Tagline: There can be no understanding between the hands and the brain unless the heart acts as mediator.
Plot Outline: The Workers, led by the beautiful Maria, plan a revolt against the aloof Thinkers that dominate them in this future dystopia. (more)(view trailer)
User Comments:
A fantastic movie, a must see
Date: 18 December 1998 Summary: A fantastic movie, a must see
I was shocked to find myself riveted to this movie. This is without a doubt
the best sci-fi movie I've ever seen! Let me explain my position. We have all
seen modern sci-fi movies, and argued over which is the best ever made, but
those film makers have high speed film and computers. Imagine trying to make a
movie today with only the tools available to Fritz Lang in 1925, and even if
you used a modern camcorder it would be nigh impossible! This is a must see
for all persons interested in the history of film, as well as just good fun
for everyone. The social metaphores as well as the religious and
philosophical double meanings are a sight to behold.