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Permanent link to archive for 4/1/04. Thursday, April 1, 2004

Announcement: New Job

The following is a direct transcript of a speech I gave at a meeting earlier this morning.


I have decided to leave the Berkman Center in order to co-found Slutbusters, Inc., online at

My work there will be to rid the Internet of all trolls, and all other bitchiness, in reaction to yesterday's "slut" incident.  Working with The Sociologist, my personal German vigilante, I shall ferret out all slut-callers, stalkers and spammers and put to rout all that is not happy online.

That's right!  That's what you get if you call me a slut having never even met me! I'll found a freakin' company to whup your ass!


I have loved my work at the Center, but more than cyberlaw, more than telecom, the calling of "slut" demands my time and effort.  I commit my energies to a higher purpose - the freedom of Internet users from the possibility of being called "slut."

Thank you.

April 1st, 2004

# 4/1/04; 8:07:17 AM - Comments [5]~Trackback [0]

Permanent link to archive for 3/31/04. Wednesday, March 31, 2004

Get over yourself

Hello visitors from a blog in which I'm called a slut by my full name by a person too goddamn cowardly to have comments.

# 3/31/04; 9:03:30 AM - Comments [10]~Trackback [1]

Upcoming Events

Tomorrow, I will be at the helm of the Thursday night blog meeting, delicious accordion player at my side.

On Friday night, at about 9pm, we will head to a bar still to be named in Boston, all are welcome.  I promise I'll post where as soon as we've chosen a spot.  Hope to see lots of you there.

Saturday is date night, and Sunday is meet-the-parents-again...

# 3/31/04; 8:57:16 AM - Comments [0]~Trackback [0]

I know, I know.

I like to niggle a little bit and start some controversy.  Yesterday's post got some fires burning.  I recognize 100% that the gay marriage issue is incredibly important.  I just get frustrated.

More in a moment.

# 3/31/04; 8:54:18 AM - Comments [0]~Trackback [0]

Permanent link to archive for 3/30/04. Tuesday, March 30, 2004

The Mayor's Colon and Gay Marriage

That's what's in the news today.  The mayor of Boston is in the hospital trying to get his tummy fixed, and the Massachusetts legislature is trying to strike down gay marriage while the attorney general tries to uphold the ruling that sparked all this.

It's funny.  It should be about the most interesting news day I've ever had, considering my own colon and my extremely strong feelings about gay marriage.

But honestly, I feel like there are just a whole lot more important things that we should be focusing on.

We're still at war here, kids.  And there's still an AIDS crisis in the country and the world.  People I know are still out of work.  I like Mayor Menino well enough, and I'm sorry he's feeling ill.  And I believe with all my heart that marriage should be available to two people of any gender.  But priorities have gone to hell in a barrel.

I know the things up top are news.  I know some of you will try to argue with me about how there's nothing new with AIDS (which is bullshit, but that's beside the point), and the war is still getting reported, etc.  But this is how I feel.  I just happen to think that we're losing sight of the bigger picture - there's no way gay marriage will hurt this country more than AIDS is.  More than the war is.  There's just no possible way.

# 3/30/04; 9:13:00 AM - Comments [2]~Trackback [1]

Permanent link to archive for 3/29/04. Monday, March 29, 2004

Watch out, Boston...

Joey's coming into town this weekend, and we want to see whoever's around who'd like to come have a drink with us.

The thing is, we want to meet up at a bar in Boston, since last time we did Cambridge.

Anyone have an idea of a good, not-too-expensive-or-snooty bar, downtown preferable as is close to many T lines, where a big group of people can hang out on a Friday night in April and not feel crushed to death?

Leave a comment!

# 3/29/04; 3:23:45 PM - Comments [3]~Trackback [1]

You were always on my mind

I was in a car for more than 14 hours this weekend, and my mind wandered a lot.

Yesterday, I caught my brain planning the end-of-year Berkman Center party without my permission.

Why do I think about work when I'm not there, and I'm not even at a computer?  Am I obsessed?  Do I need more stimulating (heheh, she said stimulating) things to think about?  Is this normal and just sad?

I've been at Berkman for almost 2.5 years.  I guess it makes sense that it would have invaded my brain.  But I think I should get a switch so I can really focus on work or not think about it at all, when the times are right.

OK - switching to the work

# 3/29/04; 9:08:31 AM - Comments [2]~Trackback [0]

Permanent link to archive for 3/28/04. Sunday, March 28, 2004


More time in car than pleasant.  Baby shower good.  Me no brain left.

# 3/28/04; 6:34:36 PM - Comments [0]~Trackback [0]

Permanent link to archive for 3/26/04. Friday, March 26, 2004


No Friday Five this week.  But I have a little anecdote to share.

In yesterday's entry, I mentioned Joey and I were having some influence on one another, although at our ages I don't think either of us has any thoughts about making major changes in the other. 

I tease Joey a lot about the fact that he spends more time on his hair, grooming, etc. than I do.  I'm always clean, but I don't wear makeup or anything, or use "product" on most days, so it just doesn't take me very long.  Last night on the phone I was telling him that I'd painted my toenails and shaved my legs and stuff in preparation for my trip this weekend, you know, to look more like a grownup for these people I haven't seen in a while.

He said, "I'll make a primper out of you yet."

Hehehehe.  Unlikely, but you never know.

# 3/26/04; 10:32:40 AM - Comments [0]~Trackback [0]

Slow: blogger at play

I'm out of town this weekend and likely will not blog.

Found an alternate route to where I'm going to avoid Bridgeport; won't tell you where because I don't want everyone else on earth to take it. :)

Have a great weekend, everyone. If I get to the Friday Five, that'll be it for a couple of days.

# 3/26/04; 8:57:18 AM - Comments [0]~Trackback [0]

This Page was last update: Thursday, April 1, 2004 at 8:07:17 AM
This page was originally posted: 4/1/2004; 8:07:17 AM.
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