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Today's Stories

September 23, 2003

Yigal Bronner
The Truth About the Wall

Website of the Day
Bands Against Bush

September 20 / 22, 2003

Uri Avnery
The Silliest Show in Town

Alexander Cockburn
Lighten Up, America!

Peter Linebaugh
On the Bicentennial of the Execution of Robert Emmet

Anne Brodsky
Return to Afghanistan

Saul Landau
Guillermo and Me

Phan Nguyen
Mother Jones Smears Rachel Corrie

Gila Svirsky
Sharon, With Eyes Wide Open

Gary Leupp
On Apache Terrorism

Kurt Nimmo
Colin Powell: Exploiting the Dead of Halabja

Brian Cloughley
Colin Powell's Shame

Carol Norris
The Moral Development of George W. Bush

Bill Glahn
The Real Story Behind RIAA Propaganda

Adam Engel
An Interview with Danny Scechter, the News Dissector

Dave Lindorff
Good Morning, Vietnam!

Mark Scaramella
Contracts and Politics in Iraq

John Ross
WTO Collapses in Cancun: Autopsy of a Fiasco Foretold

Justin Podur
Uribe's Desperate Squeals

Toni Solo
The Colombia Three: an Interview with Caitriona Ruane

Steven Sherman
Workers and Globalization

David Vest
Masked and Anonymous: Dylan's Elegy for a Lost America

Ron Jacobs
Politics of the Hip-Hop Pimps

Poets Basement
Krieger, Guthrie and Albert

Website of the Weekend
Ted Honderich:
Terrorism for Humanity?


September 19, 2003

Ilan Pappe
The Hole in the Road Map

Bill Glahn
RIAA is Full of Bunk, So is the New York Times

Dave Lindorff
General Hysteria: the Clark Bandwagon

Robert Fisk
New Guard is Saddam's Old

Jeff Halper
Preparing for a Struggle Against Israeli Apartheid

Brian J. Foley
Power to the Purse

Clare Brandabur
Hitchens Smears Edward Said

Website of the Day
Live from Palestine


September 18, 2003

Mona Baker
and Lawrence Davidson
In Defense of the Boycott of Israeli Academic Institutions

Wayne Madsen
Wesley Clark for President? Another Neo-Con Con Job

Alexander Cockburn
and Jeffrey St. Clair

Wesley Clark and Waco

Muqtedar Khan
The Pakistan Squeeze

Dominique de Villepin
The Reconstruction of Iraq: This Approach is Leading Nowhere

Angus Wright
Brazilian Land Reform Offers Hope

Elaine Cassel
Payback is Hell

Jeffrey St. Clair
Leavitt for EPA Head? He's Much Worse Than You Thought

Website of the Day
ALA Responds to Ashcroft's Smear


Recent Stories

September 17, 2003

Timothy J. Freeman
The Terrible Truth About Iraq

St. Clair / Cockburn
A Vain, Pompous Brown-noser:
Meet the Real Wesley Clark

Terry Lodge
An Open Letter to Michael Moore on Gen. Wesley Clark

Mitchel Cohen
Don't Be Fooled Again: Gen. Wesley Clark, War Criminal

Norman Madarasz
Targeting Arafat

Richard Forno
High Tech Heroin

Alexander Cockburn
Behold, the Head of a Neo-Con!

Website of the Day
The Ultimate Palestine Resource Site!

September 16, 2003

Rosemary and Walt Brasch
An Ill Wind: Hurricane Isabel and the Lack of Homeland Security

Robert Fisk
Powell in Baghdad

Kurt Nimmo
Imperial Sociopaths

M. Shahid Alam
The Dialectics of Terror

Ron Jacobs
Exile at Gunpoint

Christopher Brauchli
Bush's War on Wages

Al Krebs
Stop Calling Them "Farm Subsidies"; It's Corporate Welfare

Patrick Cockburn
The Iraq Wreck

Website of the Day
From Occupied Palestine

The Great Alejandro Escavedo Needs Your Help!

September 15, 2003

Stan Goff
It Was the Oil; It Is Like Vietnam

Robert Fisk
A Hail of Bullets, a Trail of Dead

Writers Bloc
We Are Winning: a Report from Cancun

James T. Phillips
Does George Bush Cry?

Elaine Cassel
The Troublesome Bill of Rights

Cynthia McKinney
A Message to the People of New York City

Matthew Behrens
Sunday Morning Coming Down: Reflections on Johnny Cash

Uri Avnery
Assassinating Arafat

Hammond Guthrie
Celling Out the Alarm

Website of the Day
Arnold and the Egg


September 13 / 14, 2003

Michael Neumann
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Jeffrey St. Clair
Anatomy of a Swindle

Gary Leupp
The Matrix of Ignorance

Ron Jacobs
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Brian Cloughley
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William S. Lind
Making Mesopotamia a Terrorist Magnet

A Modest Proposal for the Pentagon

Dave Lindorff
Friendly Fire Will Doom the Occupation

Toni Solo
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Elaine Cassel
Juries and the Death Penalty

Mickey Z.
A Parable for Cancun

Jeffrey Sommers
Issam Nashashibi: a Life Dedicated to the Palestinian Cause

David Vest
Driving in No Direction (with a Glimpse of Johnny Cash)

Michael Yates
The Minstrel Show

Jesse Walker
Adios, Johnny Cash

Adam Engel
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Poets' Basement
Cash, Albert, Curtis, Linhart

Website of the Weekend
Local Harvest


September 12, 2003

Writers Block
Todos Somos Lee: Protest and Death in Cancun

Laura Carlsen
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Dave Lindorff
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Elaine Cassel
Bush at Quantico

Linda S. Heard
British Entrance Exams

John Chuckman
The First Two Years of Insanity

Doug Giebel
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Mokhiber / Weissman
The Blank Check Military

Subcomandante Marcos
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Website of the Day
A Woman in Baghdad



September 11, 2003

Robert Fisk
A Grandiose Folly

Roger Burbach
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Jonathan Franklin
The Pinochet Files

Niranjan Ramakrishnan
Postcards to the President

Norman Solomon
The Political Capital of 9/11

Saul Landau
The Chilean Coup: the Other, Almost Forgotten 9/11

Stew Albert
What Goes Around

Website of the Day
The Sights and Sounds of a Coup


September 10, 2003

John Ross
Cancun Reality Show: Will It Turn Into a Tropical Seattle?

Zoltan Grossman
The General Who Would be President: Was Wesley Clark Also Unprepared for the Postwar Bloodbath?

Tim Llewellyn
At the Gates of Hell

Christopher Brauchli
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Elaine Cassel
McCain-Feingold in Trouble: Scalia Hogs the Debate

Norman Finkelstein
Hitchens as Model Apostate

Hammond Guthrie
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September 23, 2003

A Fence of Deception

The Truth About the Wall


When Israel's finance minister Binyamin Netanyahu was interviewed for the radio on the morning after the horrific terror attack on Café Hillel in Jerusalem he was asked whether this was the right time for cutbacks in the military budget. In answer to this question Netanyahu promised, once again, that the money set aside for the so-called "separation fence" would not be affected by the cutback--on the contrary it would be flowing faster so as to speed up construction. This, he said, would be done to ensure the safety of the citizens of Israel. It did not even occur to the interviewer to ask whether the fence would actually lead to peace and security.

As is the case with other related issues, when violence escalates and the debate becomes emotionally charged, it becomes impossible to express any other opinion. Israel's political parties, across the board, from Meretz to the Likud, are vying in their expressions of support for the "fence". One of the most dramatic geo-political changes in the history of the region is taking place in the absence of any public debate. We must stop and look through the fog of lies concerning this wall.

The first lie comes in the shape of the name, "separation fence". This notion promises the worried and exhausted Israeli public that the Palestinians, together with all the misery in our dealings with them, will be "behind the fence". Us here, them there--and peace to all. But the fence does not really mean separation between Palestinians and Israelis. On the contrary. The wall that is under construction will lead to the annexation by Israel of a considerable percent of the West Bank. On the western, Israeli, side of the fence hundreds of thousands of Palestinians will remain. On the eastern, Palestinian, side, there will be thousands of Jewish settlers. So separation this isn't.

The second lie is that what we have here is a fence that constitutes a border on whose eastern side the "Palestinian state" about which Sharon likes to talk will be established. For the idea is not of one fence but rather of, at least, two sets of walls. And while one of them, the one on the west side, will steal as many kilometers as possible of Palestinian land alongside the Green Line, the other--on the eastern side--will annex the remoter settlements, like Ariel and Kiryat Arbah. Between these two walls there will be various types of obstacles, fences and trenches. This set up will irreversibly turn the West Bank's centers of population into isolated human cages. What this amounts to is not a state but a smattering of ghettos.

Take Jerusalem, for example. The wall that is being erected there does not coincide with the dividing line that runs between the city's Palestinian and Jewish neighborhoods. It cuts all of the former into two. In doing so it will annex well over 100,000 Palestinians. Moreover, hundreds of thousands Palestinians will be left outside the fence, the majority of whom are residents of Jerusalem, in the possession of a valid Israeli ID card, whose life is wholly involved with and dependent upon the city. These people will not only be prevented from entering the city and, thus, reaching the source of their livelihood, their centers of education and hospitals--they will also be unable to turn eastward instead.

For to the east they will be surrounded by walls and roads built to envelope Ma'aleh Adumim, Pisgat Zeev, Nokdim and Tekoa. It is hard to describe the vast variety of humanitarian problems that these walls will create on the eastern side of metropolitan Jerusalem which will be cut up into a many-branched system of enclosures. But the Israeli public is not willing to consider this humanitarian issue because they have been promised that the fence will finally bring the longed-for security. And that's the third lie about the wall. Again, a glimpse at the Jerusalem area is instructive. During the present Intifada, East Jerusalem has been the most quiet Palestinian area. The wall, which will cut through families and streets alike, will harvest a great number of people who have nothing left to lose. Tens of thousands of Palestinians, once annexed to Israel, will be disconnected from their brothers, while, at the same time, the settlers' drive for domination will only intensify (they are already at Har Homa, Jabel Mukkaber, Ras el Ammud, Sheikh Jarrakh, the Muslim Quarter of the Old City, etc.). The demolition project of Palestinian houses will receive a serious boost and the government will do anything in its power to push out Palestinian citizen. What we have here is a huge barrel full of explosives. Instead of removing Ramallah and Bethlehem from Jerusalem, the wall will in fact import them into the city.

Obviously, the problems are not restricted to Jerusalem. And there are also areas--though few in number--in which the fence will be constructed on the Green Line, without annexing Palestinian land and its inhabitants. This for instance will be the case in Kalkilyah and Tulkarm. But those who delude themselves with the thought that the fence will bring security there are mistaken. Believers in the fence point, time and again, at the example of the Gaza Strip. This is, indeed, a fascinating case. Gaza, which is encircled by a fence, is virtually under lock and bolt thanks to a handful of settlements that together have control over a substantial proportion of the land. It is so peaceful over there that the IDF constantly lobbies for a large scale invasion, while its airforce is engaged in the continuous of shelling of the place. The fence-made security enjoyed by the people of Sderot and Ashkelon, who come under fire from make-shift missiles, is also widely renowned. As long as the occupation continues the people of Gaza will go on resisting it and it is only a matter of time until they find more sophisticated weapons and better ways to dig their way through, underneath and above the fences.

Exploiting the genuine security related worries of the Israeli people and the majority's wish for a political parting from the Palestinians, the Sharon government is constructing a system of fences that will not achieve separation, that will not draw a border, and that will not, eventually, bring security. What we are facing in the "fence" is yet another typical, thoroughly calculated "Sharonic" act of deception. The real purpose of the walls is very different. They are intended as another layer--maybe the ultimate one--in the complex matrix of control which constitutes the Israeli occupation: the settlements, the roads, the roadblocks, the curfews, the closures, and the use of brute military force. The walls that Sharon is building now are intended to render Israel's hold over the land it captured in 1967 irreversible. They are the last nail in the coffin of the two-states solution. We shall wake up, in another year and a half from now, to a drastically different reality: a cruel state consisting of pens enclosures will stretch between the Jordan river and the Mediterranean. A state besides which South-Africa's apartheid pales into insignificance. Violence will not merely fail to be reduced--it will increase, hatred and racism will intensify. The outcome of this is too terrifying to contemplate.

Yigal Bronner teaches South Asian studies at the Tel-Aviv University and is an activist in Ta'ayush -- Arab-Jewish Partnership.

Weekend Edition Features for Sept. 20 / 22, 2003

Uri Avnery
The Silliest Show in Town

Alexander Cockburn
Lighten Up, America!

Peter Linebaugh
On the Bicentennial of the Execution of Robert Emmet

Anne Brodsky
Return to Afghanistan

Saul Landau
Guillermo and Me

Phan Nguyen
Mother Jones Smears Rachel Corrie

Gila Svirsky
Sharon, With Eyes Wide Open

Gary Leupp
On Apache Terrorism

Kurt Nimmo
Colin Powell: Exploiting the Dead of Halabja

Brian Cloughley
Colin Powell's Shame

Carol Norris
The Moral Development of George W. Bush

Bill Glahn
The Real Story Behind RIAA Propaganda

Adam Engel
An Interview with Danny Scechter, the News Dissector

Dave Lindorff
Good Morning, Vietnam!

Mark Scaramella
Contracts and Politics in Iraq

John Ross
WTO Collapses in Cancun: Autopsy of a Fiasco Foretold

Justin Podur
Uribe's Desperate Squeals

Toni Solo
The Colombia Three: an Interview with Caitriona Ruane

Steven Sherman
Workers and Globalization

David Vest
Masked and Anonymous: Dylan's Elegy for a Lost America

Ron Jacobs
Politics of the Hip-Hop Pimps

Poets Basement
Krieger, Guthrie and Albert

Website of the Weekend
Ted Honderich:
Terrorism for Humanity?

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