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Friends of MetroSpy
Right We Are
Generation GOP
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The Patriette
Aaron's Rants
Deanie Weenies

Our Work here is Done!
Once again, MetroSpy has beat the liberal 'nut bags' into submission. Thanks to thousands of freedom-loving neo-cons across the country and, of course, our willing accomplices in the media, Howard Dean and his silly little Dean People have finally been put to rest.

Howard Dean Music Remix'z
"Not only are we going to New Hampshire ..., we're going to South Carolina and Oklahoma and Arizona and North Dakota and New Mexico, and we're going to California and Texas and New York! And we're going to South Dakota and Oregon and Washington and Michigan. And then we're going to Washington, D.C. to take back the White House, Yeeeeeaaaaaah!" [ More... ]

'ISSUES':Howard Dean's most famous gaffes and blunders
Howard Dean's repeated gaffes, blunders and outright lies have made this primary season both fun and entertaining. Here is a short collection of some of the angry doctor's most recent 'deanisms'. [More...]

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Dean People Flyers
Download, print and post one today!

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Campaign T-Shirts!

"Deanie Weenies"
T-Shirts [Click to order]

Campaign Buttons!!

"Dean People"
Campaign Buttons
[Click to order]

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DISCLAIMER: The Dean People Suck Website is a parody Website, intended for entertainment purposes only. The articles, comments and information entered upon these Web pages should NOT be repeated as the truth or be taken as a real quote, article, event, concept or happening. This Website is not endorsed by nor is it affiliated with the Dean for America/Howard Dean for President Committee. ALL of the profits and proceeds collected through this Site from the sale of merchandise or services are used for the upkeep and maintenance of this Website only. Revenue generated by this Site is not used to support the campaign of any candidate for elective office, Presidential or otherwise. This disclaimer should not stop you from buying some of our great stuff from our Dean People Suck Campaign Store. We're just havin' a little fun.