Go read the latest over at Left Center Left - Chris is far better at picking up and analyzing the Globe's coverage than I am. It looks like the Senate leadership is looking to "clarify" the language to keep Finneran's lackeys from deserting. This is very, very good, I think. There's a pretty solid block of 77 votes against anything - all we need is to pull another 24 votes over, and Travaglini lurching to the right could help push moderates away from the "compromise" amendment. From what I can tell (totally pulling it out of my ass, possibly, but still...), a decent amount of the squishy middle support for the "compromise" rests on the assumption that civil unions are equal to marriage - separate, but equal in all other regards. Once you start exposing the truth, that any civil unions that'd be acceptable to the DOMA crowd would be anything BUT equal. They're trying to define the benefits as applying to the individuals, rather than the couples, which would gut a large chunk of civil unions. Will enough extremists be willing to accept eviscerated civil unions to replace the moderates driven off by the elimination of the fig leaf of pseudoequality?
As mentioned earlier, I'll be at the State House tomorrow, though not on Tuesday or Wednesday, if this keeps going - gotta work. If you're there, I'll be the guy in the Oberlin t-shirt - I wore that to the big anti-Iraq war march last year and it got recognized, so hey, if I catch the attention of a few Obies...
Sorry 'bout the lack of posting the last few days - I've either been jet-lagged, busy, or boring. I'll be at the State House tomorrow, so no posting during the day - I'll be calling Rachel with updates once she gets home from work at 3pm or so EST. I'll try to have a wrap-up of the day when I get home as well.
I recently got an invitation to join Orkut, Google's invite-only social networking thingie, via xian. I feel so connected now. =)
Here and here, all without comments yet. I'll be going through and explaining as much as I can about each picture over the next couple days. Right now, I'm just shocked that I'm still awake. Probably time to pass out.
So Richard Clarke and Bush's smear campaign against him are everywhere. He testified earlier today - I heard him on Fresh Air while driving from the airport - CNN International and the Lufthansa in-air TV news show both gave him brief coverage. Well, holy shit. This could demolish Bush.
Just got in from Prague - there were power and internet issues while there. I'll post more later - let's just say it was great. Oh, and there'll be pictures shortly.