Danny Yee

Pathologically Polymathic (Blog)

Web pages I've been reading (and some web pages I've created).

Last update: 1 April 2004 (RSS)

the doublespeak of "sound science" - WP
a guide to Open Office styles - LinuxJournal [via LWN]
Israel complains about BBC bias again - Guardian
it should behave like CNN, where "Israeli officials boast that they have only to call a number at the network's headquarters in Atlanta to pull any story they do not like."
the limitations of spreadsheets - Yahoo [vi /.]
"The things we learned to do badly in 1979, upon the debut of VisiCalc, we mostly continue to do wrong today."
The Effect of File Sharing on Record Sales - UNC [PDF via Register]
"file sharing has no statistically significant effect on purchases of the average album in our sample"
meet the plaintiffs in Goodridge - Guardian
what do you do when your daughter says "You two don't love each other. If you loved each other, you'd be married." - you go get married, of course!
how low can Bush go? - Nasi - Lemak [PNGs]
scarily convincing automated Warblogger - R. Robot [via Cosma]
Dalrymple corrects VS Naipaul's shonky history - Guardian [via Cosma]
"after the pogroms of Gujerat and the inaccurate rewriting of textbooks, Naipaul's misleading take on medieval Indian history must not go uncorrected"
Rush, Newspeak and fascism - Orcinus [lh sidebar] - Cursor [nicer HTML]
a long piece on fascism and its potential in the United States
"dead zones" threaten the oceans - Guardian
sewage and fertiliser run-offs are creating oxygen starved areas
baroque comic tales of a fantastic China - The Wallet of Kai Lung [review]
the difference between Bush and Blair - Slacktivist [via SideS]
I've finally finished writing up last year's trip - Scotland + Northern England
it needs some editing, so let me know if you spot any errors, unnecessary verbiage, etc.
the US's intelligence problems in Afghanistan - DH [via AntiWar]
strange finds in Stanley Kubrick's archives - Guardian [via LAM]
Aus music industry has best year ever - SMH [via /.]
but tries to hide it while scapegoating file-sharing
methane on Mars suggests volcanoes or microbes - BBC
some Australian ant photos - MiyakyoU
The Life of Brian versus The Passion of the Christ - Globe [via Max]
outsourcing personal medical records... - SFgate [via CT]
Mirsky reviews a range of books about Vietnam - NYROB [via LAM]
tempting: Larry Addington's America's War in Vietnam ("If you want to read one book about Vietnam, read this one") and Duong Thu Huong's novel Memories of a Pure Spring (Amazon links)
Noam Chomsky has a blog! - Turning the Tide [via LAM]
a shockingly bleak report from Baghdad - Reason [via Informed]
a New Zealander with attitude spends a week in Iraq - Blogjam [via Raed]
"And then do you know what Fiona Katie did next??? Fired an AK47! Yes, the very first thing I did in Baghdad" - and she visits Fallujah, too
Dave Barry on the evils of carbohydrates - IHT
riding through the Chernobyl dead zone - extreme4 [via Link]
"no stoplights, no police, no danger to hit some cage or some dog... a last day of Pompei sort of place"
David Attenborough has come out against whaling - SMH
"There is no humane way to kill a whale at sea"
Chennai bans Ensler's Vagina Monologues - ExpressIndia [via Kit]
organiser: "Obviously Madras has no vaginas. If Madras has no vaginas it must be full of a**holes"
a visit to NE China in winter - RToddKing [via JWalk]
Beijing, the Great Wall, Harbin, with superb photographs
Juan Cole reviews two books on Iraq - Nation [via Informed]
he argues against a "three state" solution
New York <-> Boston highway blocked by crash - Guardian
which transport nexus is most critical to your city?
50 US generals, admirals call for missile shield delay - Reuters [via Orcinus]
"untested and a poor use of scarce defense dollars"
"spend the money instead securing potential terror targets"
1,000 calories: the deep-friend chocolate sandwich - PakDT [via ProRev]
why rubber bands decay - New Scientist [via ProRev]
specialists were taken off bin Laden hunt to invade Iraq - Guardian [via Atrios]
"Fifth Group Special Forces were a rare breed in the US military: they spoke Arabic, Pastun and Dari."
WTO rules US must allow online gambling - Seattle [via /.]
well, if the US wants to run roughshod over other countries' social and environmental regulations...
Brazil's legal system is in need of reform - Economist
Archbishop of Canterbury praises Pullman's attack on religion - Guardian
the folks at Language Log hoe into the Plain English Campaign - Mark - Geoffrey
"they are humorless hypocrites, 'short on judgment, common sense and consistency'"


2002: Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2003: Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2004: Jan Feb Mar Apr


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The format is based on that of Robot Wisdom - why reinvent the wheel?

Danny Yee