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Rebecca (1940)

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cover Directed by
Alfred Hitchcock

Writing credits
Daphne Du Maurier (novel)
Philip MacDonald (adaptation) ...

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Genre: Drama / Romance / Thriller / Mystery (more)

Tagline: The shadow of this woman darkened their love. (more)

Plot Outline: When a naive young woman marries a rich widower, they settle in his gigantic mansion, where she finds the memory of the first wife maintaining a grip on her husband and the servants. (more) (view trailer)

User Comments: A classic Hitchcock, but a hard one for me to review. (more)

User Rating: *********_ 8.3/10 (8,941 votes) Vote Here top 250: #103

Cast overview, first billed only:
Laurence Olivier .... George Fortescu Maximillian 'Maxim' de Winter
Joan Fontaine .... The Second Mrs. de Winter
George Sanders .... Jack Favell
Judith Anderson .... Mrs. Danvers
Gladys Cooper .... Beatrice Lacy
Nigel Bruce .... Major Giles Lacy
Reginald Denny .... Frank Crawley
C. Aubrey Smith .... Colonel Julyan
Melville Cooper .... Coroner
Florence Bates .... Mrs. Edythe Van Hopper
Leonard Carey .... Ben
Leo G. Carroll .... Dr. Baker
Edward Fielding .... Frith
Lumsden Hare .... Tabbs
Forrester Harvey .... Chalcroft

Runtime: 130 min
Country: USA
Language: English
Color: Black and White
Sound Mix: Mono (Western Electric Sound System)
Certification: Argentina:13 / Chile:14 / Finland:K-12 / South Korea:15 / Sweden:15 / UK:PG / USA:Unrated / Peru:14


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User Comments:

Houston, TX, USA, Earth

Date: 17 July 2003
Summary: A classic Hitchcock, but a hard one for me to review.

***SPOILERS*** ***SPOILERS*** Black and white, award-winning REBECCA is a fine, engrossing film. It starts with "Last night, I dreamt I went to Manderley again." I saw it on DVD, the recently issued special edition, borrowed from my local library. For me is was an opportunity to see Laurence Olivier as 'Maxim' de Winter and Joan Fontaine as the "new" Mrs de Winter who has no first name, two great actors that I knew virtually nothing of. The first Mrs had died about a year before this film begins, in southern France, where the young lady sees Max on the edge of a cliff apparently thinking of jumping, and we don't know why.

some SPOILERS follow, read further at your own risk, because these are comments for my recollection.

In Monte Carlo Max courts the young (early 20s)woman quickly, asks her to stay and marry him rather than go to New York with the old woman she assists. She does, is taken home to Manderly which is his home, a large mansion/castle with servants. (The film Gosford Park is good to help understand the service structure involved here.) She is young, timid, and at a loss for how to be "Mrs de Winter" in this setting.

She gradually learns about the deceased Mrs and finds that in most respects she was not very well liked. As it turns out Max had found out she was having an affair with her cousin, thought she was pregnant with her cousin's child, and instead of living with the knowledge that his fortune would be inherited by a bastard child, he killed her and sank her in her boat, identifying a different found body as his wife's. The new Mrs de Winter was much more what he had in mind for a companion.

Things take a twist when the sunken boat is found, and containing the real deceased Mrs. An inquest reveals she was not pregnant, but was dying from cancer, which gave her a motive for the suicide that Max claimed. Max is off the hook, but he had told his new Mrs the truth and that would be theirs.

Good, engrossing movie, but for my tastes don't see why it gets such great respect as a classic. I guess I have a problem with people getting off with bad things, similar to the story in CHINATOWN.

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If they made a recent adaptation...ShannonAmidala
the ending (spoilers)darcysgirl


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