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Author List

Alcott, Louisa MayAlighieri, DanteAndersen, Hans Christian
Anonymous, Austen, JaneBalzac, Honore de
Barrie, James M.Bierce, AmbroseBlake, William
Bronte, EmilyBronte, CharlotteBronte, Anne
Bulfinch, ThomasBurnett, Francis HodgsonBurroughs, Edgar Rice
Byron, Lord George GordonCarroll, LewisCervantes, Miguel de
Chaucer, GeoffreyChekhov, AntonChesterton, Gilbert Keith
Christie, agathaColeridge, Samuel TaylorConrad, Joseph
Cooper, James FenimoreCrane, StephenDarwin, Charles
Defoe, DanielDickens, CharlesDickinson, Emily
Donne, JohnDostoevsky, FyodorDouglass, Frederick
Doyle, Arthur ConanDumas, AlexandreEliot, George
Emerson, Ralph WaldoFitzgerald, F. ScottForster, E.M.
Frost, RobertGaskell, ElizabethGaston, Leroux
Grahame, KennethHardy, ThomasHawthorne, Nathaniel
Henry, OHesse, HermannHomer,
Hugo, VictorHuxley, AldousIrving, Washington
James, HenryJoyce, JamesKeats, John
Kipling, RudyardLamb, CharlesLang, Andrew
Lawrence, D.H.London, JackLongfellow, Henry Wadsworth
Machiavelli, NiccoloMaupassant, Guy deMelville, Herman
Milton, JohnMontgomery, Lucy MaudMore, Thomas
Orwell, GeorgePoe, Edgar AllanScott, Sir Walter
Shakespeare, WilliamShaw, George BernardShelley, Mary Wollestonecraft
Shelley, Percy ByssheSinclair, UptonSmith, Adam
Sophocles, Stevenson, Robert LouisStoker, Bram
Stowe, Harriet BeecherSwift, JonathanTennyson, Lord Alfred
Thoreau, Henry DavidTolstoy, LeoTwain, Mark
Tzu, SunVerne, JulesVirgil,
Voltaire, Francois-Marie ArouetWells, H.G.Wharton, Edith
Wilde, OscarWoolf, VirginiaWordsworth, William
Yeats, William Butler

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