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"Ten Things To Do If You Suspect You Have Ovarian Cancer" is an excerpt from the upcoming book, Ovarian Cancer: Your Guide to Taking Control by Kristine Conner and Lauren Langford (coming May 2003).

Musa Mayer summarizes presentations at the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium. The Symposium is the largest annual medical conference dedicated solely to research on breast cancer.

2003's list of Follow-Up Clinics for Childhood Cancer Survivors has been published.

Newsmaker interview: Lorraine Johnston on lung cancer. In this fascinating interview, learn how solely blaming "smokers" obscures other causes such as industrial pollution; reduces funding for lung cancer; and negatively affects research on all cancers. Johnston reviews the latest "bright spots" in lung cancer research.

Newsmaker interview: Mitzi Waltz on autism. Waltz talks about autism issues most in the news: rising incidence, suspected links with vacinations, what's known about genetics and autism, treatment research, politics and funding, and autism's impact on families.

"Bipolar Disorders at Work," excerpted from Adult Bipolar Disorders, addresses the two on-the-job issues for people with bipolar disorders: getting work and keeping it.

"Tourette's Syndrome: Effective Parenting for Severe Tics or High Impulsivity." Most kids with Tourette's syndrome pose no special challenges when it comes to childrearing. However, parents find extra skills invaluable when a child has severe tics, a high level of impulsivity, or additional neurological problems.

Lung Cancer by Lorraine Johnston received two excellent reviews. Text of the full reviews from Oncology Nursing Forum and

Nancy Keene interview on childhood cancer. Author-advocate Nancy Keene answers questions on treatment advances, research directions, parent activism, issues for survivors, and more.

Library Journal announced the top consumer health books in its May Consumer Health Supplement. Childhood Brain & Spinal Cord Tumors was one of the books recognized as "best of the year."

Library Journal gave a starred review to the new book Childhood Brain & Spinal Cord Tumors, recommending it for all public and health-related libraries.

50 free copies of a Cancer Bibliography--containing descriptions of 110 best books from all publishers--may be requested by any nonprofit cancer organization or any library. Send email with your name and shipping address.

Long-Term Follow-Up Clinics for childhood cancer survivors are listed by author-advocate Nancy Keene, for 2002.

The printable PDF version of our Spring Catalog features reviews and articles.

Oncologist-therapist team Bill & Susie Buchholz, authors of Live Longer, Live Larger, give tools to patients for thriving with cancer:

The New York Times reviews Making Informed Medical Decisions in an article entitled "Through the Information Maze" by John Langone.

Three Patient-Centered Guides--Childhood Cancer Surrivors, Organ Transplants, and Making Informed Medical Decisions--have been named to Library Journal's list of Top 24 Consumer Health Books of 2000.

Did you know: 50% of those diagnosed with lung cancer are never-smokers or former smokers? In The Stigma of Lung Cancer, patient and activist Karen Parles examines the perils of dismissing lung cancer as a "smoker's disease." Oncology patients (and their nurses) can print out these Patient Fact Sheets on topics such as tests for lung cancer, prostate cancer resources, multiple myeloma resources, evaluating a clinical trial, childhood retinoblastoma, and many others.

Read our exclusive interview with Lucy Thomas, coauthor of Making Informed Medical Decisions: Where to Look and How to Use What You Find. Lucy explains how to evaluate medical information, the importance of good research, and how non-medical help is important, too.

Musa Mayer, author of Advanced Breast Cancer: A Guide to Living with Metastatic Disease, is profiled on the web site. Mayer recently won an advocacy award from the National Breast Cancer Coalition.


Visit our Family Resource Centers for health information on: autism, bipolar disorders, cancer clinical trials, childhood leukemia, colon and rectal cancer, breast cancer, hydrocephalus, non-Hodgkin's lymphomas, life on wheels, childhood cancer, and childhood cancer survivors. This information is free to print out as long as you retain copyright notice on the printouts.
    New Titles
Ovarian Cancer Ovarian Cancer.
A comprehensive new resource for ovarian cancer patients, released May 2003. Thoroughly explains standard treatments, as well as treatment controversies and clinical trials. Stories from dozens of survivors are woven throughout.

Straight From the Gut Straight From the Gut:
Living with Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis
. This new book (May 2003) includes the latest medications, promising research, comprehensive resources, and the voices of dozens of people living with these potentially debilitating diseases.

After Breast Cancer After Breast Cancer. A new book from Musa Mayer puts fear of recurrence in perspective, for those who have finished treatment. Covers follow-up testing, the latest survival statistics for today's treatments, and coping with anxiety. Shares stories of over 40 survivors.

Childhood Leukemia A new second edition from Nancy Keene and Honna Janes-Hodder, Childhood Cancer, is completely revised and reviewed by top medical experts in the field of solid-tumor cancers. Changes in treatments and in available resources for families are reflected. Childhood Cancer also includes stories from over 100 parents, children, and siblings.

Autistic Spectrum Disorders Autistic Spectrum Disorders, is in a new second edition, completely revised and medically reviewed. US author and advocate Mitzi Waltz, now studying at the Autism Research Unit in the UK, includes the latest research on treatments and potential causes for developmental disorders on the autistic spectrum.

Ayudando a Su Hijo en el Hopsital The new Spanish edition, Ayudando a su Hijo en el Hospital, of the award-winning Your Child in the Hospital has just been published. This culturally competent translation was done by Mario and Oralia Tercero and the PlaneTree Health Resource Library of San Jose, California.

Childhood Leukemia A new third edition from Nancy Keene, Childhood Leukemia, is completely revised and medically reviewed, reflecting changes in treatments and in resources for families. Long regarded as the "bible" for parents facing this devastating diagnosis, Childhood Leukemia offers medical facts clearly explained and stories from over 100 parents, children, and siblings.

Adult Bipolar Disorders The new book from Mitzi Waltz, Adult Bipolar Disorders, helps people secure a diagnosis, manage family life, understand medical interventions, explore therapeutic interventions, and get care within their existing healthcare plan. A separate title, Bipolar Disorders: A Guide to Helping Children & Adolescents, is written for parents of children with this condition.

Childhood Brain & Spinal Cord Tumors A childhood brain or spinal cord tumor is a devastating diagnosis. Two well-known pediatric nurse practitioners and one parent of a child with a brain tumor have written a new book for parents. Reviewed by the world's top medical experts, Childhood Brain & Spinal Cord Tumors offers a wealth of resources for parents, for getting the best of treatments and for coping.

Live Longer, Live Larger An oncologist-therapist team provides cancer patients and families with scientifically grounded and psychologically sensitive approaches to cancer care. Their new book, Live Longer, Live Larger: A Holistic Approach for Cancer Patients and Their Families, summarizes what they have learned from thousands of patients: how to thrive with cancer.

Tourette's Syndrome Author Mitzi Waltz, an advocate for people with neurological challenges, has come out with a new book. Tourette's Syndrome: Finding Answers & Getting Help, has been reviewed by physicians, psychologists, and other experts. Included are the stories of dozens of families living with this treatable condition.

Lung Cancer Straightforward language and the words of patients and their families are the hallmarks of this book on the number one cancer killer in the US. Written by a widely respected author and patient advocate, Lung Cancer: Making Sense of Diagnosis, Treatment & Options, has been reviewed by top medical experts and physicians. Includes an in-depth focus on standard and emerging treatments, medical tests, clinical trials, and research.

Adult Leukemia Author Barbara "Grannybarb" Lackritz is a leading patient activist in the leukemia community and herself a long-term leukemia survivor. She hosts several online mailing lists, maintains a well-known leukemia web site (GrannyBarb & Art's Leukemia Links), and speaks frequently to doctors and government organizations. Her new book, Adult Leukemia emphasizes descriptions and treatments for specific subtypes and looks at trends in research, such as monoclonal antibodies.

More than 2 million in the US have some form of epilepsy. Although grand mal seizures are most well-known and dramatic, more people have partial seizures. Partial seizures are a devastating disability; undiagnosed, they can lead to permanent brain injury. Partial Seizure Disorders is a guide for families, that offers support and information about treatments.

Making Informed Medical Decisions With doctors spending on average seven minutes per patient, increasingly patients and their families are having to dive into the mounds of often arcane, disorganized medical information to confirm their diagnosis and research their treatment options. Making Informed Medical Decisions, a consumer guide to researching medical information, provides advice on undertaking effective search strategies.

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