statement or group goals etc. In other words, more time taken up with process rather than action.

Our time might be better spent if people just volunteered to collect helpful resources or tips from local DFAers, organize them and put them someplace where they can be consulted by other localities. That concept of not reinventing the wheel and all that.

I know that the folks trying to get something going are sincere and have only the best ideals for DFA in mind. Although I initially supported some kind of coordinating committee, I'm now having serious second thoughts about that. I think we can accomplish alot of the aims expressed without creating another formal structure within DFA.

Posted by: barb in albq at March 29, 2004 01:16 PM | Link

Well, it is good to know our great Gov reads the blog! Hopefully that means no negative Nader ads based on our feedback.

Anyway, now that we know Dean reads this, maybe we can continue to post more strategy ideas.

1) Communication- several others have pointed this out. During the campaign, this was an issue on the local and state fronts, as well as nationally. Without proper communication channels and feedback loops, no organization can be successful. One of the things I learned in business is 20% is strategy, and 80% is communication. We should have a ?how are we doing? button!

2) Playing into #1, we need Web tools. My assumption is the loss of the prior tools as well as failure to implement new ones is a direct result of less staff. There are several approaches we can take. First, we need to delineate which positions must reside in Burlington, and which positions do not need to. For example, even with web development and most especially with responses to our communication with HQ, why must this reside in Burlington? My thinking here, is you may be able to fill a lot of positions (granted you must post them first) by volunteers, thus keep the organization very streamlined and cost effective. I imagine based on feedback many people would be willing to help but not all can relocate to Burlington. With the technology available now, it is very easy to do this in the home. Telecommuting is big in call centers, for example, where there is probably no other field where an agent has to be more accountable. My sister works for a patent software law company out of her home in a little town in the middle of nowhere. She already had a computer, so the company invested very little to set her up. I especially see this as an avenue for communication where people email requests to HQ and never get a response. Volunteers to respond will immensely help in this regard.

3) Leadership: Often people are under the impression a leader has to be a paid staff member, super educated, with a big fat resume. From my experience, that is not what makes a leader. A leader in a company can be the front line, minimum wage earner who has the vision to see process failures and propose new directions, while inspiring others to join the cause. I have seen more strategic thinking in corporations I have worked in from minimum wages earners than executive management, including CEO's. I have also often learned more from the people I managed than the ones I reported to. I met a cab driver the other day at one of my other political meetings, and he is just such and obvious leader; organized, inspiring, articulate, and with incredible passion and imitative. He got me to committing to things I never would have! The problem is, you never know who the real leaders are until you give them OPPORTUNITY. Afterall, that is the foundation of civil rights?opportunity. That opportunity needs to be in the former of removing barriers and providing tools to lead, and providing support throughout. The biggest thing here, once again, is communication.

4) Volunteer advisory team- this is to keep you honest, Gov! LOL Actually, as important as it is to have political insiders bending your ear every day, it is equally important to have a strong grassroots base bending your ear the other half of the time. During the busy campaign, I doubt you had a lot of time to read the blog, which means what feedback you did received likely went through several filters. Especially closer to the primaries. We all know the ad strategy was vilified here, and the upset that the grassroots suggestion wasn't listen to/and or acted upon. Eugene, through his own initiative, did in fact prove the grassroots was right on a lot of levels regarding our strategy and that we could do better in that regard. That is only one example, I could list 100 others.

A bit off topic, but not really...

****Governor Dean****

Please let us know on the blog if Judy and you are for sure coming to the Women's March in April, and let's get a post up encouraging more men to participate. Reproductive freedom isn't just a women's issue, and a lot of men I am sure would participate with an invitation from our great leader. Charlie, will I see you there? Bill? Ed? Steve? We would love to have you. It would also be a good time to discuss women's and men?s roles in our movement and strategy going forward.

Hey, and we will even let Judy join our Crushies for Dean group! ;)

Posted by: cheryl at March 29, 2004 01:16 PM | Link

IndySteve: First, I always find your posts to be of value. Second, I think this #5 needs to be moved up to #1. (I've already recruited someone far more financially sound than me to contribute $30 a month.) And third, I'm outahere again...

Posted by Aging Dean Kid at March 29, 2004 01:13 PM

Thanks, I hope you come back! I should have said this list is not in order of priority...it is just a list of actions to take. I, too, am dismayed at the missed opportunity to set up regular funding of DFA. A "democracy sustainer" list where someone contributes $5, 10, 50 per month seems like a no-brainer. Not to mention a charter member group with one time donations. Just to post a contribute button is ineffective. Any fundraisers or development people out there, please speak up!! And give people credit somehow for their sacrifice/courage to contribute.

Posted by: IndySteve at March 29, 2004 01:18 PM | Link

Maura in VA at March 29, 2004 12:39 PM

Maura - Well said.

Posted by: Thankful2Thankful4Dean at March 29, 2004 01:18 PM | Link

P.S. before I go: To all the nitpicky spellcheckers out there: WHO CARES? If HQ has time to clean these up before they're archived, great; if not, no problem. Anyone who cares whether or not there are some typos in HD's posts needs to spend more time reading the nation's best newspapers. Are you kidding me? The guy's taking time to talk to somebody who cares about her country and you're worried about typos???

Posted by: Aging Dean Kid at March 29, 2004 01:19 PM | Link

Posted by IndySteve at March 29, 2004 01:18 PM

I came, I saw... Let's conquer! REALLY have to go now. Later,

Posted by: Aging Dean Kid at March 29, 2004 01:20 PM | Link


"The nightmare that county bans on genetically engineered crops represent to intra- and interstate commerce is ridiculous. We'd be ground to a halt."

Allan Noe, vice-president of CropLife America, a lobby group working for Monsanto, DuPont and Syngenta. Quoted in San Jose Mercury (California)

People across the U.S. and the world have been inspired by the historic David versus Goliath victory in Mendocino County, California on March 2, 2004 where voters banned the production of genetically engineered crops and animals. Mendocino is the first county in the U.S to implement such a ban. The Mendocino GE ban has rattled Monsanto and the Gene Giants,who fear that global civil society will now follow Mendocino's example. Of course this is exactly what is happening. Just in the past week, halfway across the world, a number of major agricultural states in Australia, including Western Australia, Tasmania and Victoria, have already passed, or will soon pass, GE crop bans.

But as the OCA warned in an Action Alert last week, Monsanto and their friends are fighting back. Sources have warned the OCA that the biotech lobby will soon introduce a bill in California to nullify the Mendocino GE ban and make it illegal for other California counties to pass similar laws. World Trade Organization bureaucrats and the White House have also made it clear in the past that local citizen control over unpopular technologies such as genetic engineering will not be tolerated. OCA has launched a major campaign called the Biodemocracy Alliance to defeat this legislation and spread GE-Free zones across at least a dozen of California's 59 counties, as well as counties all over the U.S.

To see more, click.

Posted by: cheryl at March 29, 2004 01:22 PM | Link

Well it is great to know that Governor Dean is attending the March for Women's lives. I would have loved to see Judy there, but as always I respect her decision.


Posted by: poemlessgirl at March 29, 2004 01:24 PM | Link

Posted by Renee in Ohio at March 29, 2004 01:09 PM

Renee, you represent the "heart" of this community so often. Thank you for reaching out, as you so often do, to help to patch up a wound caused by someone's purposefully hurtful words.

I feel the same way about how my life has been enriched by the blog. And rest assured that your life has enriched the blog in return, Renee!

As for imaginary conversations, they're considered quite an advanced and adaptive psychological mechanism, are they not? :-)

Posted by: Maura in VA at March 29, 2004 01:25 PM | Link

"They can’t waste their time trying to be objective, it goes against their ideologue philosophy.

Posted by an independent at March 29, 2004 01:03 PM"

A vocabulary item:

projection (noun) - the attributing to others what one is guilty of oneself.

I find that Republicans are masters of projection on the whole.

You see, we actually have looked at your worldview, but we have rejected it as being deeply flawed. Sorry.

Posted by: David W. at March 29, 2004 01:26 PM | Link

Off topic but I don't know if anyone's seen this yet. Karl Rove's home was inundated with protesters. Apparently, he didn't like it. Like the Doobie Brothers once sang, the people are "Takin' It to the Streets."

You can't hide, Karl.


Posted by: Mike in N.Y. at March 29, 2004 01:27 PM | Link

The only thing better than Kimmy's blog entry was having Howard respond to it.

I am still pretty much where Kimmy was before her post; maybe a little less angry, certainly a lot less punk.

I will vote for the Democratic nominee. I can look down the road and see where Howard is pointing us. But we must each be allowed to get there at our own pace.

No unity pledges or loyalty oaths for me. I will do whatever I can to make this country a better place in any ways that feel right for me.

Can't live in the past I know, but I'm having a little trouble leaving the dance floor. See, I'm still dancing with the one that 'brung' me. And the one who keeps asking for the next dance keeps stepping on my feet.

So maybe I won't dance with him, but I'll vote for him in November.

Posted by: donna in evanston at March 29, 2004 01:27 PM | Link

can't wait to get independent back on his bar stool muttering in his 2 pm beer about those damn commie punx except stuck in the 60's he'll call them hippies.

This election is so OURS!

Posted by: Phil from Iowa at March 29, 2004 01:27 PM | Link

an independent

After the media assassination of their candidate, one would hope that the notion of a non-partisan media was no longer part of the Deaniac's world view.

Posted by: Learn Something at March 29, 2004 01:28 PM | Link

To all fledgling DFA 2.0 State Chapters

I wrote up a draft of a Mission Statement that the Iowa DFA 2.0 chapter is working with. You are welcome to take a look at it, use what you like, and leave the rest.

- - - - - - - - -

Democracy for America flyer

Also, I've posted a Democracy for America invitation flyer. You can use this to explain DFA 2.0's core principles and goals, and it's in Word doc format so you can add your local info - date, time, place of your meeting - to the bottom of the flyer.

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

I also added a link to irmaly's excellent materials: How To Organize A Local Campaign

Click my name.


Posted by: Linda in Iowa at March 29, 2004 01:29 PM | Link

Sorry, but, to be blunt, my experience with DFA 1.0 was exactly the opposite. My jury is still out on DFA 2.0.

In the meantime, I'm not waiting on them, which is, as I understand it, the advice we were given by both Dr. Dean and Tanner.

Sorry...gotta go see a guy about a Dean tattoo! I'll check back later for your response.

Posted by Free Spirit at March 29, 2004 01:06 PM

Hey, you've got to post a pic of the tattoo when you return!

I hear you on DFA 1.0...only link my local group had really was watching the primaries one by one. We just did our own thing. I couldn't even get anyone to use get local tools. I don't want to see a repeat of that with DFA 2.0.

An nat'l. organization with chapters is a much different creature than a campaign. I'm just interested in getting HQ to consider our ideas/suggestions and responding in more direct ways.

I guess I agree with Barb above that a committee scares too many people and appears too be exclusive -- go forward with your Yahoo discussions, I'll probably participate a bit, but be sure to come back to the blog with results and to get feedback...

Posted by: IndySteve at March 29, 2004 01:30 PM | Link


I am willing to provide housing for up to 5-6 people during the convention in Boston. Please e-mail me at:

Posted by: deandemocrat at March 29, 2004 01:30 PM | Link

"certainly a lot less punk"

And I'm guessing your hair is a lot less *pink* too.

Amusing myself with word play...

Posted by: Renee in Ohio at March 29, 2004 01:30 PM | Link

Just so you know folks (and Kimmy) here in California we're working just as hard as we ever were for the causes we all care so much about. Right now former Dean supporters are organizing for a statewide meeting in April. Two weeks ago we had concurrent Northern CA and Southern CA regional meetings with over 150 highly active Dean leaders coming together for discussion and planning (and of course some good food). We had all day breakout sessions on topics of Media/PR (as many of us have helped create flyers, DVDs and ads in the past) GOTV (get out the vote) Outreach, Technical issues, Local political races we can support, and swing-state outreach to Nevada. So you see, we ain't going ANYWHERE, we're merely regrouping. If you're in California please join us. If you're in another state, reach out to other Dean supporters and get yourselves organized to do voter registration (especially among young voters) and DeanCorps community actions.

We've only BEGUN to fight. This is the hundred year plan folks, it goes beyond this one election. If you look at it that way, it definetly doesn't hurt so much.


(Now I'm off to San Francisco with two other Dean women (womenforDFA) to protest the SF courts beginning to hear Ashcroft's case demanding access to private hospital abortion records.)

Posted by: Vanna at March 29, 2004 01:31 PM | Link

Mainefem -
Thanks for the help with the group emails. I hadn't been looking in the correct spot but I've got it now - you're right - seems pretty easy.

Posted by: Andrea in Upstate NY at March 29, 2004 01:32 PM | Link

"certainly a lot less punk"

And I'm guessing your hair is a lot less *pink* too.

Amusing myself with word play...

Posted by Renee in Ohio at March 29, 2004 01:30 PM


Guess again Ms. word play. You haven't seen me since Christmas, y'know. ;)

Posted by: donna in evanston at March 29, 2004 01:33 PM | Link

I guess separate but unequal is the order of the day in Massachusetts. I'm sorry, civil unions that don't include federal benefits like federal tax breaks, access to the survivor's Social Security or other pensions or portability to other states just ain't fair:

Mass. lawmakers agree on gay marriage ban

March 29, 2004 | BOSTON (AP) -- The Massachusetts Legislature adopted a new version of a state constitutional amendment Monday that would ban gay marriage and legalize civil unions, eliminating consideration of any other proposed changes.

The vote came at the opening of the third round of a constitutional convention on the contentious issue, as competing cries of "Jesus Christ" and "Equal Rights" shook the Statehouse outside the legislative chamber.

Lawmakers had voted earlier this month in favor of a similar amendment. The revised version adopted Monday would ask voters to simultaneously ban gay marriage and legalize civil unions -- rather than taking those steps separately. It clarifies that civil unions would not grant federal benefits to gay couples.

By adopting the new language, lawmakers blocked consideration of several other amendments -- including ones that would have weakened the civil union provision and one that would have split the question in two, allowing voters to weigh in separately on gay marriage and civil unions.

The Legislature must still take two more votes before the amendment is considered approved. If that happens, it will go to the 2005-2006 Legislature for further consideration before going to the voters in the fall of 2006.


Posted by: barb in albq at March 29, 2004 01:33 PM | Link

Where would Jimmy Stewart have been without imaginary conversations?

You folks ARE real aren't you.

I couldn't imagine a greater group.(besides trolls and long winded exceptions)

Posted by: Phil from Iowa at March 29, 2004 01:34 PM | Link

Renee at 1:09 Thank you for your comment. You seem to always know the right thing to say.

Kimmy...I am so impressed with all your work. Oh, to be healthy again and have all your energy.
Thank you.

Off for a walk in this beautiful spring weather, then to finish tying a quilt for DFA Corp project.
I know that political discourse means that there is much disagreement...but the lack of civility on the part of some here keep me from posting often. I HOPE we are all here with some common goals...

And Maura...I agree that imaginary conversations are quite an advanced and adaptive psychological mechanism. ;-)

Posted by: Grandma Marcia in OK at March 29, 2004 01:34 PM | Link

I have been going crazy trying to remember who ran after Robert Kennedy was shot in '68. Finally the answer, Hubert Humphry! and as Howard said Nixon won.

BTW don't you find it interesting that the case for the Patriot act and taking away civil liberties is "it's after 9/11 it calls for tough measures" Apparently not tough enough for Connie Rice to talk to the 9/11 commission under oath! Hmmmmmmmm and on an "executive privledge" point no less same line Nixon used to keep information from getting public that would hurt him.

Posted by: Lunch Lady at March 29, 2004 01:36 PM | Link

Phil from Iowa

Come on Phil, admit it you were (are) an old hippy. My guess is that you are a teacher, either high school or maybe college. You obviously don’t teach economics, math, or any hard science, so my guess is you teach something like sociology, maybe political science, something where BS is not only tolerated, but encouraged. Am I close?

Posted by: an independent at March 29, 2004 01:37 PM | Link

Posted by iwantmycountryback at March 29, 2004 11:38 AM

I agree with you in theory, the problem is we are not influencing Kerry. I am waiting on HQ for strategy on this. If we had any influence whatsoever, that stupid proposal about the corporate tax cut, once again rewarding the machine at the cost of people, would never have been a position Kerry would take. I judge a person by their actions, not words. Sorry, but Kerry is proving to be another say-anything-to-get-elected then FU politician. I would really like to know EXACTLY how things will be better under Kerry since he had the chance in the senate and didn't care too much about our rights then. His recent actions are no better. I am no polyannia when it comes to my loss of rights, I am a realist. I keep hearing getting him elected is a "start" but I have yet to hear anyone say exactly how that is true...specifically what will he successfully implement? We definitely need some influence in keeping him honest, and I haven't seen it come yet from DFA. Great Dean got a standing ovation, but what does that translate to in action? Don't mean to by cynical here, but people pander to get what they want then dump you on the roadside after they use you up. I don't want that to happen to us.

Posted by: cheryl at March 29, 2004 01:39 PM | Link

To the blogger who wrote "To all the nitpicky spellcheckers out there: WHO CARES? Anyone who cares whether or not there are some typos in HD's posts needs to spend more time reading the nation's best newspapers."

Wow, I've worked at "major" newspapers & internet sites and copyeditors would be *fired* over a blatant type in the headline or first line. Look , here' s the problem...it's not a typo., it's just the sense that there's no one who's crossing the i's & t's here...no sense of a quality assurance staff thinking things through before they post. Fine for a typo in an email...but when it's *republished* on a major website, there needs to be care taken....and like much of DFA 2.0, there's no one in charge. And if Gov. Dean is going to respond to blog postings, I beileve he ought to respond to this blog. Not meaning to sound petulant about it but there you are...

Posted by: Dean People at March 29, 2004 01:39 PM | Link

Posted by an independent at March 29, 2004 01:37 PM

Observe the "zoo" signs: DO NOT FEED THE TROLLS!
They'll go somewhere else to "feed".

Posted by: IndySteve at March 29, 2004 01:40 PM | Link

“After the media assassination of their candidate, one would hope that the notion of a non-partisan media was no longer part of the Deaniac's world view.”

I think you’ll find that they think the mainstream media is too right wing. Most here are so far left they can’t find the middle.

Posted by: an independent at March 29, 2004 01:40 PM | Link

Dale in Minnesota

Back at you:


Posted by: Learn Something at March 29, 2004 01:40 PM | Link


We HAVE TO SHED some of those expensive trademarked venues on the old home page and I'm thinking that the best alternatives are going to rise to the top because we have alot of web savy people here.

We aren't going to have to organize 50,000,000 voters less than a tenth that probably which is a whole different task.

Topdown got us the DLC running the DNC.

Trust the people.

Posted by: Phil from Iowa at March 29, 2004 01:41 PM | Link

ATTN: San Francisco

Join Women of DFA TODAY at the NARAL Pro-Choice rally on the steps of City Hall at 1:30 pm. There will be at least 4 of us -- in our DEAN shirts.

Posted by: Jan _ Women of DFA at March 29, 2004 01:41 PM | Link

I thought your group had decided not to take on this subject.

Posted by Linda in Iowa at March 29, 2004 01:16 PM

No...just not as the first order of business. Check out the listserv...it's still getting set up, but I think things are a *little* clearer now. There is a file specifically for state chapters.

Oh...you must be getting the Daily Digest, rather than individual emails? The next one you get should clarify things a bit too.

*really* have to run now!

Posted by: Free Spirit at March 29, 2004 01:42 PM | Link

***Continuing my thoughts on strategy*****
I would like to see a discussion on this website and link to all the bills before the Congress as they occur, and what action we can take. Also, a discussion of who voted how, and holding them accoutable. This, more than anything else, will hold our leaders accountable. We must also have an alternative media strategy around this so that the public is AWARE, something they clearly have not been before. Finally, in concert with the above, have some every day example of how those bills impact an average person...real life stories. THAT is how you get people to see the connection and inspire them to act.

Posted by: cheryl at March 29, 2004 01:44 PM | Link

"“After the media assassination of their candidate, one would hope that the notion of a non-partisan media was no longer part of the Deaniac's world view.”

I think you’ll find that they think the mainstream media is too right wing. Most here are so far left they can’t find the middle.

Posted by an independent at March 29, 2004 01:40 PM"

If we're incorrigible, and you already know it, why are you wasting your time here?

Is today your day to verbally masturbate instead of your usual procedure?

Posted by: David W. at March 29, 2004 01:44 PM | Link

"Mainefem -
Thanks for the help with the group emails. I hadn't been looking in the correct spot but I've got it now - you're right - seems pretty easy.
Posted by Andrea in Upstate NY at March 29, 2004 01:32 PM"

It *is* easy, Andrea--you are most welcome.

Expect intense resistance from those who are addicted to lengthy dissertation-tpye emails with Bcc (you can't network using that methodology of communication--it's totally antithetical to self-replication in a decentralized network paradigm).

I use a tight explicit subject line (no info in the body of the email for newbies who aren't yet registered on Get Local); and paste in a tinyurl.com deep link directly to my event on the Get Local portal (which is where I post the actual info).

For those already on Get Local, I hit the batch icon.

Works like a charm; and the FAQ icon is fairly intuitive.

It's called re-shaping behavior.

Email inbox clutter is a serious thang (esp. when I'm not being paid to read/respond); and it reeks of inefficiency/kills my forearm in an ergonomic sense!

Seeing only 3 events within 400 miles of me is downright scary.

Great tool, butf needs to actually be *used*.

Perhaps that's why the icon at the top right of the blog page says "Organize?"


Posted by: Mainefem1 at March 29, 2004 01:45 PM | Link

Here is a Dean inspired candidate running for MN State house:


Check it out. She's been part of the MN Dean team for quite some time and she's running against a rabid right-winger.

Throw some $$ her way if you feel inspired.

Posted by: Dale In Minnesota at March 29, 2004 01:46 PM | Link

WOW Caucus news from Democrats ABroad Global caucus this week in Scotland!!!!!!!!!

HI All, terri Macmillan and I are delegates for democrats abroad going to the democratic national convention in boston!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

just wanted to let you know. It has been an amazing experience thus far, and we are working harded and harder to get rid of George W. Learned a lot, met some great people. Even though dean is not in the race anymore we collected 9 out of 22 delegation seats from Democrats abroad in his name and we will go to the convention as dean delegates! We are proud to go and we know it is important for us to go under his name so we can continue to push for progressive reform in our own party.

anyway, that is the news for now... we are flying back to Tokyo Japan tomorrow morning.

take care
lauren in tokyo

Posted by: lauren in tokyo at March 29, 2004 01:46 PM | Link


Thanks for posting that stuff about Monsanto and genetically engineered plants. In all the commotion of my moving, that one had fallen out of my brain.

For anyone who doesn't know, pollen from those freakenplants is dispursed fairly widely and is contaminating regular plants to a noticeable degree. Plus the ones engineered to contain BT, an organic pesticide, are breeding insects resistant to BT and so really damaging organic farmers, which I am sure Monsanto just loves.

Posted by: karen anne at March 29, 2004 01:46 PM | Link

Hi there,

I drop by when I can. Life is a little too stressful right now for me to look outward much, but man, blog entries like this are a real lift :-). Every time Dean "speaks" I feel energized. Is this mad or what?


Posted by: Walosi at March 29, 2004 01:46 PM | Link

"I would really like to know EXACTLY how things will be better under Kerry since he had the chance in the senate and didn't care too much about our rights then"

Cheryl: How EXACTLY would it be better if Bush got another term? If you only look at 3 issues, Kerry is vastly better than Bush: he wouldn't appoint a right-wing ideologue to the Supreme Court, he would push environmental improvements as he has for his entire Senate career (endorsed by the League of Conservation Voters), he would invest in green energy development.

Kerry is much too much a "free" trader and DLC-type Dem for my taste, but I do believe the unions backing him have extracted firm promises to curb corps, enact fairer trade laws and support workers or they would never have endorsed him. He will owe the unions big time after this campaign, believe me. And they are tough cookies in exacting tradeoffs.

Posted by: barb in albq at March 29, 2004 01:47 PM | Link

We have a whole generation that has grown up with spell check.

Wish the blog comments had it ......but hey

this is the pink hair thread so deal

This is the most important post of the election in my mind tho so maybe....Tanner,Alison?

Posted by: Phil from Iowa at March 29, 2004 01:47 PM | Link

Dated Kucinich, Married Dean, Was raped by Kerry.

Unfortunately, sometimes you have no choice.

Posted by: Peter in Durham at March 29, 2004 01:47 PM | Link

“If we're incorrigible, and you already know it, why are you wasting your time here?”

I just find it amusing. Something to do when work gets slow.

Posted by: an independent at March 29, 2004 01:48 PM | Link

Good to see Vanna and Jan from San Francisco posting today. We really have our act together out here, as Vanna's post attested to - and we're having fun doing it, too.

And for those of you who try to bring down our enthusiasm with your negative attitudes and pleas for us to "get a life" I say - go raid the Easter candy. You need to sweeten up a bit.

Posted by: Denise at March 29, 2004 01:49 PM | Link

Was using the Get Local feature this morning. Only trouble is, if you want to send an email out to 500 Iowans, you have to send them all out separately and it takes forever.
Posted by Linda in Iowa at March 29, 2004 11:46 AM

Yes, that is something I asked them to change months ago. Impossible to set up a quick distribution list with Deanlink/get local.

Posted by: cheryl at March 29, 2004 01:49 PM | Link

Dr. Dean,

I didn't travel to three states just to meet people and organize. This election was also about electing *you*. It is largely because of John Kerry's underhandedness that you did not win. Personally, I don't think you would have disappointed me. I know that we disagree on many issues, but if you governed the US like you governed VT, I know you would have given satisfaction. Now, we find out that Kerry is willing to sell out people's individual rights to win office. (Boo!) I'm sorry, sir, but I just can't do for him what I did for you.

Posted by: DateDeanMarryDean at March 29, 2004 01:49 PM | Link

Guess again Ms. word play. You haven't seen me since Christmas, y'know. ;)

Posted by donna in evanston at March 29, 2004 01:33 PM

Yes, but would she recognize you now that you are covered in dust bunnies? I know you'll deny it. Dog hair, you'll say!

Posted by: Linda in Iowa at March 29, 2004 01:50 PM | Link

re: Arkansas Primary Filing Period Closes in 24-Hours

The filing period for the May 18th Arkansas Democratic Primary closes at noon tommorrow, March 30th. As of Thursday, only Kucinich and LaRue had filed to be on the Democratic presidential ballot.
Looks like we'll have lots of candidates to choose from...
Posted by BigHodag at March 29, 2004 11:34 AM


well, looks like Kucinich it is then!!

Posted by: Lobsters in AR 2.0 at March 29, 2004 01:50 PM | Link

Kimmy: If you're still reading (and I think you are!), a while back you asked about a "Bands against Bush" concert in NYC, but I couldn't give you much info. Today, I went back to the cafe, but the flyer was taken down. However, I found a reference to it at:


From there, I got to:


It's not the same flyer I saw (I saw more bands on the other flyer), but who knows, perhaps the bands listed would be willing to play at your Memorial Day concert? I don't know if they're punk or any good, but hey, they hate Bush and they're active! They must be good people.

Turns out the concert was part of a much larger event, a socialist conference emphasizing youth activism.

Posted by: Agatha at March 29, 2004 01:50 PM | Link

Off to have a New Mexican version of the BLT: on a low-carb tortilla!

Posted by: barb in albq at March 29, 2004 01:50 PM | Link

I've got a rough draft of our mission statement and organizational structure on a word doc. for Washington State.

It's one of those times people, when you got to take the "bull but the horns" and get "pointy elbows".

We've got a very active and connected group in WA, but if you don't see something happening, "just do it" - Thanks Nike!

It's a rough draft- but I think it works and it's definately modifyable.

I hope that our group will jump on this!


I'll put it up - but how do I do that?
I don't have a website to put in the URL?

Posted by: Michele in Mukilteo at March 29, 2004 01:51 PM | Link

Kerry is much too much a "free" trader and DLC-type Dem for my taste, but I do believe the unions backing him have extracted firm promises to curb corps, enact fairer trade laws and support workers or they would never have endorsed him. He will owe the unions big time after this campaign, believe me. And they are tough cookies in exacting tradeoffs.

Posted by barb in albq at March 29, 2004 01:47 PM

If that's true, then the Corp. profits tax proposals were a HUGE failure of labor influence. They are little more than me-too republicanism.

Not tying reductions in profit taxes to REAL job creation is a big mistake -- corporate welfare at its worst. I can't believe labor is a happy part of the Kerry camp right now.

Posted by: IndySteve at March 29, 2004 01:51 PM | Link

THIS IS A ROUGH DRAFT THAT COULD USE ALL KINDS OF EDITING, COMMENTS, CLARIFICATIONS, CORRECTIONS – Make them and repost on the Yahoo group with your name and date.


Democracy for Washington (The newly created from Dean for Washington) will be working to the ultimate defeat of President GW Bush (for the 2004 season) and a general restoration of DFW principles to Local, State and National government.

From Howard DEAN speech “A New Day – March 18th”
First, we are committed to promoting strong grassroots involvement, in campaigns in democracy with ordinary citizens as candidates, donors, organizers, active participants.
Today half the Americans in this country don’t bother to vote. People see what the problems are, but are cynical about the system and the prospects for change. Only through DOING will people recognize the power they have to change this country. For some of you that means running for office, and we are going to be there to support you. Running for school board, for city council, for state legislature, for the US Congress. Others can participate as grassroots partners, taking a leadership role in organizing your friends, your neighbors, your coworkers, to change your community, to change the state, to change the country, to change the Democratic party locally and everywhere.
Secondly, we are committed to promoting an America where candidates and officers tell the truth about fundamental policy choices, and stand up for what they believe in again.
The time when politicians conceal the truth, conceal as this President did, and his administration, the true cost of the Medicare bill, about fundamental matters like war, and job creation, is over.
Third, we are committed to fighting against the influence and the agenda of the two pillars of George Bush’s Washington. On the one hand, the far right wing and their radical extremist policies. On the other hand, selfish corporate interests who for too long have dominated Washington under this administration.
Fourth, we are committed to fighting for progressive policies.
· We will fight for health care for all Americans just like every other industrialized country in the world has.
· We will fight for investment in early childhood so we can stop sending them to prison and start sending them to college.
· We will fight for equal rights under the law for every single American.
· We will demand fiscal responsibility for government so that social justice can be something that happens not just in good times but also in tough times.
· And we will promote a national security policy that makes America stronger by working with our allies and advancing progressive American values elsewhere in the world.
Copied from DFA Blog: some extra stuff deleted…
Our organization is based on encouraging personal involvement on three simple levels:
Individual involvement
DFW involvement
Supporting local candidates for office

Indiviual envolvement:
We encourage DFW supporters in get involved individually in your local Democratic Party.
§ Attend the meetings of your local Legislative District.
§ Become a PCO for your precinct.
§ Research your elected officials, support them in their efforts to be responsive to government “for the people” and support them in their decision-making processes.
§ Run for local office.

Collective involvement of DFW:
Greatest Effect is for Democracy for Washington to be able to express our collective voice on issues in our own state, and to support organizations that are working towards our same goals. This election season will require a great deal of educating the general public on many issues. Together we can have a larger effect to this end.

Goal: To grow our DFW organization to give weight as a powerful constituency.

· Add your name and information to our members list. We will not distribute this information. This just gives us the ability as to carry weight behind our endorsements and actions.

§ We will need to be your $pecial Intere$t$ to be able to carry out some of our activities. Please feel free to donate to a particular activity or to a general fund. We want to employ Ray and keep our website looking pretty….
§ You will be able to access links to other organizations and give your information to those organizations if you choose.

§ You will be able to vote for in DFW polls to express your views on issues and actions.

· Become a volunteer for Dean Corps. We currently in need of regional leaders to network with other DFW leaders to disseminate / collect information on issues and actions and to work on building our organization. Add your information to the volunteers list. MicheleinMukilteo@yahoo. Posted by: Michele in Mukilteo at March 29, 2004 01:52 PM | Link


It's all about building coalitions.

Other democracies routinely use coalitions to work for policies without loosing party or faction identity.

Green voters and Nader voters, and defecting moderate Republicans must form a coaliton against the greatest evil, which is 4 more years of Bush.
All members of the coalition need to be firing criticism from all sides to keep Bush on the defensive and not knowing which way to turn.

Nader needs to be part of the coalition, or he could end of being the single worst thing to ever happen to the environment or consumers.

Probably about 10% of the moderate Republican electorate is totally pissed off at Bush, particularly the old school Bob Michel/Bush One Republiclans that are furious about the way the thugs in Bush II have pushed the intelligence people around and destroyed the budget. They are looking for a home if they find a suitor that makes them feel welcome.

Personally, I would be quite happy if McCain did defect and take a spot in Kerry's cabinet. It would totally deflate the Bush propaganda machine.

Posted by: JM at March 29, 2004 01:52 PM | Link

Posted by Ed at March 29, 2004 12:16 PM

Ed, the statistics prove you right. I actually wrote a post on it put people here are so anti-Nader I didn't dare post it. Anyway, Gore losing his gonads I suspect was really about part influence and the DNC/DLC cowards not wanting to make fuss...just like they haven't throughout Bush's presidency. Again, FU to our rights. As long as they had their jobs couldn't have cared less about the country. I think Gore has gotten his soul back, and likely why he supports Dean. I think they probably have a lot in common. I really liked Gore the man, hated Gore the machine. I have the same fears for DFA based on what I saw with our machine during the campaign.

Posted by: cheryl at March 29, 2004 01:52 PM | Link

Several people have been asking for buttons/pins of the "In an arranged marriage with John Kerry - Still in Love with Howard Dean" and "I'm a Dean Democrat Voting for John Kerry" (or DFA Democrat)

Jan with Women of DFA has taken on the task and now offers them, along with some other great designs, here: (click my name)


I've given her several of my other designs, too, so hopefully other buttons will be forthcoming.

Posted by: jc - All Things Dean at March 29, 2004 01:53 PM | Link

Not even close.

I'm a pickup drivin good ole boy with a gun rack in the back window with a varmit gun in the case

I'm not just a straight shooter I shoot straight.

Posted by: Phil from Iowa at March 29, 2004 01:54 PM | Link

"Not tying reductions in profit taxes to REAL job creation is a big mistake -- corporate welfare at its worst. I can't believe labor is a happy part of the Kerry camp right now."

I agree, but we must remember he did toss in a tidbit for us: closing tax loopholes that reward those who move offshore. A crumb, I know.

I understand his strategy is to outflank BushCo as they push the increase taxes all the time label on Kerry. But I do agree, his approach is extremely weak. But I retain faith that when push comes to shove the unions will have a big affect on what he would actually DO when in office, rather than what he will say to get votes...

Posted by: barb in albq at March 29, 2004 01:54 PM | Link

"well, looks like Kucinich it is then!!

Posted by Lobsters in AR 2.0 at March 29, 2004 01:50 PM"

It would be cool if Dennis won one.

Posted by: Demetrius at March 29, 2004 01:56 PM | Link

Congratulations Kimmy!


Posted by: Narnians4Dean at March 29, 2004 02:01 PM | Link

I'm a pickup drivin good ole boy with a gun rack in the back window with a varmit gun in the case

I'm not just a straight shooter I shoot straight.

Posted by Phil from Iowa at March 29, 2004 01:54 PM

No confederate flag, I hope! ;)

Posted by: IndySteve at March 29, 2004 02:01 PM | Link

I couldn't imagine a greater group.(besides trolls and long winded exceptions)

Posted by Phil from Iowa at March 29, 2004 01:34 PM

"long winded exceptions"

As Subway said, they can join On And On Anon.

Posted by: Linda in Iowa at March 29, 2004 02:03 PM | Link

But I retain faith that when push comes to shove the unions will have a big affect on what he would actually DO when in office, rather than what he will say to get votes...

Posted by barb in albq at March 29, 2004 01:54 PM

Oh, I know, FAITH and good ole-fashioned hold his butt to the fire pressure! As someone who wants us to focus on ridding the nation of the Bush plague, this proposal makes it hard...he is going to be coming out with two more economic proposals on training/education and trade so hopefully that will create some balance.

Posted by: IndySteve at March 29, 2004 02:04 PM | Link

IndySteve, you cannot imagine how many people I see in a day with Confederate flags on their trucks.....this in uptight Republican Northwest Arkansas, no less.


Posted by: Lobsters in AR 2.0 at March 29, 2004 02:04 PM | Link

“I'm a pickup drivin good ole boy with a gun rack in the back window with a varmit gun in the case”

What kind of gun is a “varmit” gun? LOL… Have a lot of varmit’s in Iowa do ya?

Posted by: an independent at March 29, 2004 02:04 PM | Link

P.S. before I go: To all the nitpicky spellcheckers out there: WHO CARES? If HQ has time to clean these up before they're archived, great; if not, no problem. Anyone who cares whether or not there are some typos in HD's posts needs to spend more time reading the nation's best newspapers. Are you kidding me? The guy's taking time to talk to somebody who cares about her country and you're worried about typos???

Posted by Aging Dean Kid at March 29, 2004 01:19 PM<<

Hello: Typos are like not having your tie straight or the cuffs correct with your jacket. They show the level of your attention to detail. Sometimes as in blog post chatting informally or in emails to friends I DONT really do a speel (grin) check. It takes to much time in my browser as I have to take it to word or notepad (as best I know any hints on how it can be done easier?); the blog comments are sort of like off handed conversation.

Now it would be different if I was writing for the lead thread and NOTHING goes out under my written signature that isnt checked and rechecked.

Appropriate attention to detail is well what defines our interest in something. I can guarantee you if I was invited for dinner with Sarah Jessica Parker the tie would be straight.

Robert G. Oler

Posted by: Borderline at March 29, 2004 02:05 PM | Link

I agree with Kimmy Cash.

When your candidate comes out and endorses the one person who is the exact opposite of what you believe in, it hurts. It hurts bad.

However, what would hurt more is another four years of George W. Bush in the White House. That's why I plan to hold my nose and vote for Kerry in November.

After that, I'm going to get to work, and I'm going to change the Democratic Party, because it has become more and more apparent that the Democrats have lost their way.

The Democrats are allowing the Republicans to define what they stand for, instead of doing it themselves, and telling the Republicans exactly where to stick it.

The Democrats are allowing other groups such as the Human Rights Campaign, NAACP, International A.N.S.W.E.R. et al fight for issues that are supposed to be Democratic issues.

It's time for that to change. It's time to change presidents, and after this election is over, it will be time to change the party.

We can, and will, do both.

Andre Walker
Campus Coordinator,
Generation Dean @ Georgia State University

Posted by: Andre in Atlanta at March 29, 2004 02:05 PM | Link

No confederate flag, I hope! ;)

Posted by IndySteve at March 29, 2004 02:01 PM

In Iowa? Oh, c'mon.

Posted by: Linda in Iowa at March 29, 2004 02:05 PM | Link

I flunked spelling in High School.

Posted by: Lobsters in AR 2.0 at March 29, 2004 02:06 PM | Link

"Israeli actions . . . the bombing of villages in the Bekaa valley in Lebanon in 1984, with 100 killed and 400 wounded in one raid, mostly civilians, including 150 children in a bombed-out schoolhouse; or the attack on an UNRWA school in Damour in May 1979 by an Israeli F-16 tha dropped cluster bombs, leaving forty-one children dead or wounded. These were reported, but without affecting the elevated status of "this tiny nation, symbol of decency," as the editors of the New York Times described Israel during a peak period of the repression of the Palestinian uprising with beatings, killings, gassing, and collective punishment, "a country that cares for human life," in the admiring words of the Washington Post editors in the wake of the Iron Fist atrocities" [not EVEN described here].
- N. Chomsky Necessary Illusions: Thought Control in Democratic Societies

Remember this is the same American press that, right near the Iowa Caucus, labeled peace-exhorting Howard Dean a cannibal (Leno), an murderer (SNL-NBC, owned by GE, arms dealer to the world), and an animal (P. Buchanan on MSNBC).

Posted by: Victor in Illinois at March 29, 2004 02:06 PM | Link

Probably about 10% of the moderate Republican electorate is totally pissed off at Bush, particularly the old school Bob Michel/Bush One Republiclans that are furious about the way the thugs in Bush II have pushed the intelligence people around and destroyed the budget. They are looking for a home if they find a suitor that makes them feel welcome.


Along those same lines, I would suggest urging Ross Perot to make a public appearance criticizing the disasterous effects that the record budget deficits are going to have on future generations of Americans.

Posted by: LZ XRAY at March 29, 2004 02:07 PM | Link


United we stand.

I don't think much of BinLaden.

That's why I was SO OPPOSED to war with Iraq.

Posted by: Phil from Iowa at March 29, 2004 02:07 PM | Link

What kind of gun is a “varmit” gun? LOL… Have a lot of varmit’s in Iowa do ya?
Posted by an independent at March 29, 2004 02:04 PM

A big one....with two barrels.

Posted by: Lobsters in AR 2.0 at March 29, 2004 02:08 PM | Link

In Iowa? Oh, c'mon.

Posted by Linda in Iowa at March 29, 2004 02:05 PM

Linda, just kidding. I'm just referring to Dean's gaffe. If he had only said guys/gals with rifles in their pickups instead of confederate flags......sigh, what could've been...

Posted by: IndySteve at March 29, 2004 02:08 PM | Link

"“If we're incorrigible, and you already know it, why are you wasting your time here?”

I just find it amusing. Something to do when work gets slow.

Posted by an independent at March 29, 2004 01:48 PM"

I certainly hope you aren't in sales. It appears that the Bush economy is doing you in as well.

We'll help to make you busier and more prosperous in the future by getting the current squatter out of the White House. Of course, for Bush, "squatter" has more than one meaning.

Posted by: David W. at March 29, 2004 02:10 PM | Link

Can I just say, the lines, "I guarantee if I had won you would have benn disappointed too at some point" is why I love Howard Dean? He's such an adult. I appreciate the candor (not the pander) and it's comments like this that make me realize why I'm still checking this blog every day.

Posted by: kate in il at March 29, 2004 02:10 PM | Link

Posted by IndySteve at March 29, 2004 02:08 PM

I know. Just teasin' you! ;-)

Posted by: Linda in Iowa at March 29, 2004 02:12 PM | Link

Can I just say, the lines, "I guarantee if I had won you would have benn disappointed too at some point" is why I love Howard Dean? He's such an adult. I appreciate the candor (not the pander) and it's comments like this that make me realize why I'm still checking this blog every day.

Posted by kate in il at March 29, 2004 02:10 PM

Yes! I liked that too, because it speaks to this silly notion that an individual, whether it is Kerry or Dean (or Nader), will always vote/speak the way any of us would 100% of the time.

Pursuit of the perfect is the enemy of the pursuit of the good, is another fav Dean quote.

Posted by: IndySteve at March 29, 2004 02:13 PM | Link

A big one....with two barrels.

Posted by Lobsters in AR 2.0 at March 29, 2004 02:08 PM<<

plugs or shot? Robert G. Oler

Posted by: Borderline at March 29, 2004 02:14 PM | Link

There's something historic going on in Louisiana right now. Our new Democratic Governor Kathleen Blanco, the first woman ever elected to that office (succeeding Republican Mike Foster) is addressing a joint session of the Louisiana House and Senate right now, for the opening of our Legislature today.

Posted by: jc at March 29, 2004 02:15 PM | Link

“I certainly hope you aren't in sales. It appears that the Bush economy is doing you in as well.”

I’m not in “sales”, and am doing just fine… Took a little hit from Clinton’s recession, and a bigger hit from 9/11, but for the most part have recovered thanks to Bush’s economic decisions. Hate to think where I’d be if that inept fool Gore was in control…

Posted by: an independent at March 29, 2004 02:16 PM | Link


Posted by: Linda in Iowa at March 29, 2004 02:17 PM | Link

Post by IndySteve at March 29, 2004 11:57 AM

I agree with your suggestions. I fear DFA 2.0 will fade into oblivion otherwise. I wish I understood why no one is actively harnessing the potential energy of this grassroots movement - We're already organized and ready to go!

Meanwhile, without more direction, we will continue to scatter, become involved in our own different ways, and lose the collective strength we once had.

I personally think we are capable of being stronger as a group. In fact, I was hoping that DFA2.0 would be an 'umbrella' organization for coordinating and organizing all the many wonderful progressive causes happening today.

Hopefully we will each stay very, very actively involved in accomplishing change, no matter what happens to DFA, and hopefully we will be successful - for the sake of the country and the planet.

As Granny D. advises us, activism can't wait for the leaders to tell us what to do... we must be creative and take charge. Use organizing tools found at places like DFA, at moveon.org, at truemajority.org, at AmericanComingTogether.org, and please visit Granny D's site... it's full of ideas. (Click on my name for that one.)

Get involved in local races and find candidates to support in another districts and states. We ALL need more progressives in Congress. Let's DO IT! Because you KNOW what we've got!!!

In a democracy, the future isn’t something that just happens; it’s something we shape for ourselves, together. Special-interest lobbyists get the government they pay for ONLY when we stay home from the polls — ONLY when we abdicate the electoral power that is mightier than any soft-money check, more decisive than any million-dollar ad blitz or corporate misinformation campaign. - from MoveOn's New Book -> 50 Ways to Love Your Country: How to Find Your Political Voice and Become a Catalyst for Change

Posted by: iwantmycountryback at March 29, 2004 02:17 PM | Link

Don't look now, but Condi Rice is getting the Dean treatment by the national press: surf around a little bit and look at all the unflattering photos of her posted on the web at MSNBC, etc.

Of course, local newspapers have always had a much more conservative bent. The Arizona Republic is treating the Clarke story as an interesting buy unimportant bureaucratic squabble. Last week the paper issued an editorial which questioned Clarke's attempt to speak the truth.

Talk about defending the indefensible! When you have career staff in departments across the government resigning and accusing the administration of misleading the American people, you would think the Arizona Republic would feel the need to soberly address the issues raised.

That truth and honor in public service is held in such low esteem does not speak well of a major newspaper.

Posted by: Zach in Phoenix at March 29, 2004 02:18 PM | Link

Posted by an independent at March 29, 2004 02:16 PM

It can be no more obvious that she is a Republican.

Posted by: Linda in Iowa at March 29, 2004 02:18 PM | Link

Remember this is the same American press that, right near the Iowa Caucus, labeled peace-exhorting Howard Dean a cannibal (Leno), an murderer (SNL-NBC, owned by GE, arms dealer to the world), and an animal (P. Buchanan on MSNBC).


This is the same responsible press that informed the public so well leading up the Iraq quagmire build-up.

Seventy percent of americans felt there were ties between Hussein and Al Queda. The press gave the appearance of being cheerleaders more than reporters of the news.

Posted by: LZ XRAY at March 29, 2004 02:18 PM | Link

new thread

Posted by: IndySteve at March 29, 2004 02:20 PM | Link

I'm looking for information about any movement(s) to get new blood into the DNC. I attended my State Senatorial District Democratic Convention this past weekend (it's basically the regional convention). One of the local (Houston) state reps mentioned how he has been a DNC member for the Texas Democratic Party for TWENTY YEARS!!!! I wa appalled. Even though he is a progressive, African American elected official, he is still a part of a long standing political establishment (read: machine) that I think needs to be challenged.

I think it is the little things like this, that not a whole lot of people know about or pay attention to, that need to be focused on in any movement to take back politics and our government. I think the DNC, especially the officers and board, need to be held accountable to the rank and file, especially on things like the party platform and the selection of "Super Delegates". The only way that is going to happen is to get new blood into the DNC through the state conventions/parties.

I'm absolutely sick of the paternalistic attitude of the McAuliffe and the DNC. I was particularly furious with McAuliffe and Company's behavior during the primariesk when they kept signalling who the DNC machine wanted for the nominee. I also want to know what qualifies someone to be a Super Delegate (other than the defined elected officials). Donna Brazile is a Super Delegate -- why??? Because she did a bad job of running Al Gore's campaign?

Is there anyone out there who is also interested in this issue or knows of a group that is working on it? I sure would appreciate know.

YD in Houston

Posted by: Yellow Dog in TX at March 29, 2004 02:21 PM | Link

“Seventy percent of americans felt there were ties between Hussein and Al Queda.”

And we are probably right.

Posted by: an independent at March 29, 2004 02:22 PM | Link


My scope is zeroed in at 262 yards since that is the distance from my blind to the pond dam the coyotes cross at dusk, but I could lenghten it out in a target rich environment of critters poken around where they don't belong

Posted by: Phil from Iowa at March 29, 2004 02:23 PM | Link


Glad to hear thing s are going great for you at your local wal mart......how are the bennies?


Posted by: Mike in Raleigh NC at March 29, 2004 02:23 PM | Link

"“Seventy percent of americans felt there were ties between Hussein and Al Qaeda.”

And we are probably right.

Posted by an independent at March 29, 2004 02:22 PM"

So much for your "devotion" to proven facts...

Posted by: David W. at March 29, 2004 02:23 PM | Link

****Proposal**** and ****Feedback****

Hey, I had an idea and was wondering what you all think. Sometimes when we are busy it is hard to wade through all the posts, especially from people like the unmentionable one. My freecycle group came up with a system of using the subject line to help readers. Maybe we could do a similar thing here. For example, if we are proposing something, start out our post with:


Have similar ones for other areas like:
****Need Feedback*****

This one is especially important:

That would be for people who want a petition signed, want you to contribute to a candidate, etc. That way, if a blogger only wants to find what action to take for the day, they can search the workd "action" in the find function and get specifically to those posts, skipping the rest. And if we just want to chit chat and stuff, we have no header.

Oh yeah, and if we are posting or referencing an article ****Article****

That way people who come on here for morning news, education, etc. can search specifically for that. What do you think?

Posted by: cheryl at March 29, 2004 02:23 PM | Link

Seventy percent of americans felt there were ties between Hussein and Al Qaeda.”

And we are probably right.

Which proves a theory of mine I have been wroking on for some time.........70% of Americans are basically ignorant or world geography, politics and culture........the other 30% of us have invested time,$ and effort into educating ourselves as to the REAL reason we are the most despised nation on the planet......

Posted by: Mike in Raleigh NC at March 29, 2004 02:29 PM | Link

Repost of a previous request

Can one of you graphic savy people help me with a "gas pump" flyer I can hand to people at the pump next to me.

Bush ran up the deficit shoveling money to rich folk with his tax cuts.

The value of the dollar fell as a result.

Now we get "hosed" at the pump.

Vote the OIL MEN out.

Posted by: Phil from Iowa at March 29, 2004 02:31 PM | Link

Kate in IL - You are absolutely right. How refreshing that HD is able to demonstrate what candor is all about. He is still my hero.

Gosh, Independent, thanks for stopping by. Of course, 100% of us agree that there was a connection between Reagan/Bush and Hussein during the 1980's. Rumsfeld was the special envoy to Iraq in those days.

Posted by: dave in illinois at March 29, 2004 02:33 PM | Link

"It takes to much time in my browser as I have to take it to word or notepad (as best I know any hints on how it can be done easier?); the blog comments are sort of like off handed conversation.

Now it would be different if I was writing for the lead thread and NOTHING goes out under my written signature that isnt checked and rechecked.

Appropriate attention to detail is well what defines our interest in something."

Robert Oler/Borderline: Don't know if you were one of the error-catchers or not, but if so, this has me OTFL. Might want to review the punctuation of contractions, the use of the subjunctive, the compound word "offhand", and the difference between "to" and "too"... Still OTFL.

As always, on the fly. Later,

Posted by: Aging Dean Kid at March 29, 2004 02:35 PM | Link

“So much for your "devotion" to proven facts”

So I take it you believe that it is fact that there was no Iraq Al Quida connection? This is quite surprising; you must have been high up in one of Iraq’s intelligence or security services to know this. I would have guessed that Saddam’s security apparatus would have some contact with Al Quida, just to know what they were up to.

Posted by: an independent at March 29, 2004 02:37 PM | Link

"“So much for your "devotion" to proven facts”

So I take it you believe that it is fact that there was no Iraq Al Quida connection? This is quite surprising; you must have been high up in one of Iraq’s intelligence or security services to know this. I would have guessed that Saddam’s security apparatus would have some contact with Al Quida, just to know what they were up to.

Posted by an independent at March 29, 2004 02:37 PM"

An assumption isn't proof, dear. Try again.

Posted by: David W. at March 29, 2004 02:43 PM | Link


I am working up to one big hit on Kimmy's bat for my troll poke.

We furnished wind speed and direction to the Iraq army the day they gassed Iranian soldiers.

I say declassify all that stuff Clarke was working on and see where that leaves our fearless leaders.

Impeach Frist!

Posted by: Phil from Iowa at March 29, 2004 02:44 PM | Link

Better yet

Hit Kimmy's bat and VOTE THEM OUT!

Posted by: Phil from Iowa at March 29, 2004 02:47 PM | Link

An assumption isn't proof, dear. Try again.

You're the one who is stating as fact that which cannot be stated as fact. There is no way you can know with 100% certainty that Iraq's security services had no contact with al quida. I guess you can try again. By the way I don't swing that way, so you can skip the "dear" stuff...

Posted by: an independent at March 29, 2004 02:48 PM | Link

i am totally swooning all morning from Howard's post in response to Kimmy. it has made not only my day but my week, my month and in going forward. he makes it all sooooo worth it.
meanwhile i am sending Ann my Hawaiian fabric for the quilt!

Posted by: agentwahine at March 29, 2004 02:48 PM | Link

"By the way I don't swing that way, so you can skip the "dear" stuff...

Posted by an independent at March 29, 2004 02:48 PM"

I'll try to remember that, dear...

Posted by: David W. at March 29, 2004 02:48 PM | Link

What is this other blog where Gov. Dean first commented on Kimmy's message?

Posted by: Starquilter-HeartsforPeace at March 29, 2004 02:49 PM | Link

Phil from Iowa

What’s your FOV at 262 yds?

Posted by: an independent at March 29, 2004 02:49 PM | Link

"There is no way you can know with 100% certainty that Iraq's security services had no contact with al quida.

Posted by an independent at March 29, 2004 02:48 PM"

If the stuff the current Administration has stated in the past constitutes a "connection", they haven't made the case either - thus, your assumption is quite a reach.

Posted by: David W. at March 29, 2004 02:54 PM | Link

NY--24th CD http://www.goodellforcongress.com/gfc/
PA--Senate http://www.hoeffelforsenate.com/
OH--1st CD http://www.electgregharris.com/default.aspx
GA--Senate http://www.marysquires.us/index.html
GA--12th CD http://hainesforcongress.com
IL--2nd CD http://www.jessejacksonjr.org/
OK--Senate http://www.bradcarson.com./
CA--12thCD http://www.votero.com/
WI-- ? CD http://www.bryankennedyforcongress.com/
IL--6th CD http://www.cegelisforcongress.org/
MI--43rd CD (state rep) http://www.jameswhitaker.us/
CA--52nd CD http://www.briankforcongress.org/
MA--(state sen) http://www.angusforsenate.org/
AZ--1st CD http://www.babbittaz.com/
FL--Senate http://www.bettycastorforsenate.com/
FL--13th CD http://www.schneider-for-congress.com/DWT/
IL--Senate http://www.obamaforillinois.com/
CA--46th CD http://www.friends4brandt.com/
CA--76th D (state) http://www.lorisaldana.com/
MD--1st CD http://www.sampsonforcongress.com/
FL--7thCD http://www.outsourcecongress.org:81/EmmonsCongress.html
NM--1st CD http://www.nelsonfornewmexico.com/
TX--22nd CD http://www.richardmorrisonfordistrict22.com/
VA--5th CD http://www.alweed2004.com/
MN--4th CD http://www.mccollumforcongress.com/
MN--2nd CD http://www.dalyforcongress.com/
TX--25CD https://www.votedoggett.com/english/Default.asp
GA--2 D (state) http://www.sadiemorgan.com/index.html
NH--Senate http://www.burtcohen.org
ND--Governor http://www.satrom.com/
MO--? CD http://www.jamiemetzl.com/
IN--2nd CD http://www.joedonnellyforcongress.com/
NC--9th CD http://flynnforcongress.com/
PA--16CD http://www.loisherr.us/
MO--9th CD http://www.lindajacobsenforcongress.com/

Posted by: Monica Smith at March 29, 2004 02:57 PM | Link

new thread

Posted by: David W. at March 29, 2004 02:57 PM | Link

I think that so many of us are going through the same types of up and down emotions as Kimmy did as we went from the elation of seeing such hope for change to having the wind knocked out of our sails. I know that although few of us can match the degree and intensity of Kimmy's involvement in the DFA campaign, many of us have our own, perhaps smaller and more subtle, versions of her story. I know that personally, I used to get livid and belligerent whenever I heard other candidates stealing from our candidate's speeches. It was infuriating to hear Kerry and Edwards giving Dean's stump speeches! Then, as I watched some of the speeches at the Democratic Unity Love Fest, I saw the same verbal thievery from a whole different angle. I felt almost a feeling of generosity - as if Dean had said - "Go ahead. Here are my ideas. Here are my words. Here is what has envigorated so many people. Take what you can use - but use them responsibly!" I used to get mad when people said "You can take solace in the fact your man has changed..... bla bla bla." Now, I do, in fact take solace AND pride. We did something big here. Kerry may not be Dean BUT he sure as heck sounds a lot more like him than he did in January! In life and politics, we have to make compromises and move forward - it just takes a little time to heal sometimes. I can say that personally, I am almost ready to embrace Kerry and hopefully within a few months will be able to work for him and his campaign. It will be hard to have the same enthusiasm as I had for Dean, but the alternative is just too unthinkable. No matter what. I will not abandon the hope and the lessons learned from being a part of the Dean campaign. I love the fact that we Deaniacs are somehow managing to stick together. It is nice to be a part of the community.

Posted by: Julia for Dean at March 29, 2004 05:23 PM | Link

Thank you Kimmy and thank you Howard. You've both made my life my world a better place.

Posted by: Dancing Larry at March 29, 2004 05:50 PM | Link

"When I talk to him, I feel like a plant that’s been watered."

-Marlene Dietrich on Orson Welles.

Posted by: chancie8 at March 29, 2004 06:09 PM | Link

Governor Dean, you are amazingly wonderful! Thank you for posting your response to Kimmy's grief, the grief of so many of us. I actually did vote for Nixon that election. I was a student in Gainesville, a Democrat all furious over the Vietnam war, mad at LBJ, mad at HHH, in grief because, well, you know all the grief of that year. I decided while driving to my polling place, listening to a negative and mocking ad about the Republican ticket that I thought went too far. The ad named the ticket, and then there was snickering laughter. Needless to say, this was my worst vote ever! Could Nixon/Agnew be that bad? YES!

Posted by: JayDean at March 29, 2004 06:10 PM | Link

RE: >>>>>>>>>>>>>> What is this other blog where Gov. Dean first commented on Kimmy's message?

Posted by Starquilter-HeartsforPeace at March 29, 2004 02:49 PM

It's the "Dean Leaders" Blog. (click name below)


Dean Leaders was formed in late October 2003 to give Grassroots Dean organizers and Leaders in all 50 states a way to communicate with each other directly, without having to do so embedded deeply with hundreds of Blog Comment posts here.

If you have any interest in joining Dean Leaders -- go here.


(* Like many Dean grassroots orgs, DeanLeaders has reorganized into: National Grassroots Network. http://www.NationalGrassrootsNetwork.com )

There is OPEN GUEST BLOGGING at the DeanLeaders blog, so anyone here can post an essay like Kimmy did on that blog, if you like. You simply use the "GuestAuthor" username and password:

Click "login" at top-left of the page. Enter this:

username: GuestAuthor
password: Deanteam04 (zero-four)

Then click "New Entry" to begin your Blog entry. AT the end, you click "PUBLISH" to make it live as a Blog Entry.

Any questions, please email me for more info.

Richard Hoefer

Posted by: RH for DEAN - DMT1.com at March 29, 2004 06:27 PM | Link

"There is no way you can know with 100% certainty that Iraq's security services had no contact with al quida.

Posted by an independent at March 29, 2004 02:48 PM"

You're right: It's often impossible to prove a negative.

The onus is on the White House to prove the presence of a connection.

If there were no connection between Iraq and al Queda, there would be no such thing as evidence supporting a non-existent relationship.

Posted by: chancie8 at March 29, 2004 06:35 PM | Link

Thanks to Sitka, who wrote:

I now find myself in the position of being unable to urge anyone vote any way other than their conscience dictates. It isn't because of what happened in the campaign -- I had already written off the party until you came along and gave me a season of renewed hope for it's future.

And while I won't advocate that anyone vote for Nader or the Greens, I see their threat to Kerry in a positive light if they -- along with you hopefully -- can force him to campaign and govern as liberally as possible.

It's my conclusion that when we demand nothing from our leaders that's exactly what we get from them. And the only time our demands have any weight behind them is in election years. And the only weight most of us have to throw around is our support and votes. We should never give up our freedom to choose lightly.

With respect from a devoted admirer....

Posted by Sitka at March 29, 2004 12:06 PM


And thank you most sincerely, Howard, for responding to Kimmy. It is obvious from our own responses to her on the blog that she is a leader.

I appreciate what you have said to us, though I may not be able to agree with all of it. You said:

"There is a big difference between a vote for John Kerry and a vote for George Bush, and no vote at all. The last two stand for keeping things the way they are."

I agree that a vote for George Bush is a vote for keeping things as they are.
However, no vote at all, it seems to me, is a vote for change in how the various parties choose nominees. If I disagree with how the nominee was chosen and feel I have no worthy candidate to vote for, and yet vote against my better judgment, aren't I granting the party the freedom to do the same next time? Why would the party change its tactics if it gets what it wants no matter what it does? We must tend to the needs of this time, but also be foresighted regarding the future.

You have really given me pause today especially by your words:

"Sometimes a blow against the establishment is a blow against all the people we say we want to help."

That could be true. I will mull this. I am still wrestling with it, though, because of the great truth inherent in the words:


Can you please address this more specifically?

A number of us have a sincere and abiding concern about supporting someone who has not earned our vote...even though it's possible that he may be the least terrible candidate offered to us.
He could help our decision making along by working to earn our votes himself and not simply expect us to fall in line out of desperation. Sen. Kerry could help by responding to the generous and sincere letter Renee wrote to him, which embodies so many of our questions. He could try. It isn't appropriate that you should have to do all his work for him with regard to us...much as we all deeply appreciate and value your hard efforts.

I guess I'm asking that there be a both/and approach...both your efforts *and* his.

Also, please leave a little free space around the reality that we each really do have to cast our own, carefully discerned and possibly painful, vote.

Please know that I am daily grateful for your incredible contribution, and for your so consistently taking the high road.

Journeying as well...

Posted by: listener at March 29, 2004 06:49 PM | Link

Gov. Dean,

I love your comment. You are wonderful! That is why I love DFA because people DO THINK, DO TALK, DO AGREE AND DISAGREE, DO DISCUSS, DO SHARE OPINIONS AND THOUGHTS, DO COMMENT BACK!

I believe among us, no matter how much we struggle back and forth in some views, our conscience DO take a stand and somehow we WANT TO reach a consensus because WE DO CARE!

Thanks to Kimmy for sharing her views.

Posted by: liawc at March 29, 2004 07:06 PM | Link

My first post here in a couple of months. Have been chilling out because I took my temperature and found it had gotten too red/hot/angry - I was picking fights with Republicans in public places. I am not in a war against Republicans or against anyone, and when I start to feel as if I am, I have to veg and meditate for a while. Anyway, I want to comment on the Governor's post - As usual, he is insightful and intelligent. Luv ya, Dr. Dean. I have no problem with voting for Kerry, because there are no perfect human beings on this earth, at least not at this time and not that I have met. It is true, also, that if Dr. Dean had been elected President some of his followers would have been disppointed in some of his actions. It is also true that just because someone is elected President does not mean s/he is able to achieve everything he/she might wish to achieve. I sincerely believe, at this time, that the people who supported Dr. Dean represent the wave of the future for this country. Also, a vote for John Kerry (and I say this as a person who worked as hard as I could for Dr. Dean) is a positive, good thing.

Posted by: phoebe in palm beach county at March 29, 2004 07:12 PM | Link

Well unlike TAPPED and Garance Franke-Ruta latest comments -- I can certainly see where you're coming from Dr. Howard Dean. AND I understand that you are speaking to people like myself who just don't know really what to do. I hope Bush gets impeached are resigns prior to Nov 2004.


Perhaps TAPPED has failed to notice Kerry's falling poll numbers. This I believe must be attributed his noticeable lack of spine. Dean didn't really help give the Democratic Party spine at all - mostly because Democrats refuse to be helped. I keep seeing Howard Dean on the TV media in situations in which comments are of a controversially nature - i.e. the Richard Clarke testimony (at less, if Dean is radical, radical generates sales because it spices up the ratings as oppose to a windbag, drudgery of a candidate who is terrifed of any form of convictions at all - I mean just look at what convictions (and spine) did for Howard Dean...

When John McCain offered to be Kerry's VP, Kerry should have jumped at the prospect immediately but of course it would have seemed as if Kerry needing a crutch but the fact is John Kerry does need a crutch?

It would have been strange, however for Kerry to pick someone with a history of strong convictions like McCain for VP to team up with a person like Kerry, whom appears to have NO convictions and votes with in whatever direction the wind is blowing.

This is not just a situation where the DLC chairman Al From ruined Howard Dean but of any chance for any Democrat to be elected in 2004. Convictions have become taboo for Democrats. I suppose this is in the interest of appearing to be pragmatic. But are Republican really pragmatic anymore?

I've notice that unlike Sen. Graham who said that if Majority Leader Sen. Frist wanted to declassify documents on Richard Clarke, the GOP should than declassify not just selective portions favorable to discrediting Clarke as well as being misleading in order to suit the GOP's need to discredit Clarke. Of course Sen. Kerry doesn't seem to back Clarke at all saying that it is the GOP's right to declassify documents (selectively I take it, since Sen. Kerry failed to state or otherwise mention all documents).

So far John Kerry is batting a zero at least as far as independents are concerned. The Democrats needed someone to come to the table and offer strong, sharp debate not hide underneath the table and tax cut talk is not getting noticed with the 9/11 hero, Richard Clarke - who has convictions taking up the media slots.

Posted by: Cheryl007 at March 29, 2004 07:14 PM | Link

Bush/Cheney '04: Tax Less, Spend More

A bumper sticker that 1 of ya'll posted.
It is good and effective. If ya hav ta narrow your hits, then use:

Bush/Cheney '04: Tax Less, Spend More

Posted by: Paine at March 29, 2004 08:15 PM | Link

GOP to The american's that vote and support Kerry and the Dems.:


Posted by: Paine at March 29, 2004 08:18 PM | Link

A vote for Kerry is triage: stop the bleeding first. Then, treat the cancer.

C R A. . .F O R D:
A Village In Texas
Is Missing Its Idiot.

Posted by: Aimee in OKC at March 29, 2004 09:07 PM | Link

I just read your post, and I just wanted to say thank you for writing it. You managed to capture the entire essence of the last month in one great essay.
Great job. Thank you.

Posted by: Edward in NY at March 29, 2004 09:27 PM | Link

Arguments for voting for Kerry from someone who hates him (maybe it will help you decide what to do):

If you vote for Nader you're presuming that extreme, revolutionary, and radical liberal change will stop the Bushies but...you risk the possibility that it could take years, many people will suffer terribly, and we may not like the future we get with this kind of explosive "change from outside the system" approach.

If you vote for Bush...well then you're simply crazy.

If you vote for Kerry, and stick with the Dean bloc we can work our way into the Democratic party structure, and change the entire system from within. This will take time but many less people will be hurt than by voting for Nader. Voting for Kerry in this way is merely a means to an end not a mandate for his behavior or his voting record.

If you don't vote at all, you will get a thank you card from Karl Rove, Bush Jr., Cheney, Condi, Rummy, and Wolfie. Then your job will be off-shored (if it hasn't been yet) your medical coverage will go sky high (if it isn't already) your property taxes will go up, your public school will close, your local services will end, you won't be able to afford gas for your car, your kids will get asthma from the air pollution, and you won't have any social security when you retire.

If you really understand and believe in what Dean was saying to us all these months, you know that you have to vote for Kerry. It doesn't mean we like him, or approve of his record, (certainly not that we condone what he did to our candidate). It merely means that we're taking the hundred year plan approach that Dean talked about so many times. We have to look beyond this one election to the ideal future we want to have and are fighting for. The leap to that future from Bush is much further than it is from a Kerry admistration.

So are you going to be a perfectionist or a pragmatist like Dean is?

I'm sticking with Dean because I think his philosphy will get us there in the end. I hope you will to.

Posted by: Vanna at March 29, 2004 10:15 PM | Link

The comments on Tapped were truly repulsive.

What is it with the Heathers in Washington?

They seem to think that any statement that does not reek of 15 focus groups is just "Sooooo Icky".

They are bloody worthless.

Posted by: Matthew nemo Saroff at March 29, 2004 11:35 PM | Link

Governor Dean should speak at the Phish concert in Coventry,Vt August 15th and 16th "DemocracyFest" maybe. Over 50,000 will attend...

Posted by: artshannon at March 30, 2004 12:09 AM | Link

Inc. magazine name the metro area's in the country that foster the best environment for entrepreneurs in the Feb. issue. The winners for the small metro area was the Volvo-driving,latte- drinking freakshow community of Barre-Montpelier(Vermont)...We need to get the Gov. elected in 08.

Posted by: artshannon at March 30, 2004 12:29 AM | Link

I think someone holding the paycheck-strings must have ordered Garance to "dish Dean".

The whole thing is so lame. Eldridge Cleaver?? If he had decided to vote for June Cleaver they would have just found something else to dish on him about. Read the post again: "I was too
young to vote by about 10 days." HELLO, the man was SEVENTEEN YEARS OLD. Heck, when *I* was seventeen years old, I wanted to elect Mr. Spock for President. At least Dean picked somebody who was *real*!!

Posted by: Dean Nut In Sandy Eigo at March 30, 2004 12:33 AM | Link

Dear Kimmy

My girl friend Pat told me about a candidate she
was supporting for president. That was
in early 2003. I said who are supporting now??
Last time she wasted her vote on Nader.
2003 I went to see him in Madison. Five thousand
people it was so exciting. I had a new
hope. My girl friend and I continue to
talk about the Dean campaign and before
the Wis primary she cast her absentee vote
for Dean. She had been in poor health for a long
time. On March 20,2004 she passed away.
She wasn't going to wast her vote on Nader this
time. She was going to vote Democratic.
I thank her and Howard Dean for being
forever hopeful. So maybe most of us will be able
to cast our vote in November 2004. and
maybe in 2008. I look at the children
that were taking pictures in front of
the school today and wonder what kind
of a country will they grow up in?
They look so young and innocent. So you
are right it is our turn to try against
the odds to take this country back. The
soldiers of past and present and future
war are begging us to do something. I
too am grieving. When I am over it I
will get busy for 2004 and beyond.
I too love this country. My dad went
to war for it and then spent 36 years
in office fighting the evil doers.

Posted by: America rising at March 30, 2004 12:47 AM | Link

Isn't the danger we all face is wanting change and wanting it fast? We will only get it by building a strong grassroots organization-and working hard and hanging in there. That is what the gov is telling us, it seems to me. Organization building requires a variety of skills and that is the challenge right now. Meanwhile we have to get Bush and his friends out of Washington-no either or-but both. Meanwhile, let's not substitute one brand of idealism for another.

Posted by: jeanneinAlbuquerque at March 30, 2004 01:04 AM | Link

God, Kimmy, I'm crying after reading your post. You are so real, and you said it so well. I still love Howard. I ache that he will not be the nominee this year.

Posted by: Wintergreen in MN at March 30, 2004 08:56 AM | Link
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