March 07, 2004
The Top Ten Shifts Of Shifty George

The Shifty George re-elect is trying to attack John the Warrior as a flip-flopper and waffler. There are a number of ways to fight back. For my own contribution, what I will be doing soon is compiling a top ten list of all the ways in which Shifty George has earned his nickname. It started early. Remember how Shifty said during the 2000 campaign that he was going to regulate carbon dioxide emissions? Then, he shifted.

Same thing on the Department of Homeland Security. The Democrats proposed it, and Shifty George battled back furiously. Then, he shifted.

To help, please send in your favorite Shifty George shift by commenting here.

UPDATE: Kos has done some good work in this regard.

Posted by Lead Balloons at March 07, 2004 01:10 PM | TrackBack
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Shifty said prior to his election that the cornerstone of our foreign policy should be humility. Then he shifted to pre-emptive bombing and spentmuch of his time prior to the bombing of Iraq insulting the U.N.

Shifty said that the tax cuts were justified because of the surplus; later the same tax cuts were needed to stimulate the economy and increase jobs. The really shifty thing about shifty is that he keeps the same policy, come hell and high water and just changes the reason if the facts change.

Prior to the election, Shifty said he was concerned about global warming. After the election, he has tried to deny it out of existance.

Shifty never changes his mind; he just changes or ignores the facts. If only he were capable of changing his mind based on new, science based facts and not faith based facts, things would be better for the country.

This whole Kerry waffle "issue" is b.s. and is going nowhere. Wasn't it Churchill who, when asked why he often changed his mind, said, "when the facts change, I change my mind. What do you do?"

Posted by: Tom Street on March 7, 2004 05:00 PM

My favorite is during the 2000 campaign W said , We are not nation builders.

Now we are foisting democracy in Iraq and Afghanistan. Who's next?

Posted by: ebradlee10 on March 7, 2004 08:20 PM

Immigration promises to Vicente Fox pre9/11, first rebuffing then begging the UN on Iraq postwar, rapid-fire changes in the reasons for the Iraq war as each one became inoperative, reversal on steel tariffs, taking credit for the Department of Homeland Security after resisting it to the bitter end....

And that's just off the top of my head. Come on, people. Bring 'em on!

Posted by: Jerry Doolittle on March 7, 2004 11:02 PM

Here's a nice little site with quotes from people in the administration. You can filter quotes by Bush, Rice, Powell, Cheney, etc, too many to list here, but a good site for researchers. Shifty quotes galore.

Posted by: Buck on March 8, 2004 10:30 AM

I think of Bush and the Bush family more as con-men
,then flip-floppers, though they do plenty of that too. has a great lists of Bush's use of the media for photo ops, then going back to Washington and cutting the very things he spoke in favor of. Hilarious if the conseguences weren't so tragic.
and has....well a thousand plus reasons why Bush-Rove are oily weasels that don't deserve citizenship much less the oval office.

Posted by: karson on March 8, 2004 01:22 PM
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