March 31, 2004

New Polls

New polling data seems to suggest that the furor raised over the last couple of weeks has left Turd-Boy's reputation intact. Hey, news flash News Organiztions...poll away. If there are still Three Million Plus Missing Jobs on a certain date in November we can add one more person to the first Unemployment Report after the inauguration...and his name rhymes with Tush. As in the Tejas Tushes (via New England).

posted by Jo Fish on 03.31.04 at 12:46 AM


A single poll from a single pollster is just a point. More important is the trendline. And Bush's numbers over time show a steady erosion.
Absent three spikes (9/11, the fall of Baghdad, the capture of Saddam), he has shown exactly zero ability to regain routine support once he has lost it. And note that the spikes are less each time, and the declines steeper, as the rally around the flag effect wears off. This guy had three results below 50 prior to last fall, and by my count 27 since then.

posted by: Bruce Webb on 03.31.04 at 10:18 AM [permalink]

Where the @*&$!# Are Kerry's Surrogates?

Worth a read. Bush has a huge echo chamber from his own admin. plus Repukes in Congress,
wing-nut radio and the especially obnoxious morning show on Faux. I've read where progressives have a slight edge on the net, but thats it. To paraphrase Heir Karl, if it wasn't on TV it didn't happen. Kerry's big name supporters need to get in front of the cameras and fast. Warrior John's primary bounce has faded, in most polls its a dead heat with Bush pulling up. It's sickening.

posted by: Graham on 03.31.04 at 12:13 PM [permalink]

retards love rertards, ergo the retard will be elected. i need another drink.

posted by: tim on 03.31.04 at 01:27 PM [permalink]

I think those numbers need some closer examination. In his performance in terrorism, Bush's approval dropped from 64-49% among Independents and 42-26% among Dems. Most people still don't know Kerry that well nor care to look--it's still so early. Expect, ahem, turd boy's numbers to fall as Kerry becomes more well known.

posted by: Jeff on 03.31.04 at 04:52 PM [permalink]

Kerry has to stay back, if he gets on the news bandwagon they can dismiss it as partisan, just reinforce the credibility of witnesses- Clarke, et al.

posted by: Mr.Murder on 04.05.04 at 11:49 PM [permalink]

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