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Your screen name is like a nickname. You can have spaces in it if you like. For example, Johnnie Rotten or My Little Pony are both fine.

Screen Name: You can change your screen name later, as many times as you like.
Email: You can have more than one email address associated with your Flickr account.
  I am over 13 years old, and have read the fascinating Terms of Use.
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Flickr is for people who use digital cameras, a cell phone, cameraphones, photos, photography, camera phones, mobiles and other gadgets that use memory stick, smartmedia, compactflash.

Use Flickr to instantly share pics and media and chat and instant message to form groups, communities, interact with friends and family and these people are often bloggers on typepad, blogger, movable and livejournal who use computers with hard disks and digicams and wifi and video cameras and canon and fuji and sony cameras and user the services of kodak and ofoto and other carriers and this hidden text is here because Google won't serve proper ads otherwise.