Starting in 1996, Alexa Internet has been donating their crawl data to the Internet Archive. Flowing in every day, these data are added to the Wayback Machine after an embargo period.
Work here is Done! Once
again, MetroSpy has beat the liberal 'nut bags' into
submission. Thanks to thousands of freedom-loving neo-cons
across the country and, of course, our willing accomplices
in the media, Howard Dean and his silly little Dean
People have finally been put to rest.
Howard Dean
Music Remix'z
"Not only
are we going to New Hampshire ..., we're going to
South Carolina and Oklahoma and Arizona and North
Dakota and New Mexico, and we're going to California
and Texas and New York! And we're going to South
Dakota and Oregon and Washington and Michigan. And
then we're going to Washington, D.C. to take back
the White House, Yeeeeeaaaaaah!" [ More...
Dean's most famous gaffes and blunders Howard
Dean's repeated gaffes, blunders and outright lies have
made this primary season both fun and entertaining. Here
is a short collection of some of the angry doctor's most
recent 'deanisms'. [More...]
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our banner on your Site, please let us know so we can
reciprocate the link. We'll post your link on our main
page under 'Friends of MetroSpy' section.
People Flyers Download, print and post
one today!