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~ What's New ~
 IBM Plans to Double
Its Work Force in Calcutta
International Business Machines Corp. has told Calcutta's local government that it plans to more than double the number of people on its payroll there to 4,000 by the end of the year.

Should You Expect
Happiness at Work?

Do you trudge off to a job that makes you miserable -- but feel like you can't change the situation? Here's how to determine if you have misconceptions about what work should provide.

How Emotional Intelligence
Could Affect Your Career

While your cognitive intelligence often plays a stronger role in helping you get hired, your ability to control your emotions can determine how far you climb up the corporate ladder.

When a Nasty Manager
Damages Your Career

Did a troublemaking boss force you out of an otherwise excellent position? Here's how to recover and resume your climb up the corporate ladder.

RESUMES/COVER LETTERS: Create A+ Cover Letters With These Smart Tips

MANAGING YOUR CAREER: Craft a Smart Game Plan To Handle Career Crises

 ~ Special Reports ~
 Business-School Rankings: The Wall Street Journal's guide to top-rated M.B.A. programs.

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 Flexibility: Learn whether you tend to be flexible or uptight.
 Delegation: How well do you measure up as a manager who can delegate?

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 ~ Discussions ~
 The post-50 job search: How are you affected by it?
 Write a letter to the editor.

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