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Chinatown (1974)

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cover Directed by
Roman Polanski

Writing credits
Robert Towne

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Genre: Crime / Mystery / Thriller (more)

Plot Outline: A private detective investigating an adultery case stumbles on to a scheme of murder that has something to do with water. (more) (view trailer)

User Comments: One of the top 100 films of all time (more)

User Rating: *********_ 8.4/10 (19,240 votes) Vote Here top 250: #46

Cast overview, first billed only:
Jack Nicholson .... J. J. (Jake) Gittes
Faye Dunaway .... Evelyn Cross Mulwray
John Huston .... Noah Cross
Perry Lopez .... Lt. Lou Escobar
John Hillerman .... Russ Yelburton
Darrell Zwerling .... Hollis I. Mulwray
Diane Ladd .... Ida Sessions
Roy Jenson .... Claude Mulvihill
Roman Polanski .... Man with knife
Richard Bakalyan .... Det. Loach (as Dick Bakalyan)
Joe Mantell .... Lawrence Walsh
Bruce Glover .... Duffy
Nandu Hinds .... Sophie
James O'Rear .... Lawyer
James Hong .... Kahn

Runtime: 131 min
Country: USA
Language: English
Color: Color (Technicolor)
Sound Mix: Mono
Certification: Australia:M / Finland:K-16 / Netherlands:16 / Norway:15 / Spain:18 / Sweden:15 / UK:15 / USA:R / West Germany:16


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User Comments:

Chapel Hill,North Carolina

Date: 6 August 2002
Summary: One of the top 100 films of all time

The year 1974 was very memorable. That year several films were successes which consisted of Francis Coppula's "The Godfather:Part II",Alan Pakula's political thriller "The Parallex View",Robert Aldrich's "The Longest Yard",and not to mention the disaster epics of the day;Irwin Allen's "The Towering Inferno",and Mark Robson's "Earthquake" not to mention the films "The Conversation",and "The Great Gatsby" to name a few. But one film in particular stood out from all the rest and it shows why that was one of the 100 top films of all time.

The year was 1974. The motion picture is "Chinatown".

Jack Nicholson graduated for star to superstar playing a gumshoe in this marvelously intricate film noir of the 70's directed by Roman Polanski,who has a memorable cameo as a sadistic hood,gives Nicholson the most famous nose job in motion picture history. Robert Towne's Oscar winning script(whom they used in some acting and writing classes as a learning tool in some colleges)brilliantly depicts 1940's Los Angeles as a glittering cesspool of murder,incest,and corrupt land deals. Faye Dunaway steals the picture with a haunting performance as the film's alluring female fatale,and John Huston,as her creepy millionaire father,will make your skin crawl. The stunning finale still packs an emotional wallop.

The film was nominated for 11 Oscars including Best Picture and won three for Best Original Score(Jerry Goldsmith),Best Screenplay(Robert Towne),and Best Supporting Actor(John Huston).
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Famous Cameosdeboman98
Nicholson's best?deboman98
Problem with Chinatownthe-key
*SPOILER* Noah Cross is the most amoral character in the history of filmSenator_Corleone
Store bought vhs edited for content?Mr_Blonde3
Chinatown vs. LA Confidential vs. Roger RabbitArmyofthe12Monkeys


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