Join Nadine Strossen for Live Audio Chat Friday ACLU President Nadine Strossen will conduct a live audio chat Friday from 3 - 4 p.m. EST. Featured topics will include post-9/11 civil liberties issues, reproductive rights, marriage rights for same-sex couples and indecency on the airwaves. The chat will be available in RealOne Player and Windows Media Player formats, which can be downloaded for free. Submit a question
Federal Abortion Ban Trials Begin in New York, San Francisco and Lincoln, Neb. On behalf of the National Abortion Federation and several physicians, the ACLU begins its legal challenge to the first-ever federal abortion ban. The law prohibits abortions as early as 13 weeks in pregnancy, bans a range of second-trimester procedures doctors say are safe and appropriate, and lacks a health exception. Read more Take action | March for Women's Lives | Speak up!
ACLU Files Lawsuit Seeking Marriage Equality For Same-Sex Couples in Washington State The state affiliate challenges state officials' denial of marriage rights to same-sex couples. The plaintiffs include a police officer, firefighter, banker, nurse, retired judge and college professor from across the state who wish to marry in Washington or have their marriage recognized under state law. Read more Take action | Learn more | Speak up!