December 11, 2002
Desperately Seeking War

The no-fly zones in Iraq, as I keep pointing out, are a casus belli waiting to be triggered. So far Saddam seems to be refusing to play Bush's game, or at least I can't see any other reason why our planes seem to hit Iraqi antiaircraft emplacements pretty much at will while the Iraqis have never hit a single allied aircraft in years of alleged attempts. In this regard, see entries of October October 1 and 19 and November 5 and 18, and 24

Robert Dreyfuss of The American Prospect gives a complete account of Clinton's unilateral creation of "no-fly" zones, and explains how they could to be used to justify the Second Bush War. And probably will be. His essay is called "Persian Gulf -- or Tonkin Gulf?," which will resonate with older members of the class.


Posted by Jerome Doolittle at December 11, 2002 09:07 PM
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