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April 01, 2004

TCP Changes Underlying Terms
Fans and afficianados of the classic computer protocol "TCP/IP" watched in dismay as the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) announced that "Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol" was no longer the full name of the protocol.
- William Grosso [07:00:01 AM | Discuss (4) | Permalink]

Light the Fiber with XML
It's been a long time since I've seen an XML project that really applies XML in new ways to the heart of an old problem, but I'm happy to report that XCP is using XML in ways that go well beyond the Web Services vision.
- Simon St. Laurent [05:18:36 AM | Discuss (0) | Permalink]

March 31, 2004

Discussing Linking Standards
A recent xml-dev thread raised some important issues about what should or shouldn't be in a linking standard.
- Bob DuCharme [06:05:35 PM | Discuss (0) | Permalink]

Introducing Parrot SDL
Parrot, the high performance virtual machine for dynamic languages such as Perl 6, has matured greatly in the past few months. The recent Leap Day release added support for objects. I've been writing bindings for SDL, the cross-platform multimedia library, and will present my results at the Portland (Oregon) Perl Mongers meeting of April 14th.
- chromatic [05:29:30 PM | Discuss (1) | Permalink]

Is Bill Gates the New Nostradamus?
Bill Gates' statements about the release date for Longhorn sound like the prophecies of ancient "seer" Nostradamus - you can read anything you want into them.
- Preston Gralla [02:00:42 PM | Discuss (5) | Permalink]

Court: Canadian ISPs Don't Have to Reveal Customer's Identities For Downloading
Canada's Music Industry can go suck an egg. Well, that's how I would have put it. A Federal Canadian court put it differently. It ruled against the Canadian Recording Industry Association finding that Canadian ISPs do not have to reveal the identities behind file sharing nicknames.
- Steve Mallett [12:19:10 PM | Discuss (0) | Permalink]

I Guess CNN Knows Something I Don't
Was piracy ever established as a significant factor in the music industry slump? From CNN's Music coverage today: "... the recording industry, which has been in a long slump because of piracy, the illegal Internet downloading of music and other factors, is on the upswing."
- William Grosso [07:03:50 AM | Discuss (7) | Permalink]

The interface of the future
Find out how a casual chat with a marketing professor can help you build the interface of the future...
- François Joseph de Kermadec [05:00:52 AM | Discuss (6) | Permalink]

March 30, 2004

Simputer released
A linux-based handheld aimed at the developing world has finally been released. In India at least the Simputer should provide mobile networked computers to the masses.
- Richard Koman [01:56:20 PM | Discuss (0) | Permalink]

Finally! A zero-day worm arrives?
As reported in this bugtraq post "IE has birthed us the first zero day worm." Admittedly, the impact of this malware is tiny, but it is still interesting that the worm uses the flaw that has no patch available from Microsoft at the time of the worm release. Of course, purists might disagree that it is not a true "zero day", since the vulnerability itself was known for some time (weeks), but the lack of a patch makes it at least "the most zero day" of all the publicly known worms...
- Anton Chuvakin [09:24:53 AM | Discuss (0) | Permalink]

XHTML Adoption Rates?
So I was in London last week, and I stopped by Waterstone's to browse. They had some XHTML books remaindered and I realized: I haven't seen anything about XHTML in years, not even remaindered books (of course, I haven't been looking for it either). Is anyone using XHTML?
- William Grosso [07:38:44 AM | Discuss (7) | Permalink]

OpenOffice 1.1.1 Experience Report
I have given up Microsoft Office. Hooray!
- Eric M. Burke [06:57:33 AM | Discuss (11) | Permalink]

Putting up Barriers to my Inbox: Active Spam Killer
My Inbox. The final frontier.

There is no perfect solution for spam, yet. That is the simple truth. You can bang your head against that simple truth as much as you want. It will not stop it from being true.

SpamAssassin is nice and has done its duty for me for over a year. Message filtering with Mail.app/Mozilla/Thunderbird has helped me out a bit as well. Thank you. But, the time has come to impliment what some others claim may be the most drastic measure short of cutting myself off from the internet itself. You must now be a real person to contact me and you must 'hit reply' when I check to see that you are.
- Steve Mallett [05:22:17 AM | Discuss (27) | Permalink]

March 29, 2004

Google's new local searching capabilities
Google's new local features are pretty slick, but there are some interesting quirks.
- Andy Lester [09:21:40 AM | Discuss (0) | Permalink]

XML Schema 2nd Edition
Housekeeping edition
- Rick Jelliffe [06:30:58 AM | Discuss (0) | Permalink]

March 27, 2004

JOLT award for the O'Reilly Network
O'Reilly had two finalists in the "Websites and Developer Networks" category in this year's 14th annual Jolt awards. The O'Reilly Network won a productivity award.
- Daniel H. Steinberg [05:17:25 AM | Discuss (0) | Permalink]

March 26, 2004

Unix and FOSS Still Power the Internet
Falko Timme's March 2004 survey of Internet e-mail servers reveals that Sendmail, Postfix, and Exim run over 70% of the 106,000+ mail servers surveyed. Keeping track of trends here would certainly be enlightening.
- chromatic [03:39:26 PM | Discuss (1) | Permalink]

RELAX NG and the W3C
Though a little tentative, I find the W3C's support of RELAX NG fascinating. This blog was inspired by a thread on the W3C's public SVG list.
- Michael Fitzgerald [09:54:25 AM | Discuss (0) | Permalink]

March 25, 2004

Behind the Name... the domain name registration process
What's happening behind the scenes when you register a domain name? Learn about the technical protocols used by registrars and registries.
- Jacco Tünnissen [11:57:03 PM | Discuss (2) | Permalink]

Big Blue publicly backs Aspect Orientation in their future toolsets
IBM have announced that AO is ready for the commercial world and that their tools will formally support the approach in the next year or so.
- Russ Miles [10:14:20 AM | Discuss (0) | Permalink]

FlashMob Supercomputer Event
An event to be held at the University of San Francisco on April 3rd will bring together hundreds of people to attempt to create a "FlashMob Supercomputer" -- and crack the top TOP500 Supercomputer Sites list.
- Kevin Bedell [07:28:22 AM | Discuss (0) | Permalink]

Strangled telecom: how a "natural monopoly" stays that way
Yesterday's news about a Supreme Court ruling on municipal phone networks represents another knot in the noose tightening around the neck of new and innovative communications technologies. Unless we learn the tricks of the dominant monopolies, we will pass through death after death.
- Andy Oram [06:27:27 AM | Discuss (0) | Permalink]

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