Sunday, December 25, 2005

Happy Holidays

Just wishing my few readers, if I even have any.. a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

A day in the life.

My morning started at O Dark Thirty.... Way before the sun decides to shine. It was about 3:30 am. The sky was cloudy and the moon was rather bright. Sort of those cheesy full moon type deals you see in horror movies and I was rolling to Podunk Ville, SC. I'd worked this case the day before hand. Rolled about 60 minutes worth of tape. (Which is alot considering persons basic actions etc in and around their house are about a second at a time) So today was going to shape up to be a lot of the same. Boy was I wrong now that I look back at it. The morning started the same as the day prior. I had set up my rig on the house and watched as the sun rose. My target came outside around 7am and puttered around on his porch drinkin' coffee and smoking a cig as he talked to his wife. So I rolled tape. No big whoop... Set it and forget it like a Ronco Rotisserie... Then the fun part came when he decided to leave. I give him the benefit of the doubt and a hefty lead. He rolls... and I follow a minute or two later. I find him parked at the house he visited the day before hand. Only thing was, he was ready to pull out when I drove past. I knew something wasn't kosher. In that next split second I knew I'd been had. I hear squealing tires on the wet asphalt in front of the house. My targets pick-up truck fishtails on the asphalt as it grabs hold and the next thing I know, is now I'M the one being followed, and rather closely too. He was literally driving from the backseat of my rig he was so damn close. So I roll as casually as possible, make a few direct and indirect turns and my target hangs right on my ass. I think... Great. He is going to hit my rig and attempt to kick my ass. Well, the time comes and I hit a red light at a major access road in Podunk Ville. I set up to roll straight thru on the green when my target pulls up alongside me in the left hand turn lane. He hops outta his truck and begins pounding on my window, nearly caving it in. (This is where acting and a poker face come in handy, bullshitting this sorta thing is a no-no). The target starts yelling, and he's afflicted with a stutter, which only gets worse as he temperature rises and I keep my cool, of course my adrenaline is going bonkers at this point. The target hollers at me and my 'friends' (which was me yesterday of course, but swapping shirts and hats every stop he might make, to throw them off, yep, even modern day detectives wear disguises, just not the Groucho Marx glasses). The clincher for this one today however was the fact that he said, and I quote "If I ever catch you around here again, yer a dead man." The joke will be on him as i had my digital tape recorder running, in plain sight right on my dash where I have it velcroed. He stalked off back to his car, I managed to not spill my guts about being a detective and the fact he's the target of an investigation and I manage to roll away from it. Oddly enough I had a hard enough time to keep from laughing and keep my poker face because his hollering only made his stutter worse. So even on the darkest of afternoons, I can manage to pull a chuckle out of it.

To be honest, most days, I just get paid to sit in a rig, set up like something you might see in a movie about the Feds, playing solitaire and attempting to keep myself awake. It's days like today, that keep my blood pumping and help me to realize, it's better than being stuck in a cubicle dealing with the same TPS reports day in and day out.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

A new job part two.

Again, my week gets better and better. I recieved a phone call friday evening from a gentleman I interviewed with about two weeks ago. He had originally passed on hiring me due to my location. He called me back on friday night and basically begged me to come work for him. I was not going to pass this offer up. I'm getting back into the PI field. I'll be doing the first job I got hired on with part time until I can establish a client base, the part time job is with Primerica financial services, a division of the Citigroup Corporation (#1 on the Forbes Fortune 500 list). This has been an AWESOME week.


Wednesday, October 19, 2005

A new job

Recently, I've been searching the job market for a change of pace. As it turned out, I was head hunted by Citigroup and I'll be working as a financial analyst. As it turns out once licensed in approximately 2 weeks. I will be making 2-4x times as much money as I was making with my current employer.. More details will come as availible.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Rip VanGrimwinkle

`Ok, today has been rather rough in the Grim house. I had a long night at work last night, a few things went wrong here and there, but otherwise it was productive, I spend my evenings talking to my new slave on the phone. Yes, dawn is long gone, and you are probably surprised that this blog has been resurrected, but I've had a little bit of inspiration to restart it. It's not nearly as impressive as it was in the beginnings, but I like simple and easy to read.
I managed to stay awake to talk to the warranty fella that came thru to check the drywall and paint and whatnot before the one year homeowners warantee expires at the end of August. Of course if yer wondering why I'm doing everything like this, well, dawn left me around memorial day when bills got tight. I wish her luck, I really do, her website has been severed from my hosting and she's now on her friends plan. But as of last Wednesday my house has been on the market. I'm moving out of the area. Where I'm going, I'm not sure yet, but I can't afford this cavernous house with nothing in it. (Yes, dawn took all her stuff, which she justified as having before we moved in together when I came down with my possessions in an SUV) She's welcome to her stuff, she really is). Of course it leaves my house rather empty for a few pieces of furniture, Her and her mom even took back some gifts they gave me. It got to the point where it was ridiculously petty, I mean, come on, a lawnmower and weedeater. It's not like they needed it. Anyhow, I'm honestly not bitter, I'm a little disillusioned that a girl, who can call herself a slave/submissive/kajira/whatever can act so unlike her claims. I mean stuff was good for a long time. It really was and I will be the first to admit I made mistakes, which seems to be something dawn was incapable of taking responsibility for. What I AM furious with dawn about is the fact that she helped get me into a nice chunk of debt and she's unwilling to take responsibility for that. But Never again will I trust a woman that closely unless I KNOW she is dependable. But I have moved on, I've found a pretty lil girl who's helping me revamp I call her kitten{JG} and I'll be sure to link to her blog from mine so you can read her thoughts on our life. We're currently a few states apart but we're going to take things slow in order to make sure things are right for us.

Saturday, February 05, 2005

Sick as a what?

The last week or so, my wench Dawn has been rather ill and generally not herself. The other day it seems I came down with a case of what she had. Dawn is on the mend and I'm staving off further illness with high doses of medication prior to the superbowl, I promised my wench I'd start posting here regularly and when I work during the week it's kinda tough. The rest of today, we're shifting furniture and cleaning house. With any luck I'll be right as rain come monday.

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Outlook on life

This is the continuation of my former blog the Grim Outlook. I hope you enjoy what I will write in here, when I can remember to post :)