The Progress Report makes short work of some White House talking points today. Humorously enough, the White House is claiming that the policy of rollback and containment was not enough, that they wanted the destruction of al Qaeda from day one. Yet in other places, they are quoted as saying that Clarke focused too much on foreign al Qaeda threats and not on domestic terrorism. Further, as Clarke argues, Bush did, in fact, want to eliminate al Qaeda. Clarke was ready to give a plan. But the foreign policy team was too busy reliving their cold war glory days to call a meeting.
And now, Condi, who was too busy to call that meeting, is citing "separation of powers" concerns with appearing before an independent commission. Maybe if she wasn't so busy trying to dull the difference between 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and the 4th Estate (appearing on every Sunday morning talk show), she'd be able to actually help the country improve its security. Could it be that Condi is scared of swearing (or affirming) an oath to tell the truth to the American public?