The Wayback Machine -

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Archived Work
- In print, online, on-air

- Xeni Jardin bio
- Appearances, events

- by Clayton James Cubitt
- by Quetzalkanbalam

- BoingBoing blog
- Ambience Dore, Inc.
- Wired Magazine NextFest
- SENT phonecam art
- Kevin Sites weblog
- phonecam blog
- unwired mail list
- SARS art
- Photography

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Xeni Jardin is a technology journalist and co-editor of the weblog BoingBoing .

She hosts events exploring tech culture, and contributes to publications including Wired Magazine, Wired News, and NPR.





photo: Clayton James Cubitt

Untitled Document

e-mail: xeni at xeni dot net
e-fax or e-voicemail: LA 323.843.XENI [9364] or NYC 646.349.4853
website issues? email: webmaster at xeni dot net.

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