Our MissionThe Mental Illness Fellowship of Australia (formerly Schizophrenia Fellowship's Council of Australia) was established to carry out the successful work of the state and territory bodies to the national level. MIFA is a not-for-profit, grassroots. self-help, support and advocacy organisation of people with severe mental illnesses, their families and friends. Such illnesses include schizophrenia, major depression, bi-polar disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder and anxiety disorders. We aim to ensure that people with severe mental illness receives adequate and appropriate services and that policy and legislation address those needs. It has the largest membership base of any single national mental health organisation in Australia. Our Members
Contact InformationFor detailed information on individual state and territories, please click here or point your browser to 'Members' on the menu to your left. To contact the webmaster, just send us an e-mail This site is proudly sponsored by:
Copyright © 2002 Mental Illness Fellowship of Australia Inc.