Hi! If you're looking for my fitness journal, it has moved to Eight. Here is a list of the pages on this site and excerpts from the most recent entries.

Ad Libitum

For Seven Months, We Ate Nothin But by Jenne | Jul 30 22:16 | | (2)
Every time I see Subway's latest ad, I crack up. It's in the Jared series, but this one features a set of twins who lost weight eating Subway. The look...

A Work Untitled

More Good News | Dec 12 12:35 | Education | (1)
My grade has been changed as of yesterday. I am so happy. Now I can move on. I hope I pass my CLEP test and they grant me the waiver....

Eight (Fitness Journal)

Step Blast | Dec 18 18:28 | 2003 Workout Challenge | (0)
Step Blast 2,3 and Challenge I think I did really well on this. Inexplicable music choice of the day: Hooked on Paint it Black....